The Burning Question

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by AWS, May 13, 2012.

  1. John

    John Regular Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Yes Gary, hate to burst your little drama bubble but I am indeed attempting to sell xenStyles. Something I've also done with vBSkinworks and Transverse Styles. You know, it's something called "business". My reasons for doing so would be beyond you as you've never actually created anything of value online (unless you want to count all the tabloid trash drama you seem obsessed with as something of value).

    I agree with Mike. Some of you seem so obsessed with generating negativity that you are actually starting to believe you have the ability to accurately predict the future lol! However, as Mike so astutely pointed out, your track record so far is 0% success.

    @Bob - you know I think the world of you and always have. You've been a good friend, loyal client and are generally a good guy. I'm surprised you allow tabloid style discussions to occur on your site. It disappoints me - especially when your good friends get dragged in to it.
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  2. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Seems to me you and others like Mike are getting the wrong idea about things said here. The discussion about XenForo started on this site because we got sick and tired of seeing threads keep getting locked there, so took it here instead. Bottom line, it's very simple to understand. Had the Dev's at XenForo took time and posted a proper announcement about things, and forget the brief rubbish we've seen posted telling you nothing really.

    What's happened since wouldn't have. There would have been no need to discus things here like we have. Surely you can grasp that much?

    Believe it or not, I like XenForo the best. But sadly they decided to keep customers in the dark and that was annoying and it's not just about the product, but also quite typical of Kier's style of doing things. Even now looking at the forums there, nothing has changed.

    The past two days I've been reading threads posted on vBulletin in the customer section. The first time in 2 years and you know what, there's a good vibe going on with staff cracking jokes and having a laugh with customers. Can you say the same about XF forums these days because of what's gone with them telling you nothing, no you can't. I was actually quite surprised after reading all the stuff posted about vBulletin on XenForo by people previously when not having access to vBulletin customer section.

    Think what you want, but know what I see.
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Just been reading a reply posted by MIKEY again on Admin Extra, a place were I cannot post bringing me up again into things. Does this guy enjoy writing long novels or what? Because every reply he makes IS like one complete with a "hardback cover" thrown in.

    Mike, I'll tell you this again in the hope it SINKS IN this time around. If I run a forum and choose not to tell you about it, or others for that matter. Even giving the impression I don't run one on purpose! It's none of your business!!!

    Let's hope the penny drops in the slot with you this time?
  4. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Lets keep the personal attacks out of thread.

    Back on topic.

    I also think as Joey does that something is afoot and in time we all will know what it is. I said it before and I'll say it again. Even though I dislike Kier I like the software and for the sake of competition I hope it survives. I own 4 licenses and did use it on 2 sites with plans to convert my bigger site to it. What stopped me from going further and also converting back to IPB was the uncertainty with the way things are at present. If the veil of silence is lifted and I see some movement I will convert back.

    Unlike others I cannot run software that is old. If you run old software, even software as good as xenforo, you have to also run old versions of the underlying software which has and will continue to be a security risk. If you're happy running old software simply because it works then you risk one day losing everything that you built through those years. I would bet that most people running older software are either very good at updating it to fix problems with new versions of PHP, Perl ASP.Net or whatever the server side uses and also know the weak spots and can close them.

    Finally, as I do with all sites I don't censor anything that is posted by anyone. If this topic was about blue widgets there would be someone that would argue that red widgets are better, can last longer and are easier resources. At some point in the thread it will get personal as all threads do at one point of another. I have and always will allow people to say what they want whether I myself agree with them or not. I will, as I did in this thread step and ask for the personal stuff to stop. I will not censor or close a topic because of it.
  5. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    May 15, 2012
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    The real question is whether or not Mike and Kier have defriended each other on Facebook? I checked twitter and they're still mates on that.

