moved to xenForo. 14 million posts. They even made a page about why they switched:
LOL I've come to discover these types of threads are to further perpetuate the "XF is King, VB sucks" usual mantra of admin sites But anyway, this is a good thing for XF I guess?
I don't care what software platform they moved to. I'm agnostic when it comes to them. I use what is the best platform to me for the foreseeable future. What I am is completely anti vBulletin right now. I will give you that. They are a trash company, with trash employees, trashing up communities like this. So if you'd like to LOL at a comment and make another reply, feel free to quote this one. Joey can drop another So? if he would like. Either way, the topic was simple and you two took it into the direction you either saw it going or wanted it to go.
I guess I just have better things to do than be Anti a forum software I no longer use as much as some people on various admin sites do lol. But anyway I checked the site out, it seems like there are a LOT of Mixed to slightly negative reviews/feedback from the community there. I read over a few of the threads(One issue being that people felt like they weren't properly notified and others outright hating various things that are sort of unnecessary such as the trophies features and general usage of the site with the new software in regards to its format).
I might not have a forum on vBulletin right now but tomorrow I may and then I will need support for it. You can't escape the amount of forums out there that are still on vBulletin. Your situation is different from mine, obviously. Welcome to owning a large forum and changing software.
Self plug here but we also did Hes had a "check out the new beta site" thread up for almost 4 months asking for feedback. They were on vb3 for such a long time there will be unhappy folks . He even went out of his way to provide a "Retro Style" for the ones who were uncomfortable. From the feedback they feel vb3.x looks much more modern
Sites change software all the time. Nothing new.. I agree, its just another "XF is King, VB sucks" thread. I don't see you alerting us when someone goes from XF to IPB or vB (yes, it happens)
I think IPB sucks balls too, but it's not as bad as vBulletin, when I see people starting new forums with vBulletin it makes me wonder whether they're mentally impaired.
Because I don't post on those forums right now and no one lets me know when that happens. When 10+ million post, active sites do that, I would be interested in knowing that as well. As per your sites change software all the time, large forums do not. As such as this one, which was still using vBulletin 3.6.
The big sites get the pub when they switch. I would imagine that for every site like this one there are many more smaller sites that are also converting. While there are still many more sites on vbulletin than any other software at the moment the trend is certainly showing that install base is decreasing at a larger rate then they might have expected.
Large sites switching from one platform to another is interesting because it shows what their new software of choice is capable of, or not as the case maybe.
From a company standpoint it should be interesting to if big sites are switching to your software that will mean more showcase to show your software will work. Another point is that people wanting to start a forum most look at large sites because the dream is to be as big as them so they see that the software works.
Yes, changing a system is a really bad experience, if improperly managed, no matter what new system is being introduced. This is something I tell every forum owner, when I help them make the jump to another software (and it is my general advice). Tell your users about the migration/ change WAY in advance. Show them what is new and what is better about the change, not just for you, but much more importantly FOR THEM. Let them give feedback, BEFORE the migration happens. Let them roam a test site (the more active users). Bend to most of their suggestions, if you can. Then you'll have a much better time with the migration, once it happens, for sure. Scott
Hmm, that is true. I am lucky to have a dedicated userbase. They dealt with my indecisiveness of a name for the first year of the forum....Literally, we've had 10 names or so. I couldn't decide on a name, so i'd change the domain. I discovered that our names then shouldn't solely rely on a book series that would be ending within a year thus the excitement would be over. I am not 100 percent thrilled about our forum's name now but I got tired of telling people "Yeah, it's not called such & such anymore." And most people seem to like it, so it' lol. When we switched to Xenforo in 2013, I first let them see some super active & popular Xenforo sites to let them see how the software worked. They loved it and they also loved it when I later set up a test board (We used Xenforo off & on for 2013). When we moved to IPB, I actually set up a test board first and instead of linking them to a few active IP board sites, I threw them in there and told them, to post away and test all the features. It works better when you give the members a voice & a say. Even if you're going to switch software, it is YOUR choice but so many Admins forget that yeah it is my site but THESE PEOPLE make the site, so i'd rather not piss off the majority and by using a test version you can learn well in advance what features they like and don't like and see if you can TWEAK it instead of waiting till the live version. From what I gathered, that site has an older base so the "Social Networking" aspects of Xenforo and Trophies seems a bit foreign and dumb to them.
I'm one of the XF converts. I still find it interesting that feature for feature vB 4 has more than XF. However, vB 4 is dead and XF keeps pushing forward.