How to de-admin someone?

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by tech, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    How can i de-admin someone nicely?

    The idea of doing a Fansite was his idea as i posted on MSN Any "idea's for a vB forum?"

    And i thought it was a good idea considering there wasn't one for that game and the official forums just suck, The forum really hit of and got 49 members in one day and 96 in 1 week.

    The thing is hes totally disregarding the event we have as well as the rules and someother things which really get on my nerves because i say to my self about the thread he made in the announcements about disregarding the event, "honestly..Why did you do that, we haven't done the voting for all the logo's submitted..Its not liked you helped out or help pay for anything."

    So what can i do?

    I have some of the members/mods on xfire so im going to ask them if i should and what not and get some more opinions.
  2. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Got yourself a lone gun there do ya?

    Well, I would suggest you take the high road. No undermining on your part. Be as respectful in the public scene by holding him/anyone accountable. Re-spell out things to remind that there was prior arrangements or actions being needed before going forward.

    Take some precautions with backing things up. Go the high road as long as possible and he will show himself clearly to everyone else....or he'll change.

    I'd be very careful about involving other people.
  3. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    So partly point out what hes done wrong.
  4. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Yes, but be absolutely positive and civil. You can be mad, but you don't need to show it. :eek:

    eg. Wait, we told everyone there would be submission time, followed by a polling, in order to get input from our community (see link here). Have you decided to go and change this process or did I miss a notification from you prior to this? Sorry if I've missed it and I just want to be sure we are on the same page with our Community. Link me buddy!!
  5. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Thanks, I've put that as it works fine.
  6. Dave

    Dave Regular Member

    Dec 13, 2005
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    Good luck will be fine..
  7. bucket

    bucket Addict

    Nov 16, 2009
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    does he think he is owner or part-owner of the forum? how was ownership set up?
  8. George

    George Newcomer

    Jun 8, 2009
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    First Name:
    I would just de-admin him send him a private message explaining why.
    I would not de-admin him then make a public message. This will only cause people to start talking and cause drama. Only make a public notice if he starts talking bad about the site in public.

    There is no big company in the world that has a meeting or a public announcement when someone loses their job.
  9. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    There was no ownership setup, I'm the pure owner as i maintain and paid for everything, The only thing he did was suggest an idea to use my vB license for.

    Lately apart from the event hes just acting like he is the other owner, When hes just not.
  10. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Mar 14, 2009
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    You go to the admin panel and remove their admin privileges.

    Oh. ;)

    Sorry, sometimes it seems an issue is wrapped around the axles and so hard to deal with, when really it's pretty straightforward, it's people's minds that are all tangled up. But maybe not in this case. :)

    My thoughts - you may be moving a little fast with the de-ing. If it's really a communications issue then you may be part of the problem, and that won't change with the next admin. It's not fun to confront people, but you don't really want to keep dancing around the same maypole with one admin after another. Easier for you and the admin both to pass through a learning experience and continue on a better track than finding yourself going through admins because none ever knows what you really want and what bothers you.

    I realize you haven't given the whole story, but this is what occurred to me ...
    - you haven't defined what you want the other admin to do, what role to play, very clearly; other admin may not be knowingly overstepping, he may think he's supposed to take such high-handed action if he thinks it's good for your site
    - you haven't let the person know that he's off-track now, so he doesn't think he is, for whatever reason
    - so yes he thinks he knows better than you and it's ok to publicly contradict you, but that isn't so unusual among people assertive enough to admin, try working through it before terminating

    I suggest a note along the lines of " ... hold up on making any more posts in the xxxx thread/contest/project if you please, I don't think we're on the same page. I really am serious about the rules/guidelines/whatever and need you to support them as well. Let me know your thoughts."

    You have to let the other person have their say. Hear them out, they may have an idea you like. Then you are in a position to say "I appreciate your thoughts. My decision is ... because I do feel that is the best way to go for this project. " And when and if it becomes necessary, you can lay down that " ... if you aren't comfortable supporting what I've decided then I think it's best that your role changes. I hope you understand why I'll be returning you to xxx status (or move to xxx status.)" Then do it, don't wait around for their response ... the longer you wait, the more it confuses the other person.

    If you can't come to an agreement that you can live with and have to de-admin, the other party may be upset and they may stay upset, no matter how diplomatic you are. But you can live with that. And honestly this is why staff can't be seen completely as friends ... yes they are up to a point, but you have to be ready to sacrifice the friendship in the best interests of the larger cause, the site. Otherwise you and the site can become hostage to maintaining a manipulative friendship. Friends that refuse to honor your position as The Admin aren't being much of a friend, those are friendships you can let go of. Hope that makes sense.

    All the hoakey phrases such as "on the same page," "supporting/supportive," "on board with this/not on board with this," "best path" and the like are really the polite code phrases for working out a conflict without a fight. Use 'em. People will get what you are saying, and hopefully won't feel put down or insulted.

    Sorry to go on so much! Hope this has something to do with the situation you are working with ... ;) :D

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