almost 75 members and no one posts ..

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Iron Hide, May 9, 2011.

  1. Iron Hide

    Iron Hide Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I have recently started my new forum site. I have 75 members now but no one posts. I don't even know why they joined. I recently banned 10 members for spamming but other members just registered and never posted. I have some friends who plays online game(ld4s:D) with me, they helped me and posted. But, there is not even a single person who posts besides us. I wonder whats wrong. I also have a section where I have posted legit materials regarding CCNA, A+ and other IT certification materials to help them and share more questions, but again no one participates. My friends are getting bored too because no one posts and its really getting lil annoying.

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Feel free to look at my site and suggest any thing else or suggest what am I missing. Url is under my sig.

  2. GarethPlevin

    GarethPlevin Newcomer

    May 7, 2011
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    Nice site design.

    I would cut down on the number of forums you have. Having too many makes the site look dead. You can always add more as you get busier.
  3. Iron Hide

    Iron Hide Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    How about now?

    I have deleted some categories.
  4. Outdoor-Fishing

    Outdoor-Fishing Adept

    Dec 25, 2009
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    Those members are spammers. I suggest you switch to the random question feature and make up some questions. Image verification and CAPTCHA has been broken...

    As far as the members go recruit, recruit, and recruit...
  5. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    Wow first of all let me say I never liked the Gamer Green theme however I have seen two websites tonight that are using it and both look awesome.

    Your site included.

    Some basic things to think about - getting yourself a fav icon - it's only small however websites that have one tend to stick out more in my mind as it shows that the administrator has really looked into customizing the theme as much as possible.

    In the footer your MF image is on a white background and it clearly stands out against the slight gradient of the backgrounds footer (I don't know if it is just me on chrome but I can see the difference).

    I would be willing to help you advertise your site on my sports website (we are currently going through a re-design) but once the re-design is complete if you make an advertising image I would be more than willing to chuck it up we have a few members who are website orientated.

    I could also help by posting, I don't know much about computers however I know enough to ensure I am the tech head who my family calls everytime something goes wrong with their computers.

    I just wont be able to do so until after my website re-design is done as that has to remain my number 1 piority.

    In order to advertise for more members I would say signing up on as many websites and making general posts, 99% of sites allow you to add your url if you have one. And also looking at places like ForumPromotion.

    It sounds a bit silly but I went there and purchased advertising and received about 40 additional members, who still all post, just by getting two weeks of advertising there.

    Maybe look into some sort of competition where you can give away something anyone in the world can use such as amazon gift cards etc.

    And maybe try and get in contact with some pc magazines, offer to carry a free advert for them in return for a small advertisement, a mention, even your website link in a ribbon at the bottom of one of their pages - I did this and received about 100 members within a 24 hour period - most of whom have posted and continue to post.

    Sorry I couldn't be any more of a direct help but hopefully you can see where I am going with some of this and take the bull by the horns and run with it so to speak.
  6. Iron Hide

    Iron Hide Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Do u mean I shoud create a =fav icon, like two speech bubble with MF in it? ;)

    Where should I use that icon?

    Sry I am brand new

  7. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    A fav icon is just a small image that appears in most browsers like here at AA it's not just the vBulletin look that is on your site at the moment.

    When the person in the graphics forum touches up your logo you should ask them to create the fav icon for you as this is a really small picture and my suggestion would be to use the MF speech bubble thing you have.

    Once it's done you upload into your root folder and it will start to appear not just when people browse your site but in their bookmarks as well.
  8. Iron Hide

    Iron Hide Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    When I will upload it into my root folder, where will it appear and how will it show as a bookmark. Sorry I didn't understand how its gonna work.

    Do u have it in your site where I can look how it works?

  9. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    It's on this site for you - when you look at the top of your internet browser instead of the E for Internet Explorer, The Fox for Mozilla etc here at Admin Addict they have a fav icon - it's just a little tiny image but it shows your visitors that you have thought of absolutely everything when it comes to your site.
  10. avery

    avery Newcomer

    May 12, 2011
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    Hi every one
    Well in my point of view your site is good and realy awesome,As outdor says that sum mambers are spamers,I also thing as outdor thinking,Its realy good idea to switch uder on rendome qustion.
  11. manxspud

    manxspud Newcomer

    May 8, 2011
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    Hi Gareth ... use this to check the ip of any user you are unsure of :

    [url=]Stop Forum Spam[/url]
    great resource and its free ... spam bots often come create a account then come back days or even weeks later to add content ban/delete all these accounts m8.

    next starting a new forum is not easy , very few will stumble across it by chance so you need to put it out there m8 ... you have twitter installed twit some threads out there face book is another good one to use get some posts out there as well ..

    create some false accounts at different levels use these accounts to add content ... makes the for um seem like it has more active members ...

    the user ranks of newbie / junior member ect have been done to death change them to something unique to your site add colour to the user name and ranks really make it stand out
    use this link for the colour names and codes you can use :

    most of all make your site a fun place to be and just enjoy yourself ...

    best of luck ...
    2 people like this.
  12. Iron Hide

    Iron Hide Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Thanks for you tip manx,

    Will definitely give it a try.
    2 people like this.
  13. Keylogged

    Keylogged Addict

    May 18, 2011
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    What merk said, one of those little icons does wonders. It makes it look professional.
  14. onlineearner123

    onlineearner123 Regular Member

    May 17, 2011
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    you should try to get a HQ traffic.....if the members are spammers then they are is better to have no member than having spammers
  15. manxspud

    manxspud Newcomer

    May 8, 2011
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    Your welcome ironhide , if you need any help with code / how to do any thing drop me a line ... am always happy to help out and share what i have learned.

  16. Outdoor-Fishing

    Outdoor-Fishing Adept

    Dec 25, 2009
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    Two mods that I strongly suggest to prevent spam users:

    1) Stopforumspam- This mod detects registration that occurs in a "non-human" amount of time. Meaning if a bot registers in 3 seconds, it will deny that user access.
    Stop the Registration Bots on your vBulletin Forum - vBulletin and Computer Help Forum

    2) This mod will prevent users with less than "x" posts to post a link or image in their post. I set this to 5 posts, so new users are not allowed to post a link without me confirming their post.
    Forbid Users from Posting Links or Images if They Have Fewer than 15 Posts - Forum

    3) As mentioned before, change to the random question security feature.

    This should now get rid of 99% of your spammers. Remember, once you let one spammer through, more will follow...

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