Are there any forums for depression, lack of motivation, etc?

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Bryce, Nov 15, 2009.

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  1. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    Aug 24, 2009
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    New Jersey
    Are there any forums for these topics that are active and alive? I need to seriously talk to someone and I don't know where to start or who to look for. I know it's probably common sense, but I have no clue what to do. I'm just sitting here staring at the monitors wishing I was dead.
  2. Rocket 442

    Rocket 442 Ambitious, but Rubbish

    May 31, 2009
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    I don't know of any personally, but go outside and enjoy life for a bit.

    Take up a relaxing hobby like landscaping or something. Something that just lets you relax and not think too much.
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  3. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    I concur that you need to get involved with something outside of the computers.
    However, as one who is diagnosed with clinical depression, I would also advise you to see a professional, if these feelings are consistent.

    I'm serious.
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  4. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Do a Gearch for "NLP Forums" ;)

    [ame=""]403 Forbidden[/ame]
  5. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Jul 16, 2009
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    What's going on there with my Google link guys?
  6. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Sorry, I just read the title and replied then. I didn't realise it was actually you that was depressed (I should have thought really).

    Don't get too involved in NLP, it can be a bit cult-like, but please do check it out. There are YouTube vids and what-not. And it may help with just changing the way you see problems and what-not. Salesmen use it to help them sell and learn about their customers etc.

    Though clearly, as said above, you need to get out more. I know LOADS of lads (male's being more likely by far to suffer depression, and what's worse, they're also less likely to seek professional help or admit they're depressed - so well done for admitting it) that get stuck on their computers and it can cut you off from normality. Gamers being bad for getting depressed when they're not getting their fix or have been banned from a server they loved and used a lot etc.

    Best advice really would be to nip to the doctors and speak to them, some might have a program thing you can have a go of, others might give you some pills for depression.

    Do you find getting to sleep difficult? And getting up early? Sometimes just trying to eat well and get into a routine can really help change your life.

    Though just think of this (doesn't help with all - but might wake you up a bit); think of all the cancer victims that would pay millions to trade life with you. If you're pretty healthy, and you're depressed, you need to do something to fill your life with good stuff. Find a partner, get out, go some speed dating, visit family, do something good for the world/your local area/whatever.

    And note above all it has to be you that helps yourself.

    Good luck. Feel free to PM me or even ask for my number and call me and I'll be more than happy to try and help. Sometimes, just speaking in person to somebody about it and having a bit of a cry can help.

    Hope you get well soon.
  7. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    Aug 24, 2009
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    New Jersey
    I don't know where to begin Dan, was a long read, thanks. Anyways, about going outside, I've never really enjoyed being outside because 1) no friends 2) eye problems and my eyes almost kill me even if it's not that bright out (I usually wait until it's cloudy to go out if I even do)

    All I've ever done is just sit and do stuff on the computer, not that I really got anything done, just did nothing to tell the truth. I figured I'd get out of it if I could start on another project I really loved, which I'm waiting on money for the license, but right now, I'm just like bleh.
  8. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Sorry for the long read you had, I don't do things by half and I think your post warranted a decent reply.

    I think the lack of going outside really does contribute to your depression. If the reason for that is brightness (or UV perhaps? - is this a condition you're being treated for? Are you a vampire? [joke]) so I'd really try and sort that out. Can't you just wear UV shades?

    As for friends, a guy once said to me that if you get to 60 and you can count your friends on one hand you're a very lucky guy. So consider the fact that you may have some friends but perhaps lots of acquaintances, I'm one of your acquaintances, and it's easy to turn one of those into a friend. So work on that (not just me, all of them).

    As for time-management, and what you're doing on the computer; you may find that what you're doing is doing something during the working hours, but as you're depressed (and I hate saying that as if I am confirming it, because I'm not, I'm going off what you're saying) it feels like you're not getting anywhere perhaps? - So list 3 things to do per day, and get those things done. Make them easy, sometimes only an hours worth of work, but do them. Completing a task, but more to the point, you knowing you've compelted the task as you can see you have, will really help show you you're still worthy of yourself. If you do the 3, do 5 the next week. Before you know it, you'll be a workaholic that can say nothing but 'I do well in my work life, and as a result, I have money and time for my private life' and you may well increase both productivity, both work and personal life. They'll make you feel really happy, or it does me. :)

    I just met my real dad after 21 years, only 5 months ago, and I swear to myself (I don't believe in God, I think religion is a weird cult that needs to come to its end but governments don't for sake of not getting into power, it's a problem with democratic countries IMO - that's another story though) that I just can't be unhappy now, I don't have time for it. And if I was, I have my few friends I can either call or go see to speak about my issues for that week, and really clear them up.

