Why So Much Hate?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Ludwig, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    I do understand the temptation to turn the tables and ask for proof. Something that's annoyed me in the past is the number of times I've been asked to submit proof when I've made a comment about a problem I've had with vBulletin. More annoying is I've stupidly taken the bait, posted the proof and never heard another word from the employee/contractor concerned.

    I've learned they are best ignored for the most part.
  2. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Because it will give your statement substance, make it much less general and you won't look like the fool you are looking like currently (edit- from my perspective).

  3. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    Remember in the vBCloud thread when people claimed they couldn't' find a single vBCloud forum that wasn't' a staff member so I found them with Bing and then poeple just said "oh well that's only 3..." blah blah blah- not one single APOLOGY, no one admitted they were wrong- as soon as I found ONE they simply raised the bar of the request.

    So I might spend 30 minutes or an hour finding some post somewhere then post a link here and then what? You will say- "OH my God Joe, you've been honest all along!" or will you say "All you could find was 1 post on XYZ forum K months ago and he was upset about the lawsuit so that doesn't really count" Which do I think is the more likely outcome... Hmmm...
  4. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    And if you don't find that one post? Will you apologize?

    Do whatever you want Joe. For me, your statement about someone saying they want to destroy IB is completely false at worst or totally over exaggerated at best and definitely in both cases far from the truth, especially in the nit picky way you always expect other people to explain their opinions.

    Funny how Mark can actually come into a thread about vB and have a shared viewpoint with the rest of us. I was going to come in at that point in this thread too and join him in his remarks, but decided to continue to lurk. I'd say he has a bit more solid and healthy view of the group who make waves about IB's antics. Then you came in and broke up the group hug. It seems to me, that was your goal.

    So I ask you. What was your purpose with your post? To really tell a truth or just your opinion based on.......what, some misinterpreted post many moons ago? Or was it to get certain people upset....again and basically derail the thread, again? It looks like a pattern is evolving, where you are actually always on the short end of the stick. Ever notice? You write a typical Joe post, then one or two people respond (with emotion you poked at), and they almost always get a good number of likes and you get none? That should tell you something and it would, if you were open to understanding the big picture.

    And that big picture is.....

    the customer is always right, despite their facts being off or incorrect. If you can't change their overall views (like thinking IB sucks and can't manage vBulletin at all) by fixing their incorrect details, then all you are doing with your responses is badgering those (ex)customer(s). That is why someone said here, if IB cared, they would have fired you as a support person. That is also why that person also got a number of likes. It's because what you do in the name of "truth" is petty and useless and actually destructive.

    Ach...wasting my time again...most likely.

    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
  5. thewhatami

    thewhatami Regular Member

    The only people I see trying to destroy vB are the IB management and some of their staff and contractors. :shrugs:
    AWS, jmurrayhead and Big al like this.
  6. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Agreed. One could very well get the impression, and it has been put forward as a conspiracy theory, that all of IB's antics are a well planned move to kill IB's forum "competition". I say no to that. I say it is a simple case of ignorance overshadowed by an overestimation of one's own capabilities.

  7. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    I wouldn't say stole wife or girlfriend rather robbed. I bought a vBulletin 4 licence under the impression that it would be worked on for years to come, not forever but not to short either. Now they say that its still its still supported and you can see that, but for a product I paid good money for I expected a lot more and I didn't expect no one to be working on it like it apparently is at the moment. Thats my reason behind the hate anyway.
  8. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    Of course I'm always going to have the short end of the stick- because I'm disagreeing with the mob mentality on here- if you guys were fair and open minded I wouldn't need to be here to begin with.
  9. John

    John Regular Member

    I, personally, don't "hate" anyone or thing. Life is too short for that kind of negativity. What does peeve me to no end are things like the greed of James Limm selling to a company like IB knowing full well what it would eventually mean to his thousands of customers. Then there's IB itself...talk about pure, unadulterated greed...nah, there's no way people could be angry with them. :rolleyes:
  10. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Ok. well. See there it is again. The "mob", the "haters", the "big bad customers" are at fault. Why do you put yourself in a position of "me against them"? What does it do for you? What does it do for vBulletin? What does it do for IB? Basically nothing, right?

    There is no mob mentality. It is simple common sense shared among smart and experienced admins, which you try to undermine with worthless arguments.

