
Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Okenyon, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    Jun 10, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Worked hard on this for like 6months so would really appreciate the feedback

    heres the blurb,


    Site: www.FaceOfMillions.com


    Brief Introduction.

    Do you love Facebook? Are you always twittering? Uploading pictures constantly to Flickr photostreams? Then you need to be a part of FaceofMillions, a project with a goal of reaching one million uploaded photos of faces from today’s generation. We want your face in our project! Help us reach history and achieve a million faces uploaded to our site from all over the world. Be a part of making history when you upload a simple image of your face to FaceofMillions. It’s free, simple, and takes about one minute of your time. You can even connect through Facebook to sign in.

    FaceofMillions is in the beta stage and accepting photographs of faces from anyone, anywhere. We’ll approve your photo inside 24 hours and your face will instantly be displayed on our homepage. You can add anything you’d like in the short about me box. If you’re an avid social network fan, don’t miss out on the “Like” button displayed when you click a face. Just like the old hot-or-not, you can not only upload your image but search for and like others’ as well. Even if you just like surfing the web and don’t like to register at websites, FaceofMillions is still a chance for you to help make history with your face in our millions. It takes about a second to fill out the easy form and choose a photo from your computer of your face to upload.

    Join FaceofMillions today and help place a historic landmark of a million faces.


    Whats to come.

    Still in it's beta stage, we are looking to add features such as

    • More SEO
    • A Forum/Community
    • Blog
    • Competitions


    All feedback is greatly appreciated and thanks to everyone who does so

    also please feel free to add your face and maybe even write where you found the site!

    thanks alot

    Okenyon - oKenyon Webs CEO!

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