The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Read it again. I didn't say MARK was stupid. I said what he SAID was stupid.

    Totally different thing. =)
  2. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    BTW I've done the DNS flush several times, still can't see
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Same here, just managed to get on now reading using another different web proxy. But all others tried are either showing namecheap parked page or what-ever. They are still having problems, but they shouldn't be really by now. It's been much longer than 24 hours. Keep in mind I have to use web proxy anyway to access site because I'm banned, plus they banned my static IP used. God knows why they banned my IP for as well, it's not like I'm going to create a bogus account and they'd know it was me right away because IP used would tally up with MRGTB account there? Childish of them to do that as well!

    I'm going to recycle my IP so I don't have to use proxy soon. Easy done, just switch off main router at wall for 24 hours and a new static IP is assigned. XenForo is there OK for me using normal method, no proxy. But I can't read what's posted that way. You should try deleting all History and cookes e.t.c from FireFox (everything). Then in Windows "Start/Menu/Run". Type in: ipconfig /flushdns

    Then re-boot computer

    But if your using FireFox, usually deleting all browsing History (that must be done also), along with deleting all Cookies in the other settings will do the trick alone
  4. iTuN3R

    iTuN3R Regular Member

    ^ Nope not working that way either . Tried several ways logged in through work server in NY/NJ same result.
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  5. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Thought something exciting had happened then. Oh well, back to what I was doing....
  7. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Do share
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  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Who me?
  9. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

  10. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Y'know, I wonder why it's even bothering me that I can't get on that site, when I hadn't been there for months up until just a couple of weeks ago.

    Go figure... :shrug:
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    It's because you always feel that way when wanting to do something, but you can't. It like wanting another cream cake, but there's none left in the fridge. :lol2:
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  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Peggy, use this site to access XenForo. Works fine for me:
  13. steven s

    steven s Regular Member

    I still can't access xf from home.
    Is the above site safe to use passwords?
  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    No idea, only used it to browse as a guest reading.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    If I was you, I'd probably just play safe and not do.
  16. steven s

    steven s Regular Member

    That's what I figgered.
  17. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    This turned out to be the easist solution for me. Change your DNS server to Google which reacts to changes quicker:

    Otherwise I still could not access the site, two days later!
  18. steven s

    steven s Regular Member

    I ended up doing that too.
  19. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    I use Google DNS, have not had a single issue getting to XF since it came back up.
  20. HWS

    HWS Regular Member

    Ask your internet access provider (or the person responsible for the DNS in your PC's setup) to UPDATE their records.
    It is not uncommon for some of them to have a much longer cache update time than usual, because it saved money in ancient times, when bandwidth costs were high. (most DNS run for years without any changes done, if their admins are lame)

    Also you can use Googles DNS instead of the ones from your access provider. and are the DNS ip adresses. Just put those numbers in your local DNS setup.

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