Advice and a little help please......

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by abnvet, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. abnvet

    abnvet Newcomer

    Jan 7, 2010
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    Hello there.........

    I have browsed this site every now and then ever since I decided to start trying to make a little money off of my forums, however I have been deployed to Afghanistan for the past 10 months so not as much as I would like.


    I run vb 4 :( with VBSEO -- basic install as I have not done any configuring with it)

    My stats if all subdomains and etc.. are added together I average probably around 5-7K unique visits a month and a ton of page views as you can see by the attached image this is just my primary domain.

    Now my site is a gaming community and my servers are also popular where I have probably 5k + new players each month who connect and they obviously like to come to the site where I host the stats to view them

    My overhead costs come strictly from donations of members and players of the servers.

    My question:

    I run google adsense however I am not sure if I am utilizing it the way it should be or if what I am earning is reflective of my numbers and was hoping someone might shed some light on what type of figures I should be looking at with this kind of traffic.

    I feel as if I have a real good thing here but I am not capitalizing on it correctly because of my lack of knowledge, are their places who do can do some consulting that will help produce better results or is it not even worth it? or anyone have some ideas, suggestions or feed back for me?

    Thank you I appreciate any insight you might be able to provide

    Attached Files:

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