Really, it's enough of a problem now that I have to wonder why we can't just be zero tolerance on anyone involved in it. Working for a company distributing or making malware/adware/spyware/whatever? Then you should be punished for it with force, just like they do with those involved in war crimes. And if they use sweatshops? Well, blast the hell out of them, anyone working there be damned. Cause it can't be that hard to track some of the idiots involved in this crap, and it'd be a pretty good deterrent to stop them ever deciding to make any more rogue programs, fake antivirus tools, etc. It'd be especially satisfying to see the jerks behind such stuff as cryptolocker get what's coming to them. What do you think? Would more draconian punishments discourage anyone making more malware or viruses in general?
I think that those involved should be treated harshly ( I cannot agree with killing them ) to discourage others. It seems that overall LE just do not have the manpower nor facilities to properly counter cybercrime in all its many forms. I think as the internet is world wide there is a need for legislation that is capable of countering malware etc on a global scale. One of the drawbacks to this is the massive income that some governments make from cybercrime as such. It is said that the third largest source of income in Nigeria is fraud after minerals and oil. We can therefore see that they would be reluctant to stop this source of income unless they had to. One of the other problems is that many Governments themselves are involved in using say Malware to further their own agendas. And this becomes a whole different ball game. IE the exposure by Snowden etc. One of the discouraging things is to see internet users seemingly unconcerned about a lot of this, until it directly affects them. The lack of interest in helping those who fight this type of crime is evident, with people actually encouraging the miscreants and denigrating those who fight such crimes. Until the internet users as a whole begin to realize that cybercrime in its many forms are affecting us all then it will continue to be a problem.
Cybercrime is crime commited in cyber-space, but its still a crime and should be treated as such. I just remind you that (within EU) death penalty was totally abolished back in 2002, but I think people who commint cybercrime should be harshly punished (say 20 yrs behind bars or sth). About 2 yrs ago here in Poland there was an idea (with strong support from well - known hosting provider) but it was dropped for some reason. Too bad, because one can see more and more cybercrime nowadays....... What should be done before legal battle begins? - at first total ban (nickname, mail, IP, net, (sub)domain, MAC), good idea is to let others (society/community) know what happened by writing to press/radio but also on your forum or wherever this occured giving full details of person/s involved and listing all steps that are neccessary to take...... There should be zero tolerance policy implemented everywhere.....
killing someone over malware? Might be just a tad and by a tad I mean REALLY OVERBORD lmao but it should be handled better..Shame, people go to jail for decades for far less.
Due to the efforts of some very good people, we are seeing encouraging trends by various groups working together, as shown in the actions taken against this Polish based gang. And: One of the issues that needs clarity, is the question of who has jurisdiction, if say a man in New York was scammed by a man in Nigeria, whose jurisdiction does the crime come under? The scam was in USA but the money was accessed in Nigeria. Who spends the resources to go after someone using a false name and ID. There are many more fraudsters now being arrested across the board so to say. Some receive light sentences some receive very long sentences indeed. The cyber crimes vary widely, from spamming to funding for terrorist groups and can involve human trafficking and drugs etc. Fortunately some good people are working very hard on these problems. If possible it is up to us all to help them if we can.
I have heard about this case...... they will (or already do) regret what they have done as they (will) see their sentences......
Yes many of the fraudsters express regret when caught, however I have yet to meet one who is so remorseful that he/she is prepared to return the stolen money. Hopefully they will have many years in prison to consider their life choices. Of interest to you may be this link that shows some activity in the Polish area. We have a small Polish speaking section. Please feel free to contribute if you wish, so that more Polish victims of these scammers can be helped.