IPB 4 and how it works using seperate add-ons

Discussion in 'IP.Board Discussions' started by GTB, May 28, 2012.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Think it's interesting seeing the direction IPS are heading in with IPB 4, how the forum product won't be required to use other add-ons now like the Gallery or Blog e.t.c. I definitely think it's a move in the right direction for a few good reasons. One - because people may get fed-up with running a community, but the option will be there to just use the IPB Blog if turning towards blogging and no longer interested in running a community. Two - it covers a lot of bases for them and will help sell their products overall much better I feel.

    Quite a while ago I was talking about something like this, saying it would be good if vBulletin offered just a Blog product, rather than the forum being needed to use it.

    Just wondering what others think about it?
  2. Mikey

    Mikey Mikeylicio.us

    Sep 12, 2009
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    United Kingdom
    I may be biased, but I think it's a great step. Since I've seen the potential for this back in the 3.1 days (the ability to use an app as the "default") I've wanted something like a Content only site, or a Blog only site.

    Some people have argued "Why would you use IP.Content instead of WordPress" or some other arguments, but I just think that it's foresight.

    If you have the foresight to think "Okay, I'm going to start a Gaming News Blog, but later I might get a community so I can add a forum.." then use an IP.Content suite site, then yeah. Of course a lot of comments I've seen have also been "Well they will need a lot of work". Let's not forget that the IPS Community Suite isn't coming next week, there's no release date so there'll be plenty of time to improve, take in suggestions, etc.
  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    This only going to cement their future as the leader in the field.
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  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Don't think your being Biased at all. For example using the IPB forum software doesn't appeal to me, but I've always liked the Blog. But it would never have been an option though for me still, since the forum product was needed to run it. Now I could install the framework and only use Blog as stand-alone product run, that could well change my view and what I mean in saying it's covering many bases with people.

    It's giving people an option to "pick and choose", rather than being stuck with things they don't really want (forum board), but is required by the add-on you like. As for the WordPress thing, well wordPress doesn't offer you the option of expanding it further like this does. Download Manager, Gallery, Forum Board e.t.c. So I wouldn't worry on that front too much, even though WordPress is free to use. There would be more advantages in using the IPB Blog standalone if thinking more seriously about future expansion.

    There are forum add-ons for WordPress, among many other stuff. But they are more or less 3rd party products, so nowhere near the same kind of integration all the extra IPB products offer together to a serious minded person about their site with them all being IPS add-ons supported much better in working together.

    I see this move as being a major leap forward above XenForo and vBulletin. This is something that should have been done many years ago to cover more bases with customers.
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  5. CallieJo

    CallieJo Regular Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    This was fantastic news! It will certainly open up more doors for IPB. Not everyone has a use for a forum. This certainly makes IPB a more viable option for those only looking for blogs, cms, downloads, store, webhost, etc.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Very much so, especially now with many people turning away from using forums because they can't get members joining due to Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites, along with web trends changing in general. Now they could run just an IPB Blog, or whatever else takes their fancy being offer without the forum software needed. But could of course add it at a later date, if changing their mind.

    This change is going to appeal to so many different types of customers, that it can only be a sure winner for IPB. It's the sheer flexibility of it all.
    2 people like this.

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