So why should I use XenForo?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Imperial, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    I know that some of the minds behind vBulletin jumped ship and created XenForo, but other than this, what does XF bring to the table that IPB or vB do not already?

    I have seen several XenForo boards and they look like a Frankenstein creation: a combination of vBulletin navigation and IPB styling with more AJAX dumped on top. I understand the easy facebook integration, but both vB and IPB can add the same easy integration through a few updates. I'm not understanding the hype behind these boards one bit...
  2. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    It's hard to explain unless you experience it with an open mind. Posting on the company forum, asking questions, just chit chatting will give you an idea.

    It's main focus is simply being a forum, not a suite which is what IPB & VB (version 4). And it's simply fun. The best place to start is the forum called "Have You Seen" which gives video glimpses into the software unless someone is nice enough to let you in their sandbox. :)

  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Although it may not seem like a cure-all right now, it does have a great sense (on the developers' part) of improvement, moving-forward and raising the bar in the forum industry.

    It's a neat product and one of the most appealing factors is its springing-towards-the-future theme.

    I've been following the product since its unveiling in July, and even still -- after the newness has worn off -- I am amazed by its capabilities and overall quality, and wish I could use it on a live community.
  4. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    From what I can see it's all hype from people who didn't like that IB changed the licensing terms for vBulletin.
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  5. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Then explain why some of it's biggest fans didn't even know who Kier, Mike, or Ashley were before joining XenForo, had either never used vb or used it so long ago, it was still a 2 series.

    Granted, a great many disaffected vb owners have jumped ship but not because of the licensing terms, not the ones in recent months, but because we see a future with a solid product that the manglement at IB is unwilling to deliver. Or vb 4 would be solid now and not a beta a year after it's "stable" release.

    We're simply tired of a software that use to be fantastic, be delivered full of bugs during each stable release. Of a software that is tired, bloated, and server intensive. Of a software that is danged near impossible to design custom skins for or to code for...otherwise the mod community wouldn't be shrinking so much.

    I read somewhere that smart owners of software/hardware keep their eyes and minds open since the next item on the horizon may be what they need. I don't hate vb itself, I do hate what IB has done to it. I started using it in May 2005, and loved it until the 4 series came along and managed to mess up a great product. What vb should have done 2+ years ago when planning vb4 is totally start over and not bring forward the code that is inherited but still have the spirit come forward.

    As to the previous comment of the look of most he had seen, part of that is it's still in beta and that part of the code is still being tweaked enough for K/M/A to have warned all of us, esp designers, to not make major custom stuff til after it's gone stable.

  6. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    It would be easier to take your rants seriously Liz if I knew more about your experiences with vBulletin 4.0. Which forums do you own/admin that are on 4?
  7. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Until October 31st, I had a vb 4 forum up and running. You might still be able to see it in google cache or the way back machine. I am currently in the process of selling that license and as a result, I currently admin at I am also an admin at DigiDesigners Online - Forums - Home

    Does that suit you...or did the fact that I am still a member of the vb site, have been since May 2005, and still have a valid license because the sale is not final. She is using it with my permission while the sale is finalized.

    You can also check these threads:
    Show off your site/forum! | Page 5 | XenForo Community
    vB4 owners, show yourself! | XenForo Community My posts start on page 3.

    Now is that enough evidence that I am aware of what is behind the front side of vb4 and do know what I am talking about? After this spring when the sale is finalized, I won't be able to claim to still own a copy. But I do as of right now and it is being used legally.
  8. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    Color me unimpressed.
  9. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    You didn't ask to be impressed, you asked if I had experience. And I answered THAT question.

    Not everyone can be a part of a Big Board and actually the small hobbist who never had more than maybe one other admin probably knows more about the back end of VB than someone who owns a Big Board and has to farm out part/most of his duties or be overwhelmed.

    So be unimpressed...but I still have a right to my views.
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  10. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    As does every other troll on the Internet.
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Honestly, there's no need for the nonsense name-calling when Liz is clearly trying to have a mature conversation with you. If you aren't able to do the same, please refrain from posting.
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  12. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    I understand the feelings behind IB. I personally dislike the direction vB has taken since IB took over, everything just feels like its motivated by money and trying to push out the next version as fast possible to get another $180+ out of the license owners.

    After taking a look at XF, I'm not sure that its the solution to what IB has done to vB. Its like what vB4 should have been, but kind of off still...
  13. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    I understand that XF seems a little off compared to what you are use to but some Big Boards are already starting to make the leap to XF and the reports back from their members are positive. And the bottom line to a successful forum is members who are happy and keep coming back to post.
    Here is a link to the bigger boards that have converted: Large Xenforo Sites | XenForo Community

    Oh, and you might want to check this thread out as well: I love this community and this software | XenForo Community as well as what is said in the Calif case thread listed in the other post here. I think the most interesting is on page 4 of that thread.

    Bottom line, you have to make your own descision, all that can be done is provide info.
  14. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

  15. dvduval

    dvduval Regular Member

    Yea, the whole "suite" thing with vbulletin also left me under impressed. I just want a solid forum. I would definitely consider switching should I reach a point I need to update either of my big forums.
  16. Severus

    Severus Regular Member

    I would recommend Xenforo as the best paid software around because of its excellent user friendly interpahse! its beyond comparing to any other paid ones around!
  17. Disasterpiece

    Disasterpiece Addict

    I was interested and still am to a certain amount.
    However the thing with the developers who turned ship and (apparently) recycled/stole/"call it what you want" some of the code, it wasn't a good impression to start with.
    This and the reports that it's some combined product from vBulletin and IPB scared me away since.

    Did anything change by now? Did it envolve to a vB killer in the last few months?
  18. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    What code was stolen? Who turned ship?
    And what report of combined products are you talking about.

    Sent from my HTC Glacier
  19. manxspud

    manxspud Newcomer

    he is referring to:

    'vBulletin versus XenForo: Interner Brands (IB) suing forum software developers'

    i won't post the full text as a google search will bring up the rest;)

    back on topic ... like everything else its personal choice. at the moment i am running a phpbb forum for my sons football club (that's soccer to you lot :)) its cheap and with 16 teams currently active with the club runs really well. i also have a vb v4.1.3 forum running that was started a few months back that is running very well ... after working on other peoples sites for the last 3yrs its great been able to do things the way i want :D yesterday i put up the xenforo software ... and 1st impressions are good its not vb ... but if i wanted vb i would buy another vb licence.

    Its a nice looking forum , easy to install ... easy to add mods and in my book worth the money.

    so 3 forums running on different software ... and i love all 3.

    no reason to use xenforo ... and no reason not use it ...

    for me its different ... and i like different ... added bonus it looks good as well.

    think that about covers my 2 pennies worth :thumbup:
  20. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Educate yourself before you start posting misinformation like this.

    A> The developers didn't "turn ship". They sold the company, signed an NDA stating "we won't compete", as is standard.

    B> The developers didn't "recycle/steal code". The code for XF is highly different in every way from vB. The issue is that they used those ideas on their own, and didn't contribute it to the vB codebase. However, considering that what was contributed to the vB codebase after IB purchased was butchered and chopped to hell, you had to know they saw this coming.

    I don't recall exactly WHEN Kier/etc left IB/vB, whether it was directly after selling the product or not, but, as former lead devs, you can't exactly blame them for not sticking around and watching their product which had led the software industry for years be turned into the joke that became within 1-2 years of the sale, BECAUSE of the new company.

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