Some forum admins get off on letting trolls run wild. Does AWS let them get away with as much as Howard does?
There is nothing wrong with vBulletin, but Xenforo is on another level, and they knew that. That's why VB tried to sue them.
I tend to give a little more rope than the usual admin though not as much as some others. When my threshold is crossed the ban hammer comes out swiftly.
We are running low on entertainment lately and high on senseless trolling. What use are trolls if it doesn't bring entertainment?
The low quality is the result of Paul not being around here that much nowadays. On another note, I just don't understand why someone would even recommend banning Joe. Joe is pretty much unique in his own way when defending vBulletin. His style is to be pedantic with words while at the same time avoiding addressing the core issue. Sure it's irritating to some but that's not a valid reason to ban him. If anything the presence of the three musketeers are a necessity at minimum for the purpose of information cross-check.
Good for you. You are the paid vBulletin employee in this forum who is combative, sarcastic, rude and defiant to people and do nothing but defend the corporation you work for to many peoples anger and frustration. I don't really care what you think of me.
3 out of 6... par for the course I suppose. Maybe 4 depending how you look at it. Also mutual- except I'm not the one going out of my way to say how much I don't care.
Don't see where I said I didn't care in that when it comes to what you do on this forum. Just about me. My problem is you on this forum. You can say what you want about me.
Well... all Mark and Joe are doing is showing people with their sarcastic posts made. Exactly why people would be wise to stay clear of buying vBulletin these days. Like it or not, Joe and Mark need to realize they will get judged as vBulletin staff doing it. They can claim all they want via a signature link used, or stating they're talking as none vB staff on admin forums. But that doesn't make the slightest bit of difference how what they say will indirectly affect vBulletin in how they are seen as vB staff. What I see with Mark and Joe, they just can't help themselves, both are too immature and not suited to be vB staff. Simply because they cannot keep out things and are always bored itching to get involved in vB topics posted on other 3rd party sites. I think both of them are extremely lucky IB have not sacked them as vB staff yet. But then that shows me just how much they must really care about the VB reputation, not very much it seems - otherwise they've have been given a P45 and shown the exit door a long time ago. Amazing what cheap labour lets you get away with.
As an employee of a company it is almost impossible to state that you don't represent the company while continuously writing about your company in public.
Good thing I'm not an employee. Nor do I consider myself "lucky" to have my position at VB. It is not my job. I do not feed a family with income they may or may not provide. I have already explained my position on why I chose to be a VB Support Rep and they are lucky to have ME. You know back in the day, even today actually in some places, if say a white girl had a child with a black man some people would look at the innocent baby with contempt- they may even tell the girl not to bring the baby out in public- that she needs to understand what she's doing- but really it is because of their ignorance, not hers or the baby's, that they feel that way. They need to get over it, not her- and not me.
As soon as your argument adds Nazis or racism that isn't relevant to the situation you have admitted defeat.
They are indeed lucky to have you Joe. with such a good rapport with the vB community, and your ability to constantly answer and give factual statements in every post make you a gem of a vB support person and would be impossible to replace.
Taking the paid or unpaid equation out the argument, as it doesn't matter which you are. You carry Support Staff title on So did you ask for a custom title as a member and get it, along with that staff avatar you use. Can any member do that on now, also even get some extra moderating privileges thrown in? Sign me up for some of that Joe
lol it's kind of a shame since the Vb hate dominates the posts on this site.(Which has effectively lessen my time on this site from a daily thing to every so often now). I know there is Vb hate with TAZ but that site does have the benefit of being larger/more active so the threads on VB hate are a few among other topics. I just checked my new posts and out of the 24 hours since I was lat on, half of the new posts were VB hate related. I guess people really like discussing/bashing the same products over and over i'd get bored lol