Hey Guys, I've been looking to expand my horizons so to speak. I already know the vBulletin and XenForo side of things. IPB is the only area...
Has anyone checked this out yet? http://xenforo.com/community/resources/xencentral-ad-server.2427/ It looks really powerful. Definitely more...
I know a lot of use here use PayPal to accept payments hence the reason I'm asking. Has anyone gotten roped into the "PayPal Payment Card"...
Over the last couple of weeks I've seen a large uptick in the number of possible spam accounts Xenforo is moderating. The email address follows...
Hi Guys, I have a client that I'm upgrading to 4.2 today. He wants a style customized to look closer to his WP front end. It's basically a...
Hi Folks, I'm a stutter and have owned stutterschat.com for quite some time. I've always wanted to setup a forum there but just haven't had the...
Hi Brandon, A few times I"ve tried to make a link with bbcode for expample XenUtiles It doesn't parse correctly. I even checked...
It seems most of the forums I visit these days (including my own) are just limping along with a smathering of loyal users and not a whole lot of...
Hi Guys, I upgraded a vanilla vB install to 4.2.1 yesterday with no issues. My other sites have custom templates and mods. I cannot find...
Hi Folks, I just leased a second server and have a WHMCS install running on it. While I don't have any real questions. It looks to be the...
So, I sold off all my XeneForo licenses after the lack of updates. Now that a suit is over I really want to pull for Xenforo again. I'll buy...
Hi Guys, I'm looking to write a simple bash script to upgrade plugins on many Wordpress sites at once. Personally, I recommend running as little...
Over the past few days I've seen a huge uptick in random character usernames registering from [email protected]. I literally deleted 50...
It looks like Friday night until this morning and holy bat poop 30 registrations over night and a crap load of spam. Luckily one of my mods caught...
Hi Guys, I posted on the vB.com forums and even opened a support ticket both have been fruitless. Does anyone know how to make vBulletin 4...
I just found this little pearl from a recent thread at vB.com Enable to debug mode on your forum by adding $config['Misc']['debug'] = true;...
Hey Guys, I'm thinking of buying a couple mods from vB Cover namely the vB Card and vB Weather addons. Does anyone have an experince with...
From time to time you may want to create a forum that not all members want to be part of; so you make it opt-in this way those that want to see...
Hi Guys, I'm looking to sell my Xenforo license that includes enhanced search. It expires on January 18, 2013. Here is proof of ownership.:...
The Post Thank Hack for vBulletin is pretty awesome. I have my forum setup so that each Thanks equals 1 rep point. Previously I used Paul M's...
Separate names with a comma.