    But on a serious note how many Xenforo is dying/dead threads do you guys need on this forum? Wouldnt it be better to amalgamate them all into one big thread?
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    2 distinct topics. There may be some overlap, but, each covers a different topic.
  7. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    May 15, 2012
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    Why do you guys dislike Kier? What did he do?
  8. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I have my reasons.
  9. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    May 15, 2012
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    Yes but this is an 'uncensored' society so out with it. If you were shy about talking about your dislike of Kier then I would understand your reluctance to discuss it.

    However since you're quite open about that, holding back the reason just makes it seem like the reason isnt a good one.
  10. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I don't dislike Kier. Quite the opposite.
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Looks like you've a fan Mark, and think very differently about what you said above! They think you talk a load of horse manure.

    So your a Troll, Drama Queen, Attention Seeker and a Stalker all rolled into one I'm reading. :owned: And Shelley definitely must have been PISSED drinking cheap ASDA Cider (again) late last night reader HER comments aimed your way? You sure stepped hard a few XF fan-boy toes at AX! :lmao:

    Well at least your welcome here buddy. We won't rip your head off for mentioning the keyword - XenForo. :thumbsup:

    Looks like Carlos must not have visited XenForo for a while, or just has a bad memory? Otherwise he'd know Kier or Ashley censored the hell out of Brogan's posts since. Butchering what he said out of existence! You have to love how quickly some people forget things to suit.
  12. Mike

    Mike Adept

    May 23, 2009
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    @John - I could only "like' your post one time. Sorry.

    @Bob - I understand your feelings about Kier. Actually, history will prove Kier's behavior in the last few months is really not so different from his actions when he was with vB. Not as if he was a font of update information about vB either, was he?

    Sincere apologies to you, if you feel I am personally attacking anyone, I've actually just been calling things as I see them. Unlike like Gary's allusions about anyone's religious faith or his allegations about my "trolling" or Shelley's "drinking". I also have a lot of respect for you, so I will simply withdraw from participation here. No need for any misunderstanding between ourselves over someone showing their backside. I'm sure we'll still bump into one another in other venues. And one of these days, we'll have to schedule that meeting in Kentland, or thereabouts. The first round is on me. ;)

    @Gary - Sorry, but you've got things wrong, yet again. After witnessing your nonsense on other forums, I could just never hate myself enough to even visit even one of your own sites. So I can truthfully say not only have I never trolled one of your forums, I've never so much as visited one of them. I know you don't respond well to the truth, but I've no intentions of starting to lie to you (or anyone else) at this late date. And no, I've no misunderstanding as to what you're on about. You've been tossed from other sites for your silly behavior, so you've now dragged your mess onto this site. More's the pity. And you've arrived with proclamations of how wonderful you are, because you are asking questions you allege they are "afraid to ask". See, I've not missed a thing, now have I? Carry on, dear child, it's only your own name you're dishonoring. :thumbsup:
  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Ops! Dummy has fell out and he's leaving for good now. Hold on a sec while I bolt the door behind you. Bye! :giggle:

    But seriously, grow up Mike and stop acting so immature coming out with "leaving statements" like that. It just makes you look a Drama Queen! If you can't put the boxing gloves on and mix it up, then don't put them on in the first place like you did coming out with comments about me first of all. Now crying saying your off, leaving for good like it's all my fault. Pretty obvious what your both trying to do, first SmackLan tried to play on his friendship with Bob about me, now your trying to do the same also with your leaving speech (you never posted here now anyway, neither of you). And it's always the same story with you lot, reporting post and playing on friendships to try and get others banned from sites you don't like. Please, spare us your drama, you only posted on AX!

    If Bob did ban Me and Mark, big chances are that's the very last time he'll see - you post here again!

    If you wanna leave, then so be it. But don't use me as an excuse when you came here posting rubbish aimed my way first. That's called being a hypocrite!

