
Discussion in 'SEO, Traffic and Revenue' started by AWS, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
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    I have been busy as heck the last 2 months and haven't had time to engage in Twitter like I used to. Today I went to catch up with what my Twitter friends are up to. What a shock I got when opened up TweetDeck. My stream looked like an ad farm. These tweets were from some of the people that I've been following since I first created my Twitter account. At first I thought that maybe their account was hacked, but, after investigating it looks like they decided that using a Twitter account to spam their sites was better than engaging in conversation. I proceeded to unfollow a number of them.

    Now don't get me wrong. I will drop a link from my personal account, [twitter]betatime[/twitter], from time to time. Everyone does and that's cool with me. It just drives me crazy when a person posts nothing but links. I have accounts for all my sites. I use these with TwitterFeed so people can keep up to date. I do it this way so I don't have to clutter up my personal account with the garbage I seen today.

    Am I wrong in this? Is it normal now for someone to use Twitter as a personal ad farm instead of engaging in conversations with friends?
  2. Svoboda

    Svoboda Adept

    Jun 30, 2009
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    That's all any social network is any more to be honest.
  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
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    The thing is people tend to think that they are gaining users. They aren't. Sure traffic spikes and visitors online looks impressive, but, it adds no value to the community. Twitter users do not convert to contributing members.

    Facebook on the other hand is different. I have noticed a trend on my tech site. Facebook users are the most active on the community now. They login with Facebook, create a username and actually contribute the community. In fact Facebook registrations are outdoing normal registrations 2 to 1.
  4. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Twitter is garbage anyway to use as a business tool. You've gotta engage with people and come of more personal to have any luck with spamming your site there.

    I generally unfollow anyone who just constantly links back to their sites, without engaging in any conversations/debates
  5. CallieJo

    CallieJo Regular Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    We mostly quit using Twit and facef a while ago. 98% of our updates are where they belong...on our own business website. We post some updates on local sites since we actively support our local community's websites. We rarely post on the major SN's anymore. full of people sending a bunch of stupid requests for a bunch of garbage time wasters. It's hell for businesses to report copyright. Your account can be locked for sending a (meaning ONE!) friend request to one of their suggested friends if they turn you in for not knowing you (even if they do!). I'd prefer not to know the personal details of everyone's life posted for sympathy or to start drama. And the creator is not someone I'd personally want to help promote.

    Twit is full of spammers. You'll gain more followers with questionable avatars and content than anything. Even if you try to follow "back" legit looking accounts, you'll notice they will drop following you within a month. It's all about the numbers on Twit...the most followers and the least follows. Updates...holy cow! How can you follow them? Even your own updates are quickly lost in the sea of updates. It's a numbers game to gain followers and push out tons of updates in hopes that someone might see one, it seems.
  6. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Sounds like you're doing it wrong.
    Also a bad idea.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I agree, too many automated spammers on it now.

    Not a good idea either, if you're on shared hosting keep sending topics in twitter none stop using RSS Feed. Too many bots keep hitting your site all at once, it can cause "too many connection" errors on shared hosting. I have most bots listed from Twitter show up in Who Online, you tell when a thread or post goes into it from my site, suddenly the same mass number of bots all come.

    When I ran XenForo on shared hosting before. I don't know why, but that was even worse for it. Couldn't cope and the site used to go down with "time-outs" after a thread hit twitter. Where as the UseBB forum could cope no problem sending tweets into twitter, never caused any issues with that forum board on the same server. That's why I don't spam threads from the forum into twitter anymore, more trouble than it's worth, or what you gain from it.

    I'll post the odd one now manually in it.

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