Christian Forum Needs Christ-Centered Administrator

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by SimpleMan, Jul 10, 2010.

  1. SimpleMan

    SimpleMan Adept

    Nov 2, 2009
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    Christian Forum Needs Experienced Administrator
    Christianity Board is seeking an administrator to help lead and guide the community. This is not a paid position, although little perks like an email address, web hosting space, and the experience are part of the job. The community plans to remain nonprofit and does not display any ads, so no one profits monetarily from this site. I’ve personally spent a good bit on it, in fact. Obviously, we do require the new administrator to be a Christian. We’re not going to limit that definition to any one or few denominations – as CB itself is a “nondenominational” community – but we do seek unification on certain primary pillars of the faith like the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit triumvirate amongst other essentials.

    Christianity Board History
    Christianity Board is over four years old now with over 3,100 members. I’m going to be open and say that we’ve had our issues – the worst of which have come with staff. In the past, we’ve promoted members to positions on the team and while this worked for a time, it ultimately left us with little cliques. As of about a month or so ago, these were eliminated. We’re looking for something of a fresh start. I’ve realized that I need a Christ-minded person to help who has run some sites in the past. Along with myself, there will be a third (already chosen administrator) to run things and make decisions. We run IPB software and hosting/etc. is not an issue. We have a reasonably active userbase, but because of these past issues, it’s not as active as it could be.

    If you have any questions or would like to dive a little deeper into the history, let me know.

    What We Are Looking For
    We are looking for a mature, Christian soul who is willing to donate time and effort because he or she recognizes what the ultimate goal is here. We do not have any age requirements. Again, we’re not looking for a particular line of beliefs or doctrines. The idea is for the community to avoid the dogma of denominations and simply discuss the issues in an open format. We’re not really looking for all of the distractions found at some other places, so we’re intent on building around the discussions and debates. We need an administrator with strong convictions about Christ but that is willing to deal with the trials and tribulations of being an administrator on a Christian forum.

    If you feel lead down the path for this position, please let us know. No perfect people need apply, but we would like to see some energy. Simply reply here or drop me a PM and let’s talk a bit. Things will go from there.

    Thanks for your time!
  2. dosghost

    dosghost Newcomer

    Aug 30, 2010
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    i would help out but i dont know if you would want LDS working on your boards even knowing i am Christian

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