We think so... Welcome aboard. ---------------------------- spidergoolash: "heh, a cup of diesel dan - mwahhha" me: "heh, a cup of me is like a cup of heaven!"
This place is Awsome. I welcome you. ---------------------------- IT'S A 106 MILES TO CHICAGO. WE'VE GOT A FULL TANK OF GAS, HALF A PACK OF CIGARETTES, IT'S DARK, AND WE'RE WEARING SUNGLASSES
Hiya. Welcome to the family ---------------------------- We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year. ~ Pink Floyd (Wish You Were Here)
Welcome to the soup, CKH. This place is so addictive that maybe the surgeon general should post a warning label on this place. ---------------------------- " I'll take 'the-rapist' for $200, Alex "
Heya CHK..... Welcome to the soup. ---------------------------- There's a hole in my head where the rain comes in.
Hello CKH! Thank you so much for joining us! Welcome to our nightmare. ---------------------------- Alien - Administrator / Owner ["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
Welcome CKH! We're glad you joined us. Just beware of the probers. [EDIT] Jeez, Monday sucks! *SPLUT!!* [/EDIT] ---------------------------- Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien? <font color="#000000">[Edited by JHowse on September 25, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
JHowse> KNH?!? Man, you weren't even remotely close! LMAO ---------------------------- spidergoolash: "heh, a cup of diesel dan - mwahhha" me: "heh, a cup of me is like a cup of heaven!"
JH > get yer mind offa my girl, lest my cane find your backside! ---------------------------- My knob tastes funny.
Poss Welcome to The Soup, CKH ---------------------------- "I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding..." LOVE ME LOVE MY DOG I never make the same mistake twice. Everyday I make new ones.
Welcome! Beaker ---------------------------- My social security number makes me unique. www.popflux.com
poss welcome CKH ---------------------------- "The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too." - Samuel Butler