Development stopped until the trial is over?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by lord_stone, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    What happens when (hypothetically) XenForo wins the court case, they continue development, all issues are gone? Does XenForo sucks just do what vBulletinsucks does by complaining about the code? Can you just focus on what truly sucks... your newer site, PITTSBURGH PIRATES SUCK!
  2. Lizard King

    Lizard King Regular Member

    As much as i dis agree with banning David from Adminextra , i don't feel comfortable discussing anything where he is around. That's why i will not join into any discussion where he is part of the subject.
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  3. David

    David Regular Member

    It does need some attention there :D
  4. BullsNet

    BullsNet Regular Member

    Understandable or just don't say anything personal or private around him :)

    I posted this on adex
    [background=rgb(247, 247, 247)]I don't agree with what David_ did and I am a IPS fan and i don't agree with what Matt did, however I do think if David has been banned....Matt should follow suit as well simply because without Matt, David wouldn't have anything to post.[/background]

    [background=rgb(247, 247, 247)]Furthermore, I find it a bit sad that websites where this did not occur nor have any affiliation with are banning him. In my eyes, you are free to run your site as you do want but it looks more like people are banning the guy(David) simply because they hate or dislike him...even if he hasn't done anything wrong on their site and as an admin, I do not find it fair at all. But I do not run those sites so that's my peace.[/background]
    3 people like this.
  5. David

    David Regular Member

    I'd go a bit further with it, and advice anyone not to say anything personal or private on the internet at all.

    Well Im with you man, it's sad, but honestly the three sites I've been banned from I really only enjoyed talking to people at one of them. And even then it's not that big of a deal cause I still talk with them on other sites so whatever.
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    One thing for sure. That was the first time I ever seen an admin ban someone for what they posted on another site. I respected her as a fellow admin, but, I know now that respect was misplaced. Sad state of affairs when an admin has to let others think for them.
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  7. PeteZaHut

    PeteZaHut Regular Member

    [quote name=%2526amp%253B%252339%253BAWS%2526amp%253B%252339%253B]So you see if you're not a xenforo fanboy then you're only option to post on an unbiased Admin community is to post here. We take no sides and choose not to edit or remove any content that disagrees with our point of view. [/quote][quote name=%2526amp%253B%252339%253BAWS%2526amp%253B%252339%253B]There is a reason why they will not post here. I will not back down from them and they can't take it when someone puts them in their place. I also will not kowtow to anyone's wishes unlike some of the other admin communities. You see I have a backbone and a mind of my own. I also am not adverse to beating down fanboys that can't see the forest through the trees.[/quote][quote name=%2526amp%253B%252339%253BAWS%2526amp%253B%252339%253B]They do not react well when they are put in their place. They cower in the corner like cowards. [/quote]

    Haha, how deluded can you be? Maybe people don't post here because it's run by an aggressive admin who thinks he's right about everything, who feeds of attention, and who labels anyone who doesn't agree with him as "fanboys", "zealots" or "cowards" who need "beating down". Some people dare to have an opinion that differs to your own, and you feel that it's your duty and right to attack them. Real nice.
    I bet you're gutted, absolutely gutted that what happened on AdminExtra didn't happen here. Being the center of some controversy, just what you enjoy. Any way to try and make your forum a little bit more popular.

    Ok, feel free to now label me as an Xenforo fanboy. I mean, I don't even use it and am not even a member of the Xenforo community, but it's what you do best so go ahead.
  8. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    You stated an opinion and you're entitled to it. I don't have to agree with it.

    Don't like me or this site fine. More than likely you'll never show up here again anyway.

    I don't envy anyone or anything. I also don't need to be the center of attention. You can ask any staff member that has worked or does work with me on any of my sites and they'll tell you I stay in the background until I need to step in.
    I do not tolerate stupidity or ignorance and I am seeing a lot of both lately. Shows how much you know about me.

    This site does well and doesn't need anything to bring in the traffic. Sure posting is down a bit, but, traffic is very healthy. That other site used to be a good site until the usual suspects took over the place. Now it's nothing more than xenforo east. Not to mention it was deader than a doornail before what happened with David. Give it a week or 2 and it will be back to it's usual dead self.
  9. HuanHKStyle

    HuanHKStyle Regular Member

    oh no man, i come here from a article i read else where, everyone say this place fairest admin site out there. seems all other sites are ban happy like adex, i was there today and man that place is like really dead cept for that thread.

    wonder why peoples so setup over this? are they mad cause kier got exposed and has harmed the legal proceeds for him.

    why you here if you have no foro site then huh? i thought this place for admins, what u admin?
    3 people like this.
  10. David

    David Regular Member

    Well AdEx hasn't exactly turned out to be the community anyone thought it was, unless of course you're an XF supporter. The way new members are treated there that don't support XF is all you have to look at. If you support XF then it's a nice little safe house for you.
    2 people like this.
  11. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept

    That happened to me and what I wrote was mild and in front of many former forum members.This odious event happened in December 2007 and I am still amazed at the unjust banning.

    I made a thread of it when it happened in the forum where I wrote the two mild criticisms that somehow was discovered.At the time it happened I had already stopped posting in the forum I am now banned in for 2 1/2 months.

    I could post the link here but that would be going off topic.
  12. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept


    Wow it seems that you are afraid of confident men who are not afraid to express their opinion.I have no problem with it and what is more when it is stated clearly then I can understand it.You however............

    Carry on you one post flyby wonder!
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  13. Rimi

    Rimi Regular Member

    *insert stab at xenforo and lame insult here*

    Do I fit in yet?
  14. David

    David Regular Member

    XenForo stab yet.

    Insults are that way ------->
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well have a read of this I just posted. Caught Lisa red-handed and Shelley, what they have been doing.
  16. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    What was Shelley doing?
  17. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Interesting to say the least Gary. I had something happen to me today on a couple sites I visit. It seems David is not the only one with target on his back.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Na, shouldn't have mentioned her name because I don't know. Most likely she has nowt to do with it.

    Well, what can you say eh! I had a suspicion about it anyway yesterday when Lisa took no action against that user, and they only had a few posts to their name registered end of Sept, 2012. Why, what's happened with you?
  19. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    It will all come out soon. I want to get my facts straight first and get some paper work done before I drop the bomb.
  20. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Paperwork, sounds a bit bad that.

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