    Speaking about it, as weird as it might sound to you whilst you're feeling a bit down (NLP there, I'm now saying a bit down and not 'depressed' purposely - in the hope you're getting better or start seeing it in a nicer light) is one of the most sure things that'll get you back up to speed.

    Have a think into the past about a time when you were really happy, and go and do that. When I was a lad, I used to love riding a BMX, I think if I got down, and I had nobody to speak to, I'd go and buy myself the cheapest BMX I could find and take it for a spin. I once went to Ibiza and had a mint time, and I'm sure when I go there again I don't always have as much fun, but for some reason, I reminisce and the old feelings all come back.

    Above all, family are you best friends and blood really is much much thicker than water.

    My phone number is <number removed, hope he has it now> if you're in the UK. I want you to call me if you want to call, and I'll waffle all day long with you about anything at all. But I'd hate to think you're on your own on this, because you're not. And for all I know you're asking on the forum as a cry for help nearing the end of your tether, and I am definitely not being a guy you spoke to before you did something stupid and cut your life short early. No way no how. Call me.

    If you don't call, remember this; Father Time, is a wise old man with white hair and a white beard and he's a really nice very wise guy. He knows all. If you ask father time ANY question, all he can say is "look forward, forget the past, get on with it, chin up" - and any question you pluck up courage to ask him, you'll find that answer will always apply. Move forward, don't look back. Do better, don't repeat anything you've done wrong.

    My Dad, who I didn't see for 21 years, is my Father Time, though a fictional one, is just as good.

    P.s. My dad thinks I do ask father time, but I find myself asking him once he told me that little story there. So please feel free to ask me anything. :)

    PM might be more appropriate.
  9. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    This will take an immense amount of you to dig way down. Dan and Peggy have provided great advice.

    We all encourage you to get out of that chair for more than just the bathroom and food. ;)

    Getting to know people is a difficult thing. Some people just make it look easy. However, they will have similar anxieties. It's likely it will be difficult to break some of that PC time of yours, so maybe consider -- in addition to Professional Counseling -- interaction with OTHERS on the PC outside of your Home. Go to school. Apply for a part-time job. Offer your services for free to elderly or family.

    Right now. Get off the PC and go watch TV for a few. Take a walk around your home/neighborhood. ;)
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  10. Rocket 442

    Rocket 442 Ambitious, but Rubbish

    May 31, 2009
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    Try something with less pressure than creating a new website. Pick up on growing a bonsai tree indoors, or a zen garden. I know they're stereotypical "relaxation" things, but why not give them a try. Then you don't need to worry about your eyes or anything and can do it indoors without any strain. You can go to a coffeeshop or bookstore or something, research some things on how to relax. I've found that I love go to go a local bookstore when I'm just in a rut productivity-wise. It helps a ton with just giving you a change of scenery, and its very quiet and relaxing.

    I also agree with peggy that if you are often having these problems see a professional, they've got more knowledge than all of us combined on this stuff.
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  11. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    Aug 24, 2009
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    New Jersey
    I did used to go to the local library a lot and did things there. I was still on the computer and using the internet, but I admit, it was better than being at home. My laptop just sucks for things, but that's not an excuse. And I do have a job already, granted it's a work from home and all.
  12. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    Jun 10, 2009
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    Hi Bryce,

    In regard to the bolded text above, I'm "in" medicine and we are taught to take statements like this seriously.

    Are you in crisis? Please call 1-800-273-TALK

    Are you feeling desperate, alone or hopeless? Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), a free, 24-hour hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Your call will be routed to the nearest crisis center to you.
    • Call for yourself or someone you care about
    • Free and confidential
    • A network of more than 140 crisis centers nationwide
    • Available 24/7

    Depression is not something that you can just "shake off" or tough out--it doesn't work like that.

    It is in your best interest to seek help with a qualified medical professional (psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.). There are many ways to help treat depression (counseling, medication, etc.).

    Feel free to PM me if you would like to talk.
  13. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I'll just repeat what Justin posted:

    Hi Bryce,

    Are you in crisis? Please call 1-800-273-TALK

    Are you feeling desperate, alone or hopeless? Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), a free, 24-hour hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Your call will be routed to the nearest crisis center to you.

    • Call for yourself or someone you care about
    • Free and confidential
    • A network of more than 140 crisis centers nationwide
    • Available 24/7

    For anybody that has offered to discuss this via PM: I'd like to request that you take such discussions off-site (i.e. via e-mail) at your own will. Thanks. :)

    This thread is being closed due to its serious nature. Bryce, we have done all the we can to help you and that is to provide the telephone number above.
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