Looking To Start New Forum | Where To Begin?

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Satelliting, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Satelliting

    Satelliting Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2014
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    So, there are about a million forums out there in the world today. Most people have pretty much filled the market up with all sorts of good and bad shit. Therefore, where does one start in terms of how to get the ball rolling with getting people, getting a theme, etc.?
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
    First Name:
    Pick a niche that you're passionate about. Select the software you want to use. Once you do that set up the forum structure and add content. If you're a member of another forum in the same niche look at how they set things up and what style they use to get ideas how to set your site up.

    Most importantly add interesting posts and content. Most of all be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day and if they had given up because things weren't done overnight the empire wouldn't never have existed.
    Satelliting likes this.
  3. Satelliting

    Satelliting Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2014
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    I have the forum and the idea set up now. However, what would be the best way to find forum staff? I am running a more generalized, community organized forum system style that is hopefully going to be small, but not too small as to where it cannot become self sustaining. http://forums.completeclient.org/ is the current site.
  4. Sdyess

    Sdyess Regular Member

    Mar 27, 2014
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    First thing would have to be a member-base, on around 10 active posters "Friends, A guy you know from skype, MSN, facebook who aren't really your friend." The worst thing you could possibly do is spend thousands of dollars from the start.

    A great domain name is a good thing to have. Something catchy yet solid. if you can master a great domain, active posters in the beginning you'll beat any of the big forums in a few months time. Advertisement is a huge deal aswell as starting out with a Member-base, you should focus on buying ads on facebook, Google etc before you invest big cash on your forum software and design.

    Make sure the spectators you want know what your forum is about, can't have a sports fan joining a tech, Admin forum.

    Forum staff, Admins is not something you hire from the very start, overtime you promote active and loyal members to moderators and so on.

    King regards,


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