Using my home machine as a web server?

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Xtreme2damax, May 6, 2012.

  1. Xtreme2damax

    Xtreme2damax Newcomer

    I was thinking of running a forum on my home machine but am not sure what is involved. Can I run a website with my own .com domain from home with a dynamic ip using a linux nameserver such as bind? I have the standard internet package from Time Warner and am not sure how fast (or slow) a website would load. How do I set up and configure all the essentials such as httpd (apache), FTP (Proftpd) Nameserver (Bind), emall (Dovecot/Courier), any other required essentials as well as securing the server?

    Can I run the server using a VMWare virtual machine? I don't want to dedicate the entire machine as a web server as I use it for other things.

  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I run one website on a server connected to my home network. It's a Comcast Business line so it is allowed. You should make sure your ISP isn't blocking port 80 and that they allow servers. My servers used to all be run from my house. Now only one is, but, I will be moving all the sites to that one soon.

    You can use vmware with the OS installed for the server on a vm. That's how I run my sites with the exception I use Hyper-V.

    With a dynamic IP you'll need a service such as dyndns and have software run on the server that will change the ip when it changes.
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I'm able to to do the same also with my locahost, I can put it live online using IP or by using a domain (has to be configured) and NamepCheap DNS Tool. VM doesn't block Port 80, even have it running behind my Firewall live online.
  4. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    A peice of advice... unless you really know what you are doing, don't run a publicly available webserver from your home. Especially if the primary focus is something as dynamic as a forum.

    Aside from the potential security issues that could occur (due to an improperly set up server)... I've dealt with a many number of clients who have gone down this route, and have issues with their installed software. Thinking it's a problem with our software... deep investigation determines that the problem is caused by the server, due to bad configuration or an improper set up. Naturally, as a software vendor we advise they talk to their host... well, they don't have a host, but don't know what the actual problem is... you can see where this is headed.

    Unless you actually have experience as a server administrator, I wouldn't recommend it. Not to mention, you run into further complications with your Internet Provider. Most do not allow public webservers to be served via a standard internet connection, and require you to purchase a business class connection (as AWS mentioned) that is specifically structured for that purpose. Additionally, you have to factor in other costs such as electricity to power the server 24/7/365 and building the actual server according to current specs (a standard computer will not work as a webserver, for example... even if you're using an operating system designed to strictly work as a server - hardware is important too). Factor in the business class internet connection to handle proper upload and download speeds, you're going to be spending a fair amount of money to maintain a proper web server - and that's just to start.

    Long and short - 99% of the time... you do not want to run a webserver out of your home. (AWS being the 1% in this instance :lol: )
    2 people like this.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    You don't really need high spec PC these days to run your own web server, because most forums are not even busy enough requiring it. You can happily use a decent PC, unless your forum suddenly become MEGA busy. Which is highly unlikely to happen now-a-days. Even then you can jump from hosting yourself to renting a proper web server later.

    Wouldn't say I'd recommend doing it though, but don't be put off the idea also. Some web server software is actually very secure out the box by default, you don't need to do much else bar install it. But does help if knowing things like how to run it behind your Firewall e.t.c.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I've gone the same way myself now Bob, got fed-up of running forums on Shared Hosting you've no control over that break on you sooner or later. And let's be honest, they couldn't care less if what they change breaks your forum board, no matter how much hard work you've put into it for a year or more. Something I found out the hard way when running MyBB and it broke 2 years later because of my host changing things with PHP version used! Also, I ain't paying for expensive dedicated hosting to have that "full control", because forum activity doesn't warrant the cost of paying it today for me. Simple as that, it would just feel like throwing dead money down the drain each month for nothing. I'm now using NameCheap's own DNS client and Domain with them, plus all email features work on the forum using SSL. It's pretty much a proper hosted online community using XenForo, but for once I have full control over everything unlike before when having so many problems using it.

    You can find the link leading to my Community Forums displayed in the header area on my "GTB Blogs" tumblr site, I'm not running it 24/7 because I do other things with my PC using lots of my bandwidth speed, but do run it most of the day right now if I can. And if not online, that's either because I've stopped the server or taken it off-line from the web back to localhost only. It's just a way of showing others really that it can be done, and done proper with XenForo being self hosted. Even Image Magick is fully supported to use animated avatars there and works spot on with no error logs produced or anything from XF Admin CP, PHP or Apache server logs. It runs perfect!

    I will say though, I'm not serious about running a forum board anymore to clear that one up. And I don't think self-hosting is the way to go if you are to be honest. You do need a proper web hosting service in that instance, but for me it's just a play now more than anything else. I enjoy my free Blog more than running a community these days, which is there online 24/7. No doubt I'll get bored running the forum online soon and start putting it up less often.

    Don't blame you thinking about moving all your forums to self-hosted if able to guarantee the uptime 24/7 being run from another computer, other than the one you use normally on web and it's not something I can do! Communities are not worth paying to keep online using VPS or Dedicated hosting anymore, not unless your lucky enough to have a very active forum. Which is getting more rare for forum owners, so self-hosting could become something being done more soon!
  7. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I did it for years. Only reason I stopped was I sold my business and office building along with it. When I built my new home I added a server room off the garage with a security system, but, never lit the fiber up. I decided to co-locate instead. Now my servers are a bit long in the tooth and time for an upgrade so instead of shipping the new ones off I have lit the fiber and have 2 new servers sitting in the rack and 3 others ready to build. I have a request in for another /29 of IPs and when I get them I'll start the full migration.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I didn't realize you was that heavily into running your own servers.
  9. David

    David Regular Member

    You'll probably run out of bandwidth to operate before you run out of PC power. A little known fact is most ISP's cap your data transfer these days on home and even business lines.
  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Well I've stopped running mine online now anyway. But, my ISP doesn't cap. That wasn't an issue for me like some.
  11. CubicWebsIntl

    CubicWebsIntl Regular Member

    You need to have a a business internet account though I believe with your ISP and I wouldn't personally recommend it due to the speeds.

    Your home Internet is probably 11mbits per seconds however you can get up-to 1GBPS with a datacenter.
  12. Lairston

    Lairston Regular Member

    How much does Comcast charge for that?
  13. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I've got Metro E fiber and it's expensive. Regular Comcast Biz is like $100 a month for 27/7 and $179 for 50/15.
  14. Lairston

    Lairston Regular Member

    thanks for the info. I think it would be great to have complete control of the physical server. something to think about in the future when I have money.
  15. Gregman

    Gregman Regular Member

    I also run my server form my house, but I am a hobbyist and I like to tinker with things. I currently have 20mbps down and 6mbps up and its more then enough for my tiny websites. I can go all the way up to 100mbps down and 20mbps up. Which would be more then I would ever need,


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