Yet another customer lynching by fanbois at Xenforo

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Goerge Hastings, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    The only reason I'd like to read something posted is to confirm things are currently OK, we can expect XenForo 1.2 to come still. That's about it really! Just some clarity given on the situation as it stands now, and that's what annoys because they won't even give that in "layman's terms" everyone can understand reading. Each time something is said now, which is hardly ever. It's in a manner anything can be read into causing friction between members (as to what it actually meant), very vague telling you pretty much nothing. If I want cryptic, I'll go out and buy a 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle and play with that for days pulling my hair out. Forgot. just had it cut! :sheep:
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
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    I disagree with all of your post. I, as others, are paying customers and these paying customers, some of them happen to depend on the software they choose to run to pay the bills, have every right to be kept apprised of the state of the software. Instead, juts like during Kiers day at the reigns of vbulletin, you get no information. That might have worked at vbulletin, it does not work as the owner of a company.

    I'm glad for you that you can run the same software for the next five years. Most people can't. You need to keep up with communities in your niche or you'll lose your users. Running outdated software is a sure fire way to disenchant your community.
  3. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    Let's say that lately I got 'kicked' by other developers, paid for a 'lifetime' license to find out that after 3 months I can't download the script (I had access for a lifetime) and that I need to pay AGAIN for it etc. So right now I am so happy with how XF are running their business, you wouldn't belive it :D

    The script only doesn't make a community, that's for sure. I'd be worried about security flaws, so these should always be solved and new patches delivered, since our forums would suffer. But a script is just an 'engine'. You need a unique design, constant activity, excellent content, useful features etc, to set yourself apart. I don't recommend a free script in our niche, that's for sure, but even a script that's still like it was few years ago would work great. I have seen so many webmaster forums that are still on VB3.x and they're doing very well. Even TAZ, if I am allowed to say their name here are on the previous VB version and from my 'monitoring' they're still the biggest and most active in the niche.

    They do need to get their stories straight and start delivering more, but we shouldn't worry that much, at least not at this moment. I'd be more angry if they were forced to shut down the operation and 'someone' (whoever would have the authority) would ask me to switch to something else. Now that would be a problem, but not for long. The script market is not empty, there are other good platforms out there anyway
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    That wouldn't happen though, if you got banned from the XenForo forums you'd still have access to download the software from the main page. It's the same way on vBulletin, even if banned from and forums. They can ban you from using the forums because it's not part of the license agreement you both enter into, but they cannot stop you downloading what you paid for with an active license, nor any support tickets you might put forward still active to use. Not unless they give you a full refund back terminating you active license!
  5. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    Agreed with you. I mean I never keep scripts stashed in my PC, come on, that's why I pay for a lifetime license, to go there and download the thing I paid for. Not to have the download link disappear from my client area and then be advised to pay AGAIN for the entire stuff. It's 25 bucks, but still it's my MONEY. I decided to use another script that was actually 4 times more expensive, just cause I don't like such business 'ways'
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I don't get you dojo, you still seem to be saying if banned from forums you won't be able to access forum software download "client area" anymore? Which you can because it's a totally separate area from community. When your banned from forums, that's all your banned from.

  7. Riess

    Riess Regular Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    I belive Dojo is talking about her experience with IPB, vide permanent license, 25bucks for update and ban on forums = ban from client area.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Ah right! Well that's sure not the case with vBulletin, I know that because I've been banned from vBulletin forums now for over 12 months (at my own request back then). I can still access and download latest vBulletin software from my client area, just not use the forums. Suspect the same would be at XenForo as well. Actually that's wrong of IPB to do that, why if banned from forums are you also banned from downloading what you paid for if still having an active license?

    The forums are used really just for discussion. What bearing does that have on the fact you paid to download their software being sold, or even use the support ticket area dealt with totally separate from the forums? Fair enough, ban a person for being a naughty little boy from forums, but taking their right away also to download what they paid for - is just plain wrong in my book!
  9. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    No, my experience with IPB was different. Paid for the script, migrated a pretty active forum to it, worked ok for few months and then I got SO MUCH SPAM I had to delete the entire forum. Tried to keep it up for weeks, had absolutely no decent plugin to prevent them to post *back then even VB just had a plugin that would do what VB does now by default 'ban and clean with a button push), it was hard to delete their junk etc. So I still have a license but never bothered with it again. I lost a forum to their poor anti-spam management, while my VB was handling it better, will not make the mistake again.

