How long before we see 'vBulletin loses the last big site to XenForo'?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by CM30, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. jmurrayhead

    jmurrayhead Regular Member

    Mark.B doesn't have " Lead Developer" title...Paul M does.
  2. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    What? Since when is Mark.B classed as being a Lead Developer on, not I go their checking to know what the heck he's classed as? But he doesn't know a single thing about developing forum software, he's admitted that much himself.
  3. SatGuyScott

    SatGuyScott Regular Member

    Yeah I realized that after I posted it. (I get those two confused...)

    Corrected and updated. :)
  4. Terry

    Terry Regular Member

    You are such a nerd, you were the one being rude to your customer which you and your fellow clowns do regularly, hence why vb,com is turning into a ghost town. Below is what you said after the customer pointed out to you that the reply you gave him was bullshit as he had told you in a previous post that he had already tried that unsuccessfully, is that worthy of a threat to revoke his access to the support forum?

    You are all so far up your own ass that you can't see how between you all, you have emptied a once very busy forum ..

    ***** Edit**** Sorry this looks like a copy from what Satguy has just said, but I didn't get to the last page before I wrote this, I just replied having seen the post where the support guy says that Scott was rude to him ...
    pixelek and Big al like this.
  5. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    Again I will maintain, if you open your conversation with any company with a load of threats, and then follow it up with rudeness and/or insults, it's not usually going to go in the direction you want. 99 times out of 100, in any company, the people you are addressing are NOT the ones responsible for the issue, they may not even know it exists, but they may be in a position to help you so shouting at them and threatening them will at the very least not help matters one iota.
    I have no power to make Paul do anything at all. However his title is correct - he is the lead developer of the and websites. He has also worked on vB4 quite a lot and to a much lesser degree vB5 I believe, so "he has nothing to do with the software and has no clue what hes talking about" is completely untrue.

    All that said, none of my posts were designed to come across as rude or attacking you, so if they did, I apologise.

    One issue was found with subscriptions which will be fixed as per VBV-12599 in case anyone's interested.
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
  6. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    Its not so straightforward all depends on who started to be rude. There are two possible scenerios at our forum/s:

    1. The staff becomes rude/arrogant by insulting/provoking etc (very uncommon now, maybe 1-2%) => than the one who started gets kicked off from staff and parts of/whole forum/s (it all depends on severity of wrongdoing),
    In this case, anyone who answer such post in arrogant/insulting way, is given warning that lasts 2h only.

    2. Users sre getting rude/arrogant/provoking etc (about 98-99% cases, also uncommon) => than person who started, as well as any other person/s involved, gets banned immediately.

    We do not allow rudeness/arrogancy/provocations.......
    Mark.B likes this.
  7. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    WTF????? Wbo & where is threatening you????
    People are just unhappy with this "software" your company provided (unfortunatelly it was not cost-free), and are just expressing their dissatisfaction. Its you who seem not to see fault of your company and who is trying to tell people that reality is different than it is in real....... You are trying to wipe fault out of yout company. Its you who are lying, threatening others, misleading them by trying to hide obvious truth - you screwed things up and you are affraid of people's reaction to this so you insinuate that others do what in fact has been done by you/your company.......

    Thats it........
    Big al likes this.
  8. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    Not even worthy of comment.
  9. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    Just the opposite. We (at least many of us) would appreciate honest comment on this.
    Big al likes this.
  10. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    I speak only for myself, not any company. Your comments pertain to a company, not me.
  11. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    See? People are right, you don't read what people post to or about you. Post #67 was to you and about you.
    Terry, Big al and pixelek like this.
  12. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    But Mark. If you are really honest with yourself. You must admit Scott's issue could have been handled better. You, for instance, could have seen that he couldn't (and probably still can't) edit his subscriptions. That is an open issue still in Scott's hands. You could have also seen that the email was from a thread he wasn't involved in, yet you (or Wayne or Paul) didn't ask him to check the thread itself to see if the subscribe button was set or to ask him to check the forum, if possibly he subscribed to the forum inadvertently or otherwise. Instead, because he gets upset over your useless answer, you then decide to threaten him. That is far from good customer service.

    BTW, the links to the posts in the notifications still lead to the forum index. At least they are that way in the notifications I get.

    Edit - Wayne did finally take the problem with the editing of subscriptions from Scott's hands with this answer.

  13. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    Hey @Mark.B are you going to the show?
    pixelek and Big al like this.
  14. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    You work for IB right? If so, you represent your company so you can speak for them
    Big al likes this.
  15. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    I work for more than one company, and do not speak for any of them outside of their respective official channels.
    We've been down this road many times, the answer is always the same.
  16. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    @Mark B. I am still waiting for an apology for your false accusation. And I will still persist until you do the decent thing.

    Running away and not answering will not work, it only shows that you do not possess the honesty and decency you are spouting off about.

    If you believe the lies stated by others and form an opinion on them then you have to pay the cost of acting upon them.

    It seems to me after reading your comments, that you are trying to attract the admiration of your colleagues on VB/IB by mounting a heroic lone defense of the indefensible. I think they are just laughing at you.

    Get real dude. The members who oppose you are decent honest people trying to point out the glaringly obvious faults in your strategy. Your refusal to admit to the obvious is not doing you any favours.

    Until the attitude of VB/IB changes and positive steps are implemented to address their problem in a positive manner, the valid criticisms will continue.

    Posting crap and skirting the issue will never work. Nor will clouding the issue with discussions of meaningless trivia. ONLY sensible actions to redress the many problems along with sincere apologies and correction of the wrongs committed will be successful.

    Only when you and VB/IB understand and act on this will peace return.
    Autopilot and pixelek like this.
  17. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    He can get a discount if he proves he is a VB customer.

    25% Discount for ForumCon Conference
    As you may be aware, ForumCon is the largest annual conference focused exclusively on forums and online communities. Members of our company attend every year and we find it to be a valuable investment of this time. The program brings together forum industry leaders addressing generally thought-provoking topics related to operating forum sites. It's a great showcase of best practices and leading-edge advice in the realm of online forums.

    This year's event is Thurs. June 19, again in San Francisco. They are providing vBulletin customers a 25% discount on registration, which you can obtain by using the code IB25 during the online registration (via EventBrite). If you want to read more about the event, you can do so at Perhaps our team will see you there!

    Helping You Build Better Communities,

    Your vBulletin Customer Support Staff
  18. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    "This year's event is Thurs. June 19, again in San Francisco. They are providing vBulletin customers a 25% discount on registration, which you can obtain by using the code IB25 during the online registration (via EventBrite). If you want to read more about the event, you can do so at Perhaps our team will see you there!"

    It is rumored that there are special discounts on running shoes and night vision devices to help you see and run after VB/IB staff after asking them any questions.

    You have to be quick though as they are slippery critters and spook easily.
  19. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    I hear they are also supplying free of charge hip waders and shovels to deal with the loads of shit they expect poring in tidle wave fashion from the vBull booth.
    thewhatami, pixelek and Big al like this.
  20. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    Autopilot likes this.

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