Forums of the Old Republic

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Ki Adi Mundi, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. Ki Adi Mundi

    Ki Adi Mundi Newcomer

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Greetings, Forum Addicts!

    This month, I would like to submit my second, and newest board, Forums of the Old Republic, for entry into the first Community of the Month contest.

    Just a few details about the site:

    • Forums of the Old Republic
    • Dedicated Star Wars: The Old Republic forum
    • Launched 21 April 2009
    • 270 Threads, filled with 8,771 posts, made by 92 members
    • Customized skin
    • Quickly growing in traffic and reach figures
    So, why, with such a small site, would I consider entry? FOTOR, as we have come to call her, has grown by leaps and bounds, in only a few short months, and is promising to become of the premier SWTOR forums on the internet. We have a strong and seasoned staff, and active and growing member base, and are positioning ourselves for digital glory.

    This is my first, true, niche community, and I believe we are off to a great start!

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