    Am talking about the guy who's created the script I run on my job marketplace. have paid for a questions/answer script on August last year, got the same morose replies he's always giving about the server not running it and few days ago I decided to work on a site with that script and since, I don't keep all my downloads for years, thought I can just enter my member area and get the stuff. Well, I can't :D

    As for xenforo, since I again got the talk off topic again (my apologies), looks like Shawn from DigitalPoint is considering switching to XF. I think that's gonna be a HUGE move.
  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Shawn from Digital Point has been working on switching over for ages to XenForo now, it's nothing new. But he's got to convert loads of his vB mods over to XF first before he can do it. That could be ages away yet, then again it might not be? But, and keep this in mind. Shawn has already posted that if XenForo closed he has the skill to develop it further himself anyhow. He's a very clever guy and can do most things himself, so has no worries on that score.

    I was really blown away when reading this posted by Shawn, the guy knowns "much more" than I ever thought. Seems he might be mega rich too on the quiet. Have a read below, it's very good indeed! That guys in a different league all of his own!

    Link: http://www.shoemoney...-on-fbi-charges

    Quote taken from it, read and weep with jealousy! :speechless:

  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    But what you going to do if no more XenForo versions come, this is the last one and no XF 1.2 arrives?
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    So what's happened with Floris at XenForo? Just got in looking at latest threads posted there and read his farewell speech, he's asked for his forum account to be deleted as well. Don't get why he's asked for his account to be deleted, that means all those latest modding guides he's gone to a lot of trouble creating and posting there recently telling "how to create your own mods will vanish" with his account. Why not stop posting and leave his account intact still, then at least people can still make use of his guides posted there, which are good and help people a lot who are not coders.

    I followed his guides and was able to create my first mod, which otherwise I'd have no hope of doing. I would move those mod guides from his account to another before closing it - so they still remain listed there.


  13. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Jesus the guy's an even bigger drama queen than I am! What's rocked his boat this time?

    He is incredibly talented but he's in "flounce mode" more often than he isn't.

    I don't remember him being like this when he did vBulletin support, he always seemed quite professional then.
  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    No idea! I mean he seemed keen again creating those mod guides (which are very good by the way), I spent hours following it one night and was able to create my own mod for the first time. Very detailed and it must have took him a great deal of time and effort putting them all together. I just don't get what's up with him of late having these mood swings?

    If they remove his account, those guides and everything else there will vanish with it. So why not just stop posting on XF, but leave his account intact to let other people use them still, along with other stuff he might have posted. I have a feeling Kier won't do it you know, and if he does he'll probably not let him back in the forum again after that.
  15. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    I have an excellent STABLE script for my site. I don't need more. If in time I'll need more features added or stuff solved, I'll hire a programmer to do the coding. It's just another php/MySql script, I presume from the thousands of GOOD programmers that work, I'll be able to find one. When that time will come I should be able to afford custom work, since I'm constantly working on monetizing and the site actually earns some money since month 2 anyway.

    I should worry the same with my job board script or, if I'd use the directory script etc. I have worked with programming teams for my main client and there's nothing you'd want done and a talented programmer won't be able to make work. I have worked on some pretty extensive wordpress modding with these guys and was blown away by what they can do. So, if we need more stuff, we hire them, that's if the XF development stagnates too much.

    Look at gaia online. A decade ago they were on phpBB. Then they moded and customized to no end. No I assume they're running their own script. The platform is just the engine for the site. That can be tweaked and changed. Not by me, since I'm useless with programming, but a good 'coder' can surely get me out of any 'pickles' :)
  16. Goerge Hastings

    Goerge Hastings Regular Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Belgium and UK
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    I don't buy into this martyr thing where someone leaves on a "principle" because it's just as negative as the so called "problems" and only contributes to the downward spiral. If anything it is actually worse, it is a bit selfish to annouce his "leaving" like this, why not just go and not post again? But his decision is his own to make, despite his occasionally odd behaviour I always respected Floris as someone who has a huge amount of talent and a lot to say. It's likely Xenforo as a whole package (including Kier and Mike and they way they have conducted themselves) could never live up to Floris's expectations, I think he was somewhat wasted on Xenforo. It's their loss and someone else's gain, they should have done a lot more to keep key people like Floris happy and on-side. I fear that with the loss of Brogan and now Floris. there is a diminishing pool of people able and willing to help at the sharp end - when customers post and ask for help - let's face it, Kier and Mike are currently doing f**k all.

