Ah seems like xenforo is having another good drama season ....few folks decided to remove their resources protesting actions of xenforo mods ? lol where is xenforo heading like this .....seems like it will get more nasty lot of good add-on devs already decided not to go ahead with any updates until they get some official answers from xen devs .
I'm all for some XenForo bashing, but these guys gotta understand it's not the moderators fault the community is the way it is. Well not entirely. Taking it all out on them, and the users isn't exactly the mature thing to do. But at the end of the day it's their mods and they can do as they please with them. I just can't figure out why they're constantly defending Adam Howard. Personally I think the guy is full of shit in everything he says, and this is the 3rd? time he's been involved with releasing pirated work.
It was never about attacking the moderators, and personally being a moderator if there's a conflict it should be resolved. They chose to turn their heads... I reported those resources multiple times before opening that thread. I respected majority of the moderators there, Slavik I never had any issues with until him calling me immature for making a personal decision with my resources. He told me I should of resolved it in private, I tried... they chose not too. And yes... it's beyond me why they defend him, he was caught red handed not that long ago with an entire extracss and images identical with about 20 lines he added, yet he's still the victim.
Letting members bash other software, closing threads left and right, members bashing anyone who even wispers something anti-Xenforo, and of course KAM making no statements --- its romper room over there. The mods allowed this to develop, .
In all my time running communities the mod crew at xenforo is hands down the worst I have ever seen. Off course I don't blame it all on them. They were put in a bad situation and have no one telling them what to do. If you do that anywhere you are headed for trouble. It might not be so bad if they were type A personalities with a take charge attitude. Unfortunately they are followers and right now the people they are following are the fanatics.
The place is insane Lawrence i thought he was better but seems like way too much overhead defending Kier /xenforo .
and now I have to eat my words in my last post above. Just found out that Mike Sullivan has started a photography business and that's apparently where HIS time is being spent. Wow, I really thought that at least HE would have the decency to come clean with the customers who have been so LOYAL to defend KAM and XF to this day. I am extremely disappointed in Mike Sullivan, even moreso than Kier. I just didn't see this coming.
Well that confirms Mike indeed decided to abandon xenforo ! i bet kier is on same boat ....Ashley on otherside trying to hide himself . Now the community is falling apart one by one it's all money making scheme out there.
Cut Mike a little slack Peggy. He has to earn a living. Day by day though, its becoming more and more clear that those 3 never deserved the loyalty of most who followed them, spent extra money on licenses they didnt need to help them out, and defend them endlessly.
lol i bet if u post this on xenforo there will be some smartass people defending them like crazy jumping all over your @$$ .
I dont blame the guy at all for needing a second job. After the bang up job they've done destroying XenForo it's a wonder they don't need 3 jobs.
I don't blame Mike for doing what he has to provide a living for him and his new bride and I'm not surprised he hasn't mentioned anything about it. Mike has always been a behind the scenes person and prefers to let his coding skills talk for him.
So who actually do you think we should blame for all this issues ? Kier ? Ashley ? i guess it's same for everyone isnt it ? lol
If i said it was all about Kier it'd be irresponsible as I haven't been able to confirm what was sent to my inbox earlier in the day yet.
Well you should go ahead and post it whatever it was sent lol ! since everything is slowly coming out of box itself so it's not going to be secret for long
I still can't post much but many credit way more then Kier deserve. Once the law case ends or if i ever have to testify , i can put all reality out that i know. Mike is amazing coder , he is extremely good and i feel and can bet my money on Mike being the dude who has no guilt on Xenforo issues.