CODForums - Call of Duty Forums

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Carlos, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    CODForums is a really old community that has a long history dating back to October 3rd, 2003. That was when the site was created. The oldest archived site was 2004, when it prospered and became one of the most popular Call of Duty forums on the internet.

    In 2009, it was purchased by another owner, and the owner had to start from scratch. And did so successfully. He launched the site on vB3, and I became administrator that same year. I helped make CODForums a friendly community. Shortly thereafter, negotiations took place and later in 2010, I bought CODForums. I completed the acquisition in 2011.

    From there, the site had a slow start: I had errors ensue on server move, and upgraded it to vB4. More problems ensue - more bugs, more errors, more breaking... 6 months later, I moved it over to xenForo! :) Since then, I've been using a stock xF skin. Members were happy. I've managed to upkeep the traffic regardless of the stock skin. Fret not; in October of 2012, I bought a new skin and the site took off.

    Here are the results:

    Current stats:
    • 2,400 Threads
    • 6,561 Posts
    • 3,124 Members

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