BadAssForum - General Discussion, Humor, and Mischief!

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Finish, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Finish

    Finish Regular Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Admin Panel
    What is BadAssForum?

    Badassforum, also reffered to as BAF, is a general discussion forum aimed at general discussion, humor, and the recent add-on of mischief. There are many categories within BAF because the goal of the forums team is to bring together all communities and sub-niches into one easy to access forum. You will find that the forums design has been optimized for an easy access and a clean feel while you navigate the forum. BAF, being a new face of the internet, is currently an unpopular forum. Just like all new forums, BAF is looking for new members who will be active and post within the community. Check it out and you'll find that there is hardly any categories that aren't covered.

    The forum was founded in late January of 2014. In the three months it's been up, with little advertising, there has been a decent amount of activity. The forum has daily visitors and everyone is familiar with each other, which allows for some interesting discussions. BAF considers it's member a family, and as a family, we will grow our numbers.

    What are some features of BadAssForum?

    BadAssForum has a few features which are shared throughout internet boards. There are also features that make us different from other boards as well. I'll make an ordered list of the forums features.

    • Profile Customization's. This feature is only available to our premium, and members with x amount of posts(Currently 250). This features goes to our most deserving members, and here you'll see why:
    Here's a preview of our beautiful profile customization option. This profile customization allows you to have a 'cover' photo.
    • Awards system. This feature is common throughout internet boards, but we feel we should include it in our community as well. We enjoy having awards available to our members and feel like they should receive them for the certain commitments they make within our forum.
    • Groups System. BadAssForum runs on the popular forum software IPB, which allows us, through a custom plugin, to have a unique and powerful groups system. This system allows certain members to make social groups within the community. You can think of it as creating mini-communities within BAF. There is a group poral listing all available groups, which have their own group portal. From this portal you'll be able to display; group information, members, and news. Groups get a logo, banner, and a 'cover' for their portal page. These group portal customization's allow you to make some pretty fancy portal pages. Also, every group gets their own forum only view-able by members within the group. The group leader is also able to moderate this forum, and choosing which of their members can moderate too. It's a neat little feature worth checking out.
    • Shoutbox. This feature is worthy of being listed, but it's only available to our premium members. This is because of the impact shoutbox's have on forums. We had concerns about content not being posted due to excessive use of the chat. That's why we've only made it available to our premium members, and our staff.
    • Referral System. This system ties together with our giveaways. A referral system allows guests to sign up under a members special link, which will award the member with a referral point, that can go towards winning a giveaway.
    • Category Tabs. These tabs allow certain categories to be displayed under them. This is more for the larger categories, which pretty much consists of communities themselves.
    • Friends list. We have a feature at the top of the page that drops down displaying all your online friends and online staff members.
    So what exactly does this community cover?

    This community covers a lot of different topics. We advertise under "General Discussion, Humor, and Mischief".

    All categories which fall under "General Discussion", which is pretty much everything, is included within the forum. There are a few forums that are displayed under the General Tab, while other larger categories are displayed under their own, like: Humor, Music Discussion, Movies& TV Discussion, Gaming, Technical Discussion(Computers, programming, gadgets, etc), Art Discussions, and Hobbies.

    Hobbies consists of forums like: Anime/Manga, Automotive(For all you gear heads), Firearms, Literature, Role-Playing, Sports, and Urban Exploration. (There will be more hobbies to be displayed under this category in the future.)

    Humor is one of our most important sections. Everyone loves a good ole laugh, which is what you'll get if you visit the humor section. There you can engage in many humorous discussions, read about humorous news, tell short stories, share funny images, and read funny jokes.
    There was a lot of debate whether to include a section as sensitive as Mischief(Bet that caught your eye, huh?), but we believe in giving our members the freedom of speech. With that, we allow more controversial topics frowned upon in society to be discussed, but of course there are some rules to these categories, which are strictly moderated. It's kind of a contradiction, but some level of moderation has to be done for certain conversations so our forum can comply with the law.

    Mischief is for acts like pranks,
    graffiti, police run-ins, drugs, and more to come. Some topics regarding things like fraud, planning of crimes, etc, are more targeted for moderation. This section is still in the works though, so as of right now, we're just "testing the water".

    Community Giveaways


    Some of these images may be out dated.


    Last edited: Apr 20, 2014
    zappaDPJ likes this.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
    First Name:
    I like the site. I also like the domain and name. Good style choice too.
  3. mechanyx

    mechanyx Regular Member

    Jul 5, 2014
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    I agree, cool name! However, I've just visited your site and personally I'd reconsider the font of your logo/title "Badass Forum" ... doens't look very badass. For the rest nice looking site! ;-)
  4. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Jun 13, 2012
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    New Jersey
    oh I like it :P

    And it is running IP board, so I am definitely joining up :D

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