    Or can you say that IB's handling of vBulletin has been exemplary? Or even good? Or even decent? No, you can't and you yourself have even noted a smarter direction for vB on another admin forum, if you had a say in the matter. And the truth that IB has royally screwed up vBulletin is a truth you can't sway, no matter how much you point out how incorrect any details may be.

    IB needs to simply change from a customer unfriendly company to a customer friendly company, then all the drama about vBulletin would die rather quickly, because the supportive passion you call "mob mentality" might actually be turned into a more positive and constructive effort. Maybe. I say it is never too late, but, I am starting to have my doubts for vBulletin.

  11. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    I was pretty much an insider, when I learned about the buyout and I had the impression James actually thought he was handing vB over to very competent hands. He was fooled. But then again, he fooled IB about the status of vB4. Bob had announced that vB4 was going to be released in 2009 on James' information, not knowing that the coding for it wasn't even started. That is when the trouble started. Bob had to get vB4 out, simply because he had publicly announced it to his stockholders. As we know, he doesn't admit to mistakes.

    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
    Big al likes this.
  12. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    Interesting stuff.
  13. VICE

    VICE Regular Member

    OK, so not only GTB but Mark B is also back.
    I love back-paddles.
    Great, this is going to be fun to read.
  14. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    @s.molinari Scott I find your posts very informative and well put together. You speak from experience and to the point. Your posts to Joe though are falling on deaf ears. He is baiting you and anyone else he can get to respond to his antics. He's baiting you as only a Master Baiter can, playing on your emotions and kindness to try to reason with him. He's not interested in reason.
    If we all ignored him and not respond, (which he's craving for the attention) his provocative school yard antics would bother no one.
    Big al likes this.
  15. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Thanks Autopilot. I can't disagree with you either. I simply believe in the good in all people and I actually believe Joe means well, as does Mark. You might call it naive and you might be right there too. But that is just me. I do sometimes go overboard too and I noticed it a couple posts ago with my "wasting time" comment. Oh well.:)

    Big al likes this.
  16. thewhatami

    thewhatami Regular Member


    I posted earlier that out the three of you so-called 'support guys' posting on 3rd party admin forums, I considered Mark B. to be the funniest, you seem to have taken that as a challenge to knock him from that position.

    The 'mob mentality' is only in your head, in the real world it's a collection of individuals that have all arrived at the same conclusion - that IB has destroyed vB.

    All the evidence is out there to see;

    1 - Hardly any sites have upgraded to vB5.

    2 - There's almost no mods or add-ons available for vB5.

    3 - Thousands of sites are moving away from vB.

    4 - vB's market-share is in free-fall, whilst both IBP & xF grows.

    5 - The vB.com site is almost dead compared to a few years ago.

    I could go on, but what's point, you will still think everything in the garden is rosy.

    Whilst everyone else is just waiting for the last person to leave the building, to switch-off the lights.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
    Adrian Schneider and Big al like this.
  17. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    @ thewhatami, You nailed it. The evidence of the fail of VB/IB is very clear. The slide downwards will continue.

    I see no evidence of any apologies, contrition or direction from VB/IB . So the end result of denigrating the customers is clear and is coming.

    As has been said customers are voting with their feet and once the customer trust is gone it is extremely hard to get it back , more so when those responsible have little clue how to do things .

    It is becoming obvious that there is another plan in place that does not include the customers, who are now classed as expendable. Indeed it seems that the VB side of the operation is not one that they want to prosper. VB.org will become superfluous to requirements so will be allowed to die, we have seen signs of this, how many helpers and support people have gone?

    I think the bean counters will eventually speak up and the warning bell will sound, but I fear it will be too late by then. I cannot envisage how the VB side of things is making money and a continuous loss will eventually sink the ship.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
  18. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    I wish you would get banned from these type of forums. You offer nothing to any of these customers who dislike your company. You only continue to inflame the situation.
    Autopilot likes this.
  19. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    If they don't like the company they don't have to post in the vBulletin forums. I don't like IPB, you don't see me going into IPB forums and wasting my time telling people how much I don't like it.
  20. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    That has nothing to do with my point. These people are either former or current customers. You provide nothing to these people you are responding to and only continue to inflame the situation.

    It truly is alarming that you do not see this and continue to be combative, sarcastic, rude and defiant to people on this forum that paid for a product your company produces.

    You'd be history in a heart beat on any forum I own. You are a low quality member and cause more problems than you solve.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
    Iconic, zappaDPJ, jmurrayhead and 3 others like this.

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