Hey Alien - Old Chum How about you add Dublin, Ireland to the world time hack, it would really MAKE MY DAY! Axe London! Dublins the same YAH!!
Who said a little redundancy would kill ya? . Done! ---------------------------- Alien - Administrator / Owner ["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
ALIEN! Your da man! You put Dublin in there! That's so cool. Now I can click on World Time with confidence in knowing that its friendly ---------------------------- I don't get it? Signature? What is all this? mailto:[email protected]
wow now i can see what time it is in my city's ... mentor city i live in Dublin, OH school mascot is a shamrock colors are all green we have all sorts of irish festivals we are wannabe's ---------------------------- http://www.moonsee.com http://mp3.com/moonsee
Oh sheesh you make me so happy - i cry . . God, this is so emotional ---------------------------- I don't get it? Signature? What is all this? mailto:[email protected]
. ---------------------------- "If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." - Woodrow Wilson