WTT Donate $/£ for a BackLink - I Need Your Help!

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by andyred, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. andyred

    andyred Regular Member

    May 24, 2013
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    Hi all,

    I'm in need of as much help as I can get, so I'm spreading the word!

    One of my best friends, who has a Wife and 2 Kids got Burgled 8 Months ago. Cutting the story short, the Insurance Company never paid out. All of their Electronic items in the house were taken including the children's items and games.

    They've only just recently got themselves back on track and got their home back to as it was after re-buying the items that were previously stolen. Not only that, In November they found out that they were expecting another Baby :-) - So they started buying items for the new nursery as well.

    Regrettably, this was all for nothing, as on Wednesday (22nd January 2014), My friend (who got robbed before) had an Emergency call for him at work... His was robbed yet again!
    His heart sank as he was on the phone to a neighbor that reported it. He went home to find out that he had been broken into again, yet this time everything that had value was taken including Electronics, Jewellery, Kids Items and Games.

    My friend and his wife are absolutely distraught by this, they have a New Baby on the way and 2 other Children to look after and almost all of their hard earned, valuable possessions were taken.
    The Insurance Company will not pay out for a second time :-(
    Their home and lifestyle is ruined and they are stressed out to the full.

    I can't bare to see them like this, so I'm running a campaign on IndieGoGo.Com (a public funding website) where I hope to be able to rally enough money from donations in order for them to Buy some of the stolen items back, new children's games, the new baby items and a decent security system so that this doesn't happen again!

    I'm in a few different Forums across the web, so I'm hoping a couple of you will help out and donate, even a tiny bit in order to make this guys have some faith back in humanity.

    To try and get people to actually Donate, I thought of the idea of offering a Backlink back to your site to any one who donate's a certain amount for this cause.

    A Backlink on One of these pages is Offered for -

    Donate a Minimum of $10 / £6
    I have 3x PR1 Squdioo Pages on Gaming
    I have 1x PR1 Compting / Technology Micro Blog

    Donate a Minimum of $20 / £12
    I have 1x PR2 Squidoo Page on Gaming

    There will only be a Maximum of 10 OBL per Page/Site so there's only 50 Backlink's Available.

    The Donation Funding Page & Full Story -


    (you can donate in Dollars, GBP, Euros via PayPal or Card and it's up to you how much)

    How to Get Your Backlink

    If you do Donate a Minimum Amount, simply PM me when you have done so and let me know the name (or if Anonymous then Anonymous) and the amount you Donated and your backlink details with URL and Anchor Text.

    Please guys, get behind me in this I really need your help to help change my friend and his families life back around!
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
    First Name:
    Good luck. I hope everything returns to normal soon for the unlucky people.
  3. andyred

    andyred Regular Member

    May 24, 2013
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    Thank you very much!

    We've already had a 2 Donations already to the cause in the first hour, which is an amazing start.

    I just hope I can get as many people as I can to help these guys out.

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