Why PugDaddy's link has been removed? I clicked on the link and it directed me to his eBay item's page, nothing was wrong with his link.
It used his affiliate tag so any other link you followed on eBay the affiliate id would follow you. If you bought something he would get credit for it. If he had linked to the item itself there would have been no problem. Here is his listing without his affiliate ID. http://www.ebay.com/itm/290750946639 Linking that way would have been no problem.
:hello: Everyone, A special hello to Shyuan.. Hi Shyuan! thanks for asking about the link. This is just a reply to the fact that a link I posted to my eBay sale was removed, and the stated reason it was removed is that it was an affiliate link (meaning I could make commissions if anyone followed the link and made a purchase). I wasn't even aware of any eBay affiliate program until I read about my link being removed because of it. Of course.... I had to go and briefly research this and it turns out there's a lot of chatter about ebay and Amazon 2012 affiliate programs. So... Thanks for bringing this topic to my attention it sounds like something I'd like to get involved with. Anyway- I'm not a part of that program yet, you have to apply to become an eBay affiliate and I never have done that. So I'm betting the link that was removed was not an affiliate link as I never signed up, or applied for an account. Boy that sure would be nice though... if I had money from sales commissions somewhere that I'm not aware of!! :jacks: Nope... can't find any so far. That about does it for my reply. It really isn't that big of deal , but it always smarts just a little when anyone "Takes" something from someone, even if it's just a silly link. No hard feelings on this end.. I just wanted to be clear that it wasn't that kind of link. Thanks! Patrick (PugDaddy)