Hi, How did you solve your problem in [ [url]http://www.adminaddict.net/forum/webmasteraddict/non-www-www-specific-directory-280/[/url] ] ?
Thanks mate been out of action with my knee injury again and my son was hospitalized after we found him not breathing one morning in his crib and so been dealing with all of those set backs but am now back and hopefully will get help with my two issues posted so i can ensure this is still the admin site to be at :D
thought of you when I saw these parakeet smilies!!! [url=http://www.monstersmilies.to/forum/thread.php?threadid=1291]MonsterSmilies | Ihnen wird der Zutritt zu dieser Seite verwehrt.[/url]
Hi, I'd like to hire a PHP coder (not paid), for a new project. It'll have a [b]small[/b] forum attached with the project, so can I make the request here? If so, what section? Thanks Nick!
Hey Nick, where did you get those fantastic post editor icons? I love them! Is there a place where requests for icons such as those can be made/can those icons be downloaded? (I assume those are exclusive to AA though :()