Scariest experience

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Joe., Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Joe.

    Joe. Regular Member

    May 31, 2009
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    What is the scariest experience you have ever had?
    What made it so scary? Care to share what happened?

    Here's one of mine:

    My car broke down on a bridge one night on the way home from San Fransisco.. Before it broke down it let out a massive amount of smoke.. Enough to cloud anyone's vision. Being on a bridge, there is no where pull over. While my car was slowing to a stop, I see headlights through the smoke coming at me at full speed.. I brace myself for impact and certain death.. My legs tightened and I guess I put my foot on the break pedal.. My break lights then lit up and the driver of the car (which happened to be a hummer of all things) jerked the wheel at the last second and ended up just hitting the left side of car leaving some damage but thats better than getting killed!

    Needless to say I jumped out of the car right after that happened, walked a good distance away from it, and waited for a police car to come. They pushed me off the bridge and I called my friend's aunt for a ride back to her place.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
    First Name:
    This was back when I was in college. My best friend and I were out with our girlfriends. His girl drove. Her dad had just bought her a new Ford Pinto. Me and my girl were in the back seat. We were stopped at a red light and got rear ended. Minor accident until the car burst into flames. My buddy jumped out as did his girlfriend. I grabbed my girl friend and sort of threw her into the front seat and she jumped out. As I was making my way out, it was getting a little smokey and hot by this time, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. The heat caused the back window to explode and a piece of the steel frame broke loose and hit me just under the shoulder blade. It went all the way through and was protruding out of my chest just to the right of my right breast. Lucky for me it hit nothing major. Over 80 stitches to close me up and 3 days in the hospital.If that piece of steel had been 4 inches to the left I wouldn't be here right now.

    Come to find out later that Pintos were well know for the gas tank exploding in minor accidents if the tank wasn't full.
  3. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    When I got in a car wreck a long time ago and I almost died in the wreck. I walked away with just chest pains though and I was able to see a doctor to get pain medications. The accident was awful, my car was totalled and a lot of people didn't know how I walked away from it. Well, honestly, I was saved by the lord and just wasn't my time to go.
  4. MainerMikeBrown

    MainerMikeBrown Regular Member

    Sep 24, 2011
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    Maine, United States
    Years ago, I was driving my car down an icy road during the winter. The road I was on had a sharp curve that was on a hill. I was driving just a little too fast around this dangerous, icy corner. My car spinned out of control and I hit a snowbank. I did no damage to my car. But if someone else had been coming from the other direction, it would've been a serious wreck. So I was lucky.

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