  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Didn't take you long did it Mike, what I said above about you skipping off back to AX posting your same "Novel with a Hardback cover" dribble? My point above proved beyond redemption against you. Well done! :thumbup:

    Guess it wasn't about you not wanting to take part in heated discussion, you leaving here because of it. The link below proves that much now aimed at Mark.B with your novel written, it was just about me personally eh (slams door on Mike now, hope it hits him on way out)? :shrug:



    I see Shelley has cracked open another bottle of that cheap Cider she gets in from ASDA or TESCO.

  15. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Last time I saying this or I will dole out warnings and close this thread. It's against my principles to ever close a thread. I do have one hard and fast rule. Do not insult people or use this forum to reply to people that are debating the same topic on another site. If you disagree with someone on another site then reply to them there, not here.

    Carry on with the discussion and leave the personal insults out of it. Any further insults will result in this thread being closed.
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  16. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    Come on guys - keep it civil...
  17. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Regular Member

    May 15, 2012
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    AWS and GTB. I'm quite new to this side of forum software. What's the big deal about Kier? Why're you guys so down on him?

    I haven't seen or heard anything to make me think he's deserving of being disliked this much? If you can happily go on and on about him and his software why not at least give a reason for it?
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I was just reading your reply posted on XenForo mentioning Me, Mark, AWS and others. Your wrong in what I've highlighted in the screen-shot taken just now from there. All Kier needs do, is post an announcement with some proper details included to shut everyone up (and how many times does that have to be repeated)? Yes, including all of us here! Actually making a reference to XenForo 1.2, stating it's still coming in Q2. But he won't do that, ever wondered why?

    You see, this is what YOU and others from XenForo "either don't get, or just like playing ignorant off" as your excuse. You buy into their games played with customers way too easy unlike us, that's the huge difference between ME, AWS. Mark and YOU. We're nobody's fool, and least of all Kier Darby's. I for one, well I'm too old and wise for his silly cryptic guessing games!

    We'll see who has the last laugh in 4 weeks time, end of Q2 then. Time is fast running out and no news about ZIP-PO has been said to date with it since. Have fun still trying to defend things based on that much (or should I say little), and I can't wait for it to come? They haven't even released any maintenance updates for the current version, even though bugs have been fixed and there's that new PHP 5 version problem with it since. But I guess all of that is totally irrelevant, Yes?

    View attachment 2182

    Seriously, couldn't care less anymore if XenForo dies or lives, it doesn't interest me in the slightest either way. Because based on how they've treated and ignored customers the past 3 months or so, I'd never have renewed my license with them. They shot themselves in the foot with a German Panza tank gun!

    What I don't like, and it something I don't understand about other XenForo fan-boys? I hate being taken for a fool, treated like I don't have the intelligence to see things first-hand (as they appear to be). Then start getting fed vague information by KAM as though I'm some lame idiot and they are superior playing games I'll buy into. Doing that under-minds a person big time! You lot are just their "MUGS", "PUPPETS ON A STRING" - and you don't even see it happening to you.

    You've got 4 weeks left in Q2 only, and with nothing said (about anything), not even a maintenance release made. Yet, you still defend them to the hilt? Wow! You lot sure do have lots of blind faith going there.

    Attached Files:

  19. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Sadly the thread has been closed yet again as soon as some uncomfortable truths start to come out.
  20. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I noticed Mark - same old, same old story!

    When things are going their way with fan-boy rants defending XenForo they leave it running, even though other customers are being abused by them at times doing it. But the first sign things are shifting the other way it gets locked. They just don't want the hard questions being asked and only leave threads open if looking like fan-boy rants are keeping the genuine people asking questions at bay. Says it's all really!

    Well Slavik better start getting his suit of armour and mega hammer polished ready, because now the count-down is on for end of Q2. You know exactly what's going to happen there very soon! Where the F*CK is it? Even the fan-boys will be screaming it out loud? This will be Slavik then, just another clueless Brogan shaking his head saying. :shrug:

    I'm predicting an all out blood bath and I don't need say in favour of who, now what sized coffin does Slavik fit? :lol2:

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