Cash out options: How much have you paid out to one user?

Discussion in 'SEO, Traffic and Revenue' started by Glcameron, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Glcameron

    Glcameron The Social Media Guru You Go To

    Jun 25, 2013
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    What is the most amount of money that you had to award a user for cashing out point based on a system that you have selected for your forum ?

    I've heard tales of someone's paying out a user up to 2000 dollars over a four day period. although I realize the Internet is filled with tall tales, you must see the simple validity in the power of someone being hungry to create or generate income in an easy way to just posting in forms as an option to increase their income based on whatever dire need me to satisfy. What is information being the pinnacle of the question that has been posed to you, I must ask this question to those of you home have decided to allow users to cash there points out to the value of a dollar or a couple of pennies, what is the most you've had to cash out or pay a user ?

    Also, what do you want providing this cash out to the user how long did it take you to be able to provide the funds to the actual user themselves from your own account? I know this is a really personal question but I really want to try to find out exactly how long your process is to adjust what my process should be. I know when trying to award points for allows user to turn the points into a cash value, you are considering how the competition is basically providing up to about 10 cents per post I have seen some pay much cheaper but its always an issue with the user when it comes to the cash out time period and how long this particular site or sites may take to award the funds and that does become an issue where it has resulted in complaints. So to avoid the possible complaints, how long does it take you to be able to reward your user there cash out reward?
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    The only time I pay a user anything is if they write reviews or if they win a posting contest.

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