Not really a software, more of a free forum host that uses its own script. There are better free forum hosts out their using MyBB, phpBB, SMF, IPB 1.3, which are all better than Proboards.
It's best off if you host your own forum. When your forum gets bigger, paid hosting can get much, much cheaper than Proboards ad removal. This one's an example.
Proboards is a great starter, and is also the death of a forum. They seem to also lack progression. Shame my first software fails me today.
They are not good not bad, but yea I have seen some very hideous themes by them... they all are way to plain and simple. Kinda like that paper look.
I used to use them but it's falling off the rails now. There is very little progression which is really bad. All their income now seems to be coming from AdFree.
Well I'd be interested in changing forum software, but I don't really want to change my location. I've had it for more than two years now so it'd be a shame to let go.
Well if your forum is doing good on it, then you shouldnt have a reason to. But they aren't recommended
Just an FYI for y'all it's against Proboards terms of service to try and convert your Proboard forum to another forum software so you are stuck there, or you risk losing all your work
Proboards used to be a great service back in there day.But as others had said they are years behind in features and eventhough they are talking about v5 that rumor has been around for years also.The good thing about them is that there are very easy to customize.Probably a great starter forum for some.
Proboards was the software that I initially started foruming on back in 2005 and to be honest since then it hasnt changed much at all. As mentioned before, the lack of progression is the most irritating thing, not to mention that the community is becoming alot more narrowed in their interests. Back when I started, design forums were at a high, however since then it appears to be only Role Playing forums that seem to survive any length of time these days.
Yea, Proboards development has been very slow. I don't know if they will ever be serious about it. I just cant stand Probaords or Forumotion forums. Thats just me though.
I recently started up a Proboards forum to see what it was like. I logged in to my forum, then into the ACP. Let's just say that there are some things in life that humans shoul stay away from, that is one in my opinion. Sure, all that you need is sitting right there but it didn't look very nice and organization could be better. I also was shocked to see how little features were offered. I can now say that I will NEVER be using Proboards, even if it ever comes to be the only forum software (which will never happen)
Haha tell me about, I never used it but I would imagine the ACP being like that. Im just shocked the ACP wasn't a white page with just basic html