Now that Brandon sold

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by WEfail, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    Nov 2, 2011
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    I'm not speaking for him but because of a thing called respect maybe? Brandon did it for a reason and he does not have to explain it, like I am sure you could of banned someone from your forum that was a spammer that really wasn't. Things happen.

    I know you don't know me but.... It sounds like exactly why I went from being so active and visiting at Admin Talk when you were around. As soon as you were banned the atmosphere here was 100% better, from what I seen its true sorry I had to say it. If you are going to be like you were before I'm out I really can't stand your posts before you were banned and I am probably the most relaxed person some people will meet.
  2. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    May 3, 2009
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    LOL This is somewhat hilarious to me.. I actually do know why you were banned.. You went way over the line a couple times and got banned, which in my opinion is kind of douchey. Brandon rarely ever bans anyone other than spammers. How many did he ban? Like 3 people in a 2 year span or whatever. I mean cmon you know you were wrong. As for me wanting you banned? Why would I? I have nothing against you. I honestly think for the most part you are a decent dude, lil over emotional at times, case in point, but otherwise ok.

    But, I have never been about censorship and neither has Brandon. Go read some of the posts on this site. Most of which would probably be deleted on any other site. I have no idea why you are holding some weird grudge, and have this other dude all over Brandon about how he is horrible or whatever. Brandon is one of the nicest dudes you will ever meet. I have known him for a while and he is fair, and he will go out of his way to help. So, you are being fairly silly to me. Either way, it is a free country and you are welcome to speak your opinion, but I think you have the wrong impression of me completely, that is if you believe what you posted
    Bundy and AWS like this.
  3. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Banning a spammer/troll is different from a administrator banning a user for breaking the rules. I've banned a lot of people while as CODForums administrator/owner. Half of them are spammers/trolls, the other half are members that didn't give a shit if they were banned. I give them chances to clean up their act, I give them chances to come back with a better attitude, and when they don't - they're gone. But in the case of Brandon banning me, he conspired with another member in getting rid of me, tarnishing my name in public, and making everyone think I'm the bad guy. So you know what? I rolled with it until he banned me for no reason. If it was for a reason, I'd know. But that's not what Brandon did. As a matter of fact, I can show you our conversation (at the ban) and you can see for yourself how he acts when YOU and everyone else is not around. His PM's showed his true colors in full glory... where nobody but him can see it.
    No, you think you had to say it. This is what I meant by Brandon controlling how you feel about me. I am a person who comes from a country of respect. I'm a person who was raised to be respectful towards others - but when people do me wrong, like Brandon did - that's when you see me at the worst. But you didn't (and didn't want to) see it that way, you saw it as "one of those days where this guy just goes off." You're not sorry, you're defending Brandon's actions, just like Cerberus did. I admit I went out of line but it was only necessary. I was trying to prove a point at the same time, but Brandon did me 10x better because he showed some people that if you cross Brandon, he'll do things to you what he does to a person he doesn't like.

    I crossed that line. I did something no other person could do.. Break Brandon from the very core.

    The comments he made before he deleted them, dude... They would turn YOU off more than I would turn you off. I bet my bottom dollar on that one. He thought he could get away with his comments because he's administrator. Hence why @WEfail has been really hard on Brandon after my ban.

    The decline around here, is because of me. I could easily, just as easily destroy a much, much smaller community this same exact way. I did it twice. This recent ban just shows that whatever I do is effective.
    Laughing at people is the same thing as mocking that person because you think his comments were crazy. With me, that tone... Shows disrespect. You show me disrespect, I do it back. I said this once already, this is the last time I'm going to get this through your head. Next time you show me disrespect, you'll know why I treat you that way. Do you understand? I will not disrespect you if you show me the same respect I show you. Got it? Good. Now, get rid of that [****][****][****][****]ing attitude.
    If I'm a decent guy, then why the [****][****][****][****] did you have to make it seem like I'm the bad guy around here? Huh? Calling me douche, or douchey... No, I don't think I was wrong. Especially at the ban. If you saw his comments when I was banned. You wouldn't be defending him the way that you have. His comments are the reason why I came back under @Ne7work and try to speak my mind, but no... that too, got banned. And the comments I made there - gone.
    If he's such a [****][****][****][****]ing nice guy, then why did he have the audacity to call on my shit, and then tarnish, slander my name in public? He locked a thread and then made his comments known, then burn me alive when I had no control over what's being said.

