The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Go read that court case thread again (last few replies made). Somebody put the record straight, by pointing out some of the big boards on that list have since converted away from XenForo, that person being one of them who said he did it due to lack of information coming from devs.

  2. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    I want to say for the record that I distance myself totally from any sentiment that Xenforo should "fail".

    Peggy is right that things do happen in life and can affect your business if you are a small team. I have a massive amount of sympathy this being the case. But there is a problem and it is this. Once you come back to life and start posting you do owe people an explanation of sorts. Especially if you then stop posting again. On the subject of Peggy, I find personal attacks against her distasteful. She was an excellent moderator over on Xenforo and her actions before, during and after give her much credibility.

    Here is some real world and worrying evidence of the changing tides of feeling:

    California Case Update

    In case it is edited or removed the posts states that user Marc is questioning the Big Boards using Xenforo list as accurate now, saying:

    He later added:

    Comments and sentiment like this should not be met with a stonewall of silence from the developers. They need to get active in their own community again. This kind of feeling being expressed publicly will only serve to put off potential new customers.
  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Peggy was an excellent asset to the xenforo community. I think things actually started to go down hill after she left. I know you hate the term, but, the fanboys seemed to have brought you to the point of resigning. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    I wish them no ill will at all. On the contrary, and I've said a few times in this thread and others, I wish for them to succeed. I just don't buy that personal problems are the main cause for this lack of information. I don't doubt that personal problems affect people in different ways, but, can you really expect me to believe that they can't take 5 minutes to post a response on the state of affairs to stop threads like these and others?
  4. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Thank you George and Bob for the kind words.
    No the 'fanboys' didn't bring me to that point. Remember, y'all accused me of being a 'fanboy' at one point. :doh:

    Another 'No' - I did say that KAM have made mistakes. IMO, there's no earthly reason why Kier can't take 5 minutes and update his community. I can feel and understand their frustration. So did Brogan. When you can feel and understand their frustration, and try to talk to the people responsible for it, and are met with a brick wall.... well, there's not much else you can do. I found myself not able to work with someone like that, and apparently so did Brogan.

    I'm just glad I'm not one of their customers any longer.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    So the reason why you left XenForo then, was more a case of you not being able to work with KAM any longer?

    So what was it exactly you found so difficult about them, that lead to you resigning in the end like Brogan. I'm just curious more than anything because you've been in that moderation role there to know first hand what your dealing with in KAM.
  6. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    I will give you this Gary - I clashed with Kier on a number of issues. Brogan and I also clashed.
    It happens. Personalities clash. Differences of opinion get in the way. We all know that I am very opinionated, and stubborn. So it just didn't work.

    That's all I'm going to say, which I feel is too much, but not saying anything now, would just give you more fodder for the gossip mill. So there you have it.
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  7. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Peggy's reply above was without doubt one of the most enlightening responses yet from someone associated with Xenforo if you take the time to read and understand it. So you shoudn't feel the need to press for more details. Anyway I refer back to my previous point, ex-moderators don't change personality and people like Peggy (and Brogan) have integrity, they won't suddenly just "dish the dirt" to satisfy your personal agenda.
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  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    No, I appreciate you saying what you've said. I didn't really expect you'd say anything to be honest.

    I'll just ignore him.
  9. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    GTB, you spend so much time and effort crying about fanbois getting personal and attacking you, so why don't you read your own posts above? Firstly you feel the need to question how I spell my name in a monumental display of childishness, now you say that you will just ignore me, calling my post content "dribble". You are therefore a hypocrite. And you wonder why you no longer have any credibility left?

    In fact your presence in this thread is no longer required; you have been superceded by adults having an informed discussion. I would be very honoured and flattered therefore to be ignored by you.
  10. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Peg, this is exactly the sentiment that most dont seem to realize is unrealistic. I wish nothing on KAM directly. But Xenforo is a business, not a friendship. Kier has done alot for the forum world over the years and one on one I have no ill will with him. However, the fanboys talk and act like he and Xenforo walk on water. It isnt personal. Its all business and as a business, KAM will ultimately do as the business dictates or fail. I believe they are on that hill going down. Meanwhile, vB is starting an upward climb and I suspect vB5 combined with the lawsuit and lack of current development, will be the demise of Xenforo. Its not a wish Peg, its a prediction.

    What else would you call the fanboys?
  11. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Ok now we've got fanbois claiming that the reason for the silence is because they've actually done all the development as normal but don't want to reveal it to vBulletin.

    You couldn't make it up. :rolleyes:
  12. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    I'm not saying it is or is not true, nor whether I believe it or not, nor am I defending anyone, but.......

    Are you sure that's not the truth? Really sure?
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  13. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Since vB is going to be unveiling vb 5 at forumcon in 9 days, there isnt any real reason to hold off on things....
  14. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    I'm wondering just how similar to XF you're going to find vB5 to be.
    It should be interesting.
  15. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Yes. Really, really sure.
  16. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    They wouldn't dare to make it too similar. Obviously some stuff is now seen as fairly generic to forums so you may see that. I doubt it will be visually similar though.
  17. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    I dont know. My suspicion is that IB is/will be claiming that vB5 plans is what Kier used in part for the development of xenforo.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Funny enough, I was just thinking the same before reading your last reply.

    On another note, it's good to see Slavik and Jake keeping that thread running asking questions about development. After all they own XF licenses the same as regular customers, so concerns them just as much and I'm sure they'd like to know more as well. I've already spotted one post got deleted, the one I quoted higher up in this thread. So they are making an effort to keep discussion going!

    Jake makes me laugh, don't know why, but I like the guy and he has a way with words in how he says things that I find amusing?

    About vB5, I asked if it was a new forum product before on vBulletin and not just a rewrite of vB4 still. Wayne replied saying he didn't know, so it could be on the cards this is a new product coming from IB being shown for the first time at forumcon.
  19. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    LOL they said the same thing about vB4 / XF
  20. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Maybe that big announcement for vb5 is that it will be xenforo renamed. Runs and hides.

    I suspect the same as Joey. Remember the mockup Kier posted about vb4 in the early discussions about it?
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