    Anyway, good luck Floris, I hope you find something more worthy of your time and talent and above all, are happy.
  17. Riess

    Riess Regular Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Make no mistake, when commercial software dies, so does its ecosystem. Those people reporting bugs, warning about security issues or finding performace bottlenecks? Gone. Crowded city square turns into middle of desert. Guys like Gaia survived only because of three reasons:

    - phpBB2 had long lifespan and thus extensive documentation of its inner workings as well as base of experienced developers.
    - phpBB2 as open source was not dependant on one entity's support, when phpBB group went "meh, let it rot" those devs were still allowed to work on software and adress its issues.
    - Gaia has more than enough money for employing their own programming staff and de-facto writing their own software.

    Its not as simple as hiring one guy from time to time to make fixes, you need somebody to constantly support your code, to be here for you when over night your site is compromised and entire database shows up on pastebin.

    Eventually you will hit the wall and have to decide whats more worth it: paying for life support or moving over to something that works.
  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Bit off topic this one, but have to say it ever since first seeing your photo. Your a dead ringer for my ex wife! :wacko:

    Back on topic - You can do that, not saying if you rent dedicated server hosting you cannot continue using old forum software without it ever breaking. There are vB2 sites out there running still to prove that one. Even I can put my own localhost server live online running XF 1..2 or vBulletin 3 if so choosing to do so, it would never break because I have total control over things.

    I could easy do what Bob does, running it myself online 24/7 but choose not to even though being secure because, one it's installed on another HD (F: Drive) that separate from my C: Drive for security reasons. And secondly, it's also running behind my firewall.
  19. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Well it looks like Floris has NOT got his own way asking for his account to be deleted, which I'm really not surprised about at all considering he's one of the "Top 10 Posters" at XenForo and the mess it would cause in threads removing his member account and all his post. Bit of a pet hate of mine that when members ask for it to be deleted, why not ask it be renamed instead for the sake of keeping the forum content making sense still, that would be the most common sense thing to do suiting both parties involved.

    No offence against Floris, but he claims to be very good close friends with Kier, Mike and Ashley all the time. Yet, he's asking that they delete his account knowing fully well the mess that will create in other threads. That for me, well it's in no way being considerate as a friend towards them for the sake of XenForo forums. Instead he should be asking they rename his account, and it only gives the opposite impression he's being spiteful towards them. I think this may have something to do with Slavik being made up as a mod and he wasn't (AGAIN). And seeing he's so called supposed to be like "great friends" with Kier, Mike and Ashley and worked with them at vBulletin for many years also. How comes they've never made him a mod from the very get go, instead choosing people like Peggy, Brogan, Lawrence, Slavik and others before him? Find it odd he's never been made a mod in that case, he should have been a natural first choice, especially this time around getting made up with Jake Bunce.

    Don't buy into this "Buddy, Buddy" thing claimed to have going with them because of it. Think he's in flounce mode he didn't get made a mod, along with it being obvious from before he's struggling hard to keep his forum going paying the cost of running one. He admitted it last time he took it down before Christmas himself, moving from dedicated to shared hosting.
  20. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Picking up more on just that point alone. Floris - did get a lot of respect from members at vBulletin when staff, something I think he wanted back and thought would happen right away when KAM created XenForo. Why he was quick posting like hell there earning him one of the top posting spots fast, along with dropping all his "vBulletin Fan" forums. Unfortunately, it never did happened for him and slowly started showing his disappointment while trying to keep a straight face going at the same time. He wanted the option still open for him, that yet it may still happen later on.

    I think he just wanted that Staff position back and what comes with it (from other members towards you) on big important official sites like vBulletin or XenForo. That's how it's always looked to me with Floris ever since, he wants to be seen as somebody important looked up at! Personally, I think he should get himself involved with something else now and forget about XenForo and the world of forums. Go buy a new multi-player game or something and enjoy playing that for a good while, but do himself a favour and get away completely from the world of running forums on the web. That's what I did when playing FreeLancer for a few months recently, I'd had enough of forums at the time and needed a really good break away from them closing my own forum while doing it. I really enjoyed the break at the time also, may very well do it again soon and for much longer!

    He gives me the impression he's very disillusioned with things now and has been for a good while. Which I can fully understand myself going back not that long ago, he needs to get away from it all and there's no shame admitting it either. You can get yourself too wrap up in forums at times and what's said on them e.t.c. There not worth it and it's amazing how fast your view changes about them when getting away from using them for a month!

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