How long before we see 'vBulletin loses the last big site to XenForo'?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by CM30, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Terry

    Terry Regular Member

    Agree that you were dealing with a bunch of arrogant clowns, and people wonder why everyone is jumping on the outbound bus ..
    pixelek and Big al like this.
  2. Jordan

    Jordan Regular Member

    Digital point had over a million lines of code to transfer from vB to xF xD
  3. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Most likely you were "finally" getting email notifications for the threads you participated in with the upgrade of to 5.1.1. That is also the default. You are automatically subscribed as soon as you replied to any thread. You might want to change that setting, if you don't want the emails. The emails also stopped, because all emails were sent for all the threads you were subscribed to and you haven't visited any of those threads to read the new posts and/ or they also had no new activity (all of which is standard email notification stuff for any forum software).

    Although, the email you posted is to a thread you didn't participate in. Really strange. Did you possibly subscribe to that forum? This one?

    You'll see if you are subscribed to that forum, if the subscribe button top right says "Subscribed".

    As for the mistake with the server while trying to remove the subscriptions, I get the same error on pages 4, 5, 7 and 8 of the threads showing you are subscribed to. Why can other users see what you are subscribed to? That is totally moronic. Anyhow....

    It took me all of 5 minutes to look into your issues and if I were a support person, I would have apologized for the inconvenience and made a Jira for you for the subscription strangeness and the server error and thanked you for reporting the issue......

    but....I don't work there, thankfully.

  4. Jordan

    Jordan Regular Member

  5. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Geez...I just noticed I also got a notification and I clicked on the link to go to that thread that I was notified about and where does it take me? To the forum index. The thread was "2014 support meeting notes". I have no idea why I am getting a notification for that.

    Then I went to go look at my subscriptions and I got this.

    And then again, look at this mess.


    Subscribed posts under "Private Messages"? And "Go to" as a button and post underneath it? What happened to the first post in the list? Unbelievable....

    You can't tell me they test their software properly.

  6. Lee G

    Lee G Regular Member

    If they updated to 5.1.1 Friday, that must be when they managed to block some customers from getting on com and org
    I haven't been able to access either since Friday
    So much for considering upgrading to vb5 from vb3.8
  7. SatGuyScott

    SatGuyScott Regular Member

    Nope I was getting reports of new forum posts for the entire site, then if people replied to other threads that I wasn't subscribed to I was getting those too.

    I thought it was strange when it first started as I was getting notices for new threads that were posted after the last time I went there, and I couldn't figure out how I got subscribed to them. It wasnt until they started really rolling in that I got upset about it and went there to report the issue.
  8. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    Knowing the ability of vb employees to ruin everything, it wont be long before its gone
    Big al likes this.
  9. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    VB/IB made a lawsuit against XF, presumably to stifle competition. The end result was a perception of a David and Goliath scenario where VB/IB lost a massive amount of credibility.
    This was compounded by the introduction of an incomplete and totally inappropriate system called VB5, that was rushed through to further "stifle" and supposedly take a further lead in front of the competition. = Fail on an unprecedented scale!

    Now we see total disregard for the customer and even denigration of the customers by those whose job (voluntary or not) is to help the customers.
    I can think of no other scenario that would work against VB/IB in their quest to retain leadership.

    I have noticed a "SLIGHT" easing up of the derogatory comments and banning for speaking out but still no apologies nor serious attempts to set things right, therefore the slide to oblivion for VB/IB will continue to be a gradual but inevitable one. No business can endure unless built on the twin pillars of truth and honesty.

    As employees either paid, voluntary or contractual and various shades therein, it seems odd that the facts do not seem to have penetrated the consciousness of those in such positions, the attitude of them being superior beings (in their minds only) is one that could lead to the downfall of all they have built up and probably will result in them leaving VB/IB either voluntarily or being pushed out.
    It is blazingly obvious that the top management just does not care about them in any shape or manner.

    The slide to oblivion continues unabated.
    thewhatami and pixelek like this.
  10. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Are you certain you aren't subscribed to possibly a whole forum?

    If that isn't the case, then the subscription system is more than royally screwed up.

    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  11. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Ooh, and now I've gotten an email from that notification I mentioned above. In it, I can read a post out of a forum I now have no access too. Oops. Guess they forgot to think about subscriptions to threads in forums a person has lost access to. I will say though, I lost the access before was moved to vB5. So, I'd say vB5's notification system has a gaping security hole either completely with removed access to a forum or only for upgraded forums.

    And either way, no, I am NOT going to report this in Jira.:p

  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    My gawd, it's a pantomime circus at vB these days, suits Mark.B well being their. They've no idea have they, none at all... content from forums included in emails you've no access to read - lol, triple lol. OMG!!!!
  13. jmurrayhead

    jmurrayhead Regular Member

    Yes, I think that's bound to happen when a site changes that much, regardless of proper redirects being put in place, for example. From what I've read, the traffic picked back up though. I guess I would be more fearful of staying on a platform with constant security issues that don't get patched quickly enough and has no future. Not only would you lose traffic, you'd lose trust. Regardless of the platform you choose, I think it's safe to say it would be better than staying on vCrappetin®.
    Big al likes this.
  14. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    @SatGuyScott You got tag teamed by the DUH!! squad LOL and to top it all off Mark B threatens you and that's ok practice for them but for you to say you are going to have to resort to reporting their spam as spam, they call that a threat? Round and round we go, where the buck stops no body knows. Lead Developer = BS Coordinator.
    Big al likes this.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I'm struggling to understand why Mark.B is threatening you on, when he isn't even staff their to my knowledge reading. Another case of power going to some peoples heads.
  16. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    @Mark.B and @Paul M are worthless. Sad you still have to go to them for support. Hopefully you can move off to a better platform soon.
  17. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    I seem to be having the same issue with subscriptions.
  18. signal500

    signal500 Regular Member

    My banned account also received a ton of emails.
  19. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    I "threatened" nobody, neither on nor anywhere, so certain people should be posting retractions of their lies if they have any honour or decency about them.

    What I said on (NOT was that being rude and insulting to staff may result in removal of forum access, which is entirely proper.

    Or can people join your sites and be rude andand insulting to staff?

    The forum rules must be adhered to. Being dissatisfied is NOT a valid to break them.

    An additional piece of advice for anyone seeking any sort of support with any company:
    Opening up any sort of support request with threats, and then following it up with rudeness to staff, probably isn't going to be the best way to get what you want quickly and easily.
  20. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    I look forward to the day when vBulletin is sold off and someone who cares can hear the complaints that I and many many others have against the current customer support that exists on
    Autopilot, Big al and pixelek like this.

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