Another newbie

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi there I'm Dawn (aka Druscilla) angelicGrace's partner in crime over at the now and then forums.

    I've heard Chris talk about this site and I know a few of our members also joined today so I thought I'd come and join the party :)

    I'm a mum of two beautiful little girls I'm from the UK and I'm pretty friendly thoug I do bite at times :p

    I hope to get to know you all a bit better over time, I thin thats it for now as I really do suck at intros.
  2. Michelle

    Michelle Regular Member

    Ok.. more British support. Careful, we may just take over! lol ;)

    Welcome, sit down and relax.. it's nice here. :)
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    it's a British invasion. :)

    Aw we know i am just pickin. I love you all very much.

    Welcome over luv. Don't worry there are no tribbles over here. :)
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi Druscilla! Welcome to the nut house! hehehehe
  5. bozodog

    bozodog Regular Member

    O boy! Another Brit!:s1gyahoo: :welcomebo *goes back into her hole>>>>
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome Dawn. Glad to see ya over here. My little one is 4 1/2 months old and her name is Nikkol, Nikki for short. I talk about her all the time. Hope you join in the normal chat around here. We love to talk.
  7. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    :welscript, Dawn, sorry I'm late at the hello. I disappeared to go actually do some WORK! My husband and I have a computer business and as part of that, we do spyware/adware removal. I had to go do some updates and add a new a/v and firewal to this guy's computer this afternoon. He had called yesterday about a networking issue and my husband had gotten that resolved but discovered his computer was sadly out of date. So guess who got that job?

    Anyway, welcome to the board and I don't mind the British invasion one bit. Glad to have you all aboard. The more the merrier. Liz
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hey there Dawn. Glad to see you've joined the rest of us in following us over here.

    Methinks for all the Brits you should post the avatar you were using prior to your current one over at NNT; I just want to see how many other people think it looked the spitting image of Pete Burns!

    Anyone spotted my stalker yet? No? That's because I still haven't got one. Where are all the oddballs hiding..?
  9. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    You mean they're HIDING???? I thought we were all out in plain sight. Liz
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    *ahem* I prefer "eccentric", Stephen! But oddball's ok, too :) And welcome, Dawn, glad you're here and hope to hear a lot more from you!

  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Wow what a lovely welcome thanks so much :) I look forward to joining in the conversations and Stephen honey I wouldn't use any picture that remotley resembles Pete Burns he's a very scary man :)
  12. DaveMo

    DaveMo Regular Member

    Hi Dawn, welcome to MSL forums. I think you'll enjoy this place.

    Dave :b7ydance:
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    :harhar: to Pete Burns.

    Is the term 'man' really accurate? I prefer 'creature' where he's concerned!
  14. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Welcome, Dawn! I'm glad to see Christina opened up the door to the forum here for y'all to come in! :thumbup: Looking forward to reading your posts.


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