I'm Kathy, Maturemom on other boards. My family is grown, a ds and a dd who is married. My husband and I have been married 33 years. Tom retired early and he's assumed the domestic engineer job I relinquished when I returned to the work force. We live in central New York. Though I have many interests, the only ones I seem to have time for anymore are (some) gardening, cooking and travelling.
Coathanger, please forgive if I don't do this quite right... It's been a long time since I've navigated around a board like this. Heaven knows I'll be lucky to get it in the right location. LOL! When I left the work force back before the very first Star Wars movie, I was an engineering clerk. Eons passed and to be honest I was a little afraid to enter the work force again with {{{scary computers}}} LOL! I know it sounds stupid now, but my dh very patiently worked with me so I didn't fear every move I made on it and I went to our local Dept. of Labor. I applied for an Engineering Clerk position for a local company and since that was filled internally, they instead gave me a chance as a Purchasing/Production clerk. I think I do a little of everything, including mothering in the place. LOL! It's a relatively small manufacturing plant. I like my coworkers and I'm only about 4 miles from home so easy commute. I saw Liz mention that you have very limited time so I'm assuming you are working as well.
Thanks for sharing that with us Kathy. I'm busy with my sites as well as busy with job applications. Lots of IQ tests. Hope to have more interviews. Once I do get a graduate position....may be posting less often. I hear first year graduates are often overworked and underpaid Looking forward to it
Coathanger, not sure what your graduate work is in. My dd is currently teaching 7th/8th grade math and finishing her grad work. Last class is this summer and I know she'll be relieved. Teachers in New York State are required to have their Masters Degree within 5 yrs. of their graduation. I'm sure she'd agree overworked and underpaid. LOL!
I'm sure your dd will get a great position for Masters. But in the worst case we've all got to start somewhere and eat the humble pie right Chung
hi there Welcome Kathy. Look forward to getting to know you and chatting with you on here. I'm one of the younger generation, and about to become a mom. Once again welcome. Leah
Leah, you have a great adventure before you. It'll require more patience than you ever knew you had and you'll be overwhelmed by the depths of emotion you'll feel over your lifetime. Watching my dd walk down the aisle nearly 3 yrs ago hit me harder than I ever expected. And it was only at the rehearsal! LOL! There's no such thing as too many {{hugs}}. Best wishes to you and that baby!
Kathy, I found out that Leah's mom is half the country away from where she lives. Her mom lives in KS while Leah lives in NC. So she is doing this with our support now...remember your remarks when you first found some of the boards we met on? About how you wished you had had this when you were first parenting? Well, Leah is in those shoes and has this lifeline. Liz
Kathy, I'm glad you found the forum and are posting. We love to hear from you whenever you can find the time to post! I admire your going back to work after such a long absence. Tom is a terrific person and extremely patient! Carol
thanks Kathy - Thanks for the support. I will definitely be looking for it as I get closer and closer to my due date, which thankfully isn't until Sept. I'm always open to advise and I will definitely listen. Thank you Liz for your support. I'll definitely be checking these boards as much as I can. Leah
As Liz mentioned Leah ... I sure wish I could have turned to the internet sometimes when raising my children. Not always for advice, sometimes just to SCREAM! LOL! Yah, you may do a lot of that too I'm afraid. You didn't happen to catch Brooke Shields on the Today Show this morning, did you? She spoke about her experience with post-partum depression. She's rich, she has a handsome dh who loves her, a beautiful healthy baby...what's to be depressed about, huh? It's real and no one can understand it if they haven't gone through it to some degree. That was tv, but using this medium to share experiences with others and exchange ideas and often a shoulder could be so helpful.