IPB Full Suite - purchased 01/2011!

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Kris, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Kris

    Kris Newcomer

    Hey guys,

    I decided to join from TAZ, and would like to sell my new IPB licence. I purchased it at the end of January because I had real goals for setting a community up. Those plans failed, and the motivation was lost. Here is my licence, brand new and waiting to be sold to someone with the ideas to put into practice.


    The software being as it is (both a full suite and very recently registered) I am looking for a price similar to what I paid for it. It's with this in mind that I want to make anyone aware the full package price was about 375 USD. Take $125 off that (with payment via PayPal) and you will have a deal.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  2. neo

    neo Regular Member


    Is it still available?


  3. Kris

    Kris Newcomer

    Most definitely is. Will shoot you a PM.
  4. bwar

    bwar Newcomer

    Interested if you can come down a bit more on the price.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  5. Kris

    Kris Newcomer

    Hey bwar,

    I'm happy to drop to 200 for you. Interested?

  6. Kris

    Kris Newcomer

    Looking for a quick sale here. 180.

    You can't tell me this isn't good value for what it is.
  7. Hayk

    Hayk Regular Member

    Hello, Kris!

    Is this offer still valid?


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