The main reason when a forum dies

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Kaiser, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I've been making forums for awhile now, and been foruming in general for awhile now. I can tell you the main reason when a forums dies is because of the owner. If the owner is not active on his own forum, and dosent post and/or keep things updated, and constantly improve the forum it will slowly die. Im very active and I constantly improve things on my forums, thats why AdminBB has gotten 40+ members in 3 days also 600+ messages. Whats your thoughts on this?
    SassyBrat likes this.
  2. Weiyan

    Weiyan Regular Member

    The webmaster overly put in intrusive advertising.
    If forum is my source of income, not only keep on monitoring the forums, I think it need to start up at least one new forum in every 3 years. For the language(not programming lang.) style is changing. Newer generagtion needs some thing new.

    Its not easy for an aged forum to change. Old mambers may not like new design.
  3. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Regular Member

    Even an active admin can't always keep a forum from dying. If it wasn't meant to be, it will slip away anyway, it will just take longer. Mine took 4 years after it was obvious it was gonna die to finally pull the plug. And I kept trying everything I knew till the last year.
    Terrorz likes this.
  4. Medora

    Medora Regular Member

    According to one member from a forum I staff at, it is a rule against selling links in your signature that kills communities. Heh.
    BlazingBlue and Terrorz like this.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

  6. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    I agree. I've seen forums where the topic and discussions are bland but are overly active because the owner participates a lot. Then on the other had I've seen topics that have the potential to very interesting only to have the owner post once or twice a week. But like Elizabeth said if its gonna die its gonna die. There's no stopping it really.
    Terrorz likes this.
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Very much agree with you about the topics and discussions.
  8. agent51

    agent51 Regular Member

  9. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    Good one.
  10. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Tbh, I've owned forums where they have died constantly, one forum I've owned was a success and the 1st forum I have ever made, 5k of users active, then one day Otaku Opens they got bored of my mmorpg forum and just went a good 2 years of my forum, I kept open for 1 more year until I was the only one active...

    2nd forum, I've owned was a fail, it was the upbringing of my old mmorpg forum, until Zer0-studios opened and they left for that forum, while ragezone came alive so faillz... (Xavi-studios)

    3rd forum was a good gaming community it was alright 500-700 members all active american/canadians/british put into one community, I chose to close because of education... (GamingIsland)

    4th forum Firefly-studios I was going to try and do a mmorpg forum once again and promised myself this would be my last forum ever it was a fail with 57 members unactive... (firefly-studios)

    Thats my history of forums
    Buy my book of amazon for more information ;) LOL joke
    Terrorz likes this.
  11. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    lol wow joker.
  12. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Do you like my history of forums where I was so unlucky ;)
    Terrorz likes this.
  13. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    lol yes I do :)
  14. Choloboy

    Choloboy Regular Member

    Terrorz has the right idea on this, but yet so is Joker, sites die because the admins have a personal life that just keeps them away, even with a staff the site will slow down in activity and eventually become dead. I was a witness to this when Universal Gamers started to get inactive with 230+ members only though. I tried my best to get it back up but the members just lost the motivation and went else where. And another reason that sites die is that when you try running too many sites, you will eventually pay attention to one forum more then the other. From I have seen Terrorz PG site has gone down in activity with posts dating back days already. Witch shouldn't even be like that with 170+ members. Sorry to put you on the spot Terrorz lol
    Terrorz likes this.
  15. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Yerh I noticed PG started to go down abit, but this is probz more merh while gaming forums can easilly return.
  16. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    No its completely fine. I agree with you, Im more active on here as I see more potential in this site. I might close PlanetGamers as it is dying or sell it to someone. To be honest say 10 years from now I dont see myself running a gaming website as I will grow up and be an adult and not be interested in gaming, but I do see myself running a forum like this which is in the business category... so I see a better future for myself and AdminBB together than PlanetGamers. It is dying very quickly while AdminBB is soaring. And for you to Cholo lets be honest here, we all will grow out of gaming, but your potential is in your graphics where you can start a website for that, and never be to old for it.
  17. Choloboy

    Choloboy Regular Member

    That is where you are wrong sir, we are both thinking differently. I AM a gamer. Born with the potential to kill my enemy without going to jail xD. I was born a killer and to have blood under my name. I will be a gamer, even if as an adult I will be loving my games and be waiting impatiently like a child for a new game to come out x). Even though I like GFx, I am not into it as much as games lol
    Terrorz likes this.
  18. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    lol well said cholo. :)
  19. Weiyan

    Weiyan Regular Member

    The forum owner has members' interest in mind. Some forum even not let any link posting. As you see so many forum geru meet in here because Terroz is rather open to let member to sell their sites here.
  20. Fullmoon

    Fullmoon Regular Member

    I agree to a certain extent, It will die eventually but sometimes forums can run on there own.

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