Development stopped until the trial is over?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by lord_stone, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. lord_stone

    lord_stone Regular Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Germany (Deutschland)
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    is it correct that the development of Xenforo stopped, until the trial is over? I found that information at the following link and it let me believe that Xenforo is useless after this stop of developing:

    xenforosucks com/2012/09/15/breaking-xenforo-staff-admits-development-stopped/

    Replace the space with a dot in the URL, it's because of the anti-spam feature here, sorry.
  2. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    It is just stopped. The lawsuit has nothing to do with it.
  3. lord_stone

    lord_stone Regular Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    So it is not wise to buy it now right? Until this is over. I don't like wrong facts, rumors etc., but currently I'm worried to waste a lot of money for this.

    What alternatives are there on the todays market for forum scripts? IPB is no option for me, I dislike the idea to pay extra for every little feature.
  4. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Nothing wrong with buying it, as long as you understand there will be no updates for a very long time, if ever. there are potential implications to that - security, server compatibility, etc.
  5. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    I see you are from germany. have you checked out Wotlab burning board?
  6. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    I believe that it is incorrect and highly misleading to state that the halting of development at XenForo has nothing to do with the lawsuit.

    Quote from Ashley at XF:

    I think it is safe to say that if the lawsuit had not been filed, XenForo would be going strong.
  7. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    I agree with Peggy, the lawsuit is the catalyst that has destroyed XenForo.
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  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    It's not so much the lawsuit, even though the outcome of that is obviously mega important. Just as important now, does Mike Sullivan still work with Kier? If no, Kier is developing solo. I think it's too much for one person to take on, especially with it being a commercial forum product (not freeware). There's another aspect to that, Mike could have been better at certain things than Kier, and vice versa. Put them together and things are great, but take one away and the single person left may struggle creating the forum product to a high standard. Mike may have been a database expert, with Kier not being comfortable working in that side of things. All I'm saying is sometimes two people make a good product, because between them they cover all areas well. And this is not taking into account the workload one person would be under to produce the goods, and again with it being a commercial forum it's not like you can take it easy when having vBulletin and IPB releasing regular updates and new features to tempt people away from using your product - that might be getting very slow updates in comparison.

    I doubt most top commercial forums sold survive having just one developer working on everything. So if Mike has in fact gone, I don't see how Kier can hope to carry on working alone, somebody would have to be brought in to fill Mike's loss. But while the court case is ongoing that's not going to happen, that new person would get dragged into things by Internet Brands. So you won't see any new developers until court case has been won and settled.

    So for me, the biggest question right now is. Has Mike Sullivan left or not?
  9. iTuN3R

    iTuN3R Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Oh well ye hating xenforo /their devs for not keeping members in loop is one thing but don't just act like 5yr old kid trying to scare away someone who is looking for actual info .

    Legal issue is behind all this drama going on xenforo . Think what if there was no legal problems i bet xenforo would be as strong as it was last year with communication and moderation on their site. Legal issues is main factor behind everything can't just say it's excuse .
  10. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    You have to define "left" --- He could easily be a shareholder and not an employee...

    Well, I think Xenforo might be in much better shape if there was ongoing communication from KAM.... The lawsuit isnt preventing that. But the lawsuit is certainly a damper.
  11. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    <Sigh> Well everyone can feel free to believe that they are secretly developing 1.2 but won't confirm it because of the lawsuit, or you can believe that they have abruptly halted development because of the stress of the lawsuit and will magically return when it is over and continue developing as if nothing ever happened.

    That's fine. It's complete nonsense though.

    I'm not a "hater", I didn't say don't buy it, I said buy it with your eyes open. THERE WILL BE NO UPDATES.

    As for quoting official XenForo posts about the situation, really sorry but that's laughable, they have done nothing but lie.
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    What.. you having a laugh saying that?
  13. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Frankly it's irrelevant whether he's "left" or not.
    He could well still be a director of the company but not actively working for them.
    Doesn't matter.

    Kier is not developing the software
    Mike is not developing the software
    Some fantasists believe that this will change.
  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Of course it's relevant! If Mike was still a developer on the product then that means the court case is to blame for everything really (one way or another). And frankly, you saying before that the court case isn't responsible for most of what has happened is absolute rubbish. I know you've changed your tune since becoming a self proclaimed "Bug Scrubber" for IB (thinking your in their back pocket now and scared to say anything against them), you think you're on their books. But don't try and palm off that IB's hands are clean and the court case has nothing to do with the ruin of XenForo (because it has). Had their been no court case most likely Mike wouldn't have left (if in fact he has), Kier might not have ended up going through some personal issues (without spelling that out). The court case by Internet Brands is responsible for just about everything I'd say, the immense pressure and unfortunate after-effects that happen because it is still ongoing costing them a fortune.

    The only thing I don't agree with is it's not stopping them from saying anything. You talk a load of shite at times Mark, just because you're now a self proclaimed "Bug Scrubber" for IB and it's gone to your head, acting like IB are not at fault at all. Whoopee, go scrub some more bugs for the "Immorally Bankrupt" Internet Brands you seem to side with since they made you a free pretend play-boy "Bug Scrubber". You have lots of bugs too scrub!

    EDIT: Funny you should say this afterwards in your next reply... Pfff, says it all... :rolleyes:
    And what about the state of vBulletin 5 Mark? Let me guess, you have no comment about that one (at all) unlike before with vB4. Even though it's the biggest forum disaster on the planet and IB immorally expect people to buy it. My god - I'm out this discussion, carry on folks...
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  15. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    No point bringing Internet Brands into this.
    If I felt the lawsuit was the cause of the problems, I'd say so. It isn't. It may well have had an indirect effect but it does not excuse what has happened.

    I am saying, it doesn't matter whether Mike has officially "left" or not. He is not developing the software. What difference would it make if he was still an "employee", if he wasn't developing it anyway?
    I am sure he has still a director so in legal terms he has not "left". He is *certainly* not working in the business, since his primary role was a developer, and unless I've missed some amazing release announcement since my ban, he is not developing anything.
  16. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    That's your opinion Mark. That doesn't make it true.
    The lawsuit has much more than an "indirect effect" on XenForo. That's something that has been stated by at least one member of the KAM team.

    A truer version of your statement should read -
    However I will agree with you, that the lawsuit certainly does not excuse some of the events that have taken place, NOR the silence and lack of facts presented to the customers from the KAM team.
  17. lord_stone

    lord_stone Regular Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Just a short, additional question: What does KAM team mean? (written out and who's that) Is the KAM team the Xenforo staff?
  18. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Yes, Kier, Ashley, Mike. KAM
  19. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    It is more than just opinion. Let's call it "informed opinion".

    One thing is certain - they are NOT developing the product and they have NOT gone silent on legal advice. Actually that's two things.

    TWO things are certain - they are NOT developing the product, they have NOT gone silent on legal advice, and they are unlikely to return any time soon. Ok THREE things then.

    Right THREE things are certain - they are NOT developing the product, they have NOT gone silent on legal advice, and they are unlikely to return any time soon. And the statements they have made in the forums are lies and contradict each other. Ok FOUR things then. Arguably FIVE if you want to be pedantic.
  20. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Is there not a Forth thing? *giggles* :rolleyes:
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