    I didn't go to @WEfail and tell him to go hard on Brandon. That's his own doing. As a matter of fact, I was trying to calm down that day, and started to play Black Ops 2... to distract myself from Brandon's stupidity.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
    GasMan320 and WEfail like this.
  4. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    This is true, Carlos never asked me for anything. I witnessed what took place and felt it was awful.
  5. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
    First Name:
    Lets put the banning and the other stuff behind us. It's really no good for the community to keep living in the past. What was done is undone and that's really all that needs to be said.

    You contributed to the community in past and whatever happened is over with. For now it's time to move on.
  6. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    May 3, 2009
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    This is the last time I shall comment on this due to me feeling it would be wrong and disrespectful to AWS. But, I must say again you prove my point. I did not cuss once in anything I said to you and you feel the need to add "[****][****][****][****]ing" to everything and go off on some tangent about respect. Laughing at something I find silly and humorous has nothing to do with respect. I though it was funny. You obviously are lacking in years of real world experience which is easy to see by your comments. You need to learn to relax and calm down before you give yourself an ulcer. The world is a horrible, harsh place, and bad things happen. If you dwell on them you will spend so much wasted time in the past instead of trying to secure a happy future.

    But, I have yet to see you act like an adult in any of your recent posts. I doubt you will get any respect from anyone until you do. Again, you seem to think you matter to every and hold some type of significance to everyone. You are just dome dude on a computer. You are not ever probably going to matter enough to anyone here to garner the type of respect you wish. Maybe as you gain some experience, act like an adult, then make some decent informative posts that are helpful, maybe you will start to get what you want. But, as of now why should anyone respect you? Seriously, what have you done to earn it? Nothing

    Lastly, I could care less either way. I am about as even keel as one can be. I live life without worry, because I have accepted one day no matter what happens I will die. Knowing that there really is nothing to worry about. No one is going to end up better or worse than I. Everyone will share the same fate of death. So, why worry?

    I honestly, hope you take something positive from what I have posted and if not then again you will prove my point. But, I think you are chasing something that is very pointless. I am not going to apologize, I did nothing wrong. And regardless of what caused you to go all douchey and get banned, that is on you. You can not blame everything on someone else. You could have chose not to act douchey. Simple as that.

    But, I shall not respond anymore to any of this as again it is pointless. You were told to stop, you did not, you got banned. I was here, there was a thread, everyone voted to ban you. It was not a single person decision. The entire staff voted as we always did on everything. My advice is to let it go, but I have a feeling you wont
    jmurrayhead and AWS like this.
  7. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Real world. You want to give me a lecture for real world problems. I get into fights all the time, when people laugh at me - directly at me, and directly at my comments - I take it as both an attack and an insult. Depending on how their facial movements go along with that "laughing matter" tone. Don't use this "the world is a horrible, harsh place and bad things happen" as an excuse to be an [****][****][****][****][****][****][****]. Yes, you were acting like an [****][****][****][****][****][****][****].

    And, I'm not stupid. I know bad things happen.
    See, that's sarcasm. I'm not saying I have every hold on every person, I'm saying, I influence. After my ban, I noticed that the traffic started to lower, and pushed Brandon to sell. Brandon sold the site because the members weren't liking what he did.

    Just because you saw me acting like an "immature" person from a post or two - your wording. Not mine. And here's the worst part, I've been posting on this site for as long as day one this site was launched... and you act like this is the first time you've seen me doing something "out of line." I've been nothing but nice to people, and you know this - but are scared to admit or say it because my recent actions don't reflect it in your opinion. Decent person, my ass.

    When I go "out of line" it's when I am not liking what the other person is doing, but hey, let's treat Carlos as the bad guy. :thumbsup:
    What's so positive about your post? You've not said one thing nice, or positive about me, not even in this post. Yes, you did something wrong: Call me a douch, douchey, and whatever else you had thought. That ban was not on me, you dipshit. I'm tired of you forcing words into my mouth like it's a fact. No, I couldn't have chose not to act douchy, I didn't like what was happening, and I went into the direction that I did. Because Brandon wasn't doing anything to defuse the problem and basically made things worse, worse and worse. Like he didn't [****][****][****][****]ing care. And you won't care because you're buddy buddy with Brandon.

    You and the staff just chose not to see it where I was coming from and chose to stand by Brandon because he was the owner.
    I won't let it go. But will try to be nice from here on out. I've never been the one to argue, I don't like drama, and I don't like this shit. You make it sound like I do, and you make it sound like this is my fault... Brandon is just forcing shit down your throat (and the staff team, in the same regard), it's called influence.

    It's like right now, I would go in even more detail with the energy I have, but I'm sick from the sore throat.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
  8. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    May 3, 2009
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    Hope you feel better dude...

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