Switching Host, School me on the details.

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by 50calray, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    I've had enough of my hosting company and want to switch host. I'm thinking seriously about a VPS on Future Host. My problem is understanding what my website needs in terms of stuff like bandwidth etc. I'm currently on Goddady.com which says everything is unlimited :rolleyes: Anyhow, I've got 500 members but I want room to grow.

    Thanks for any and all your suggestions.

  2. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Life on a vps is much nicer.

    I was with hostgator which is about the same quality as godaddy which I used a while ago for a non-forum site.

    Personally I don't think you need a vps based on the number of people on your forum at this time, but you max users online record was over 300, so maybe? Are you prepared for the additional monthly cost?

    In addition, a vps really does not inherently support more people online, nor does it mean you will necessarily have more resources than shared.

    What reasons do you want to switch? Mysql has gone away errors?
  3. bucket

    bucket Addict

    if you're on shared hosting now, going to a vps will mean you will be responsible for server administration and security patching. if you go to a vps I suggest getting one that's fully managed.

    godaddy should have traffic stats available for you. ask tech support where to find them.
  4. CFCParadox

    CFCParadox Guest

    A VPS is a large step for a website and would entitle you to much more features but would also bring upon higher costs and also the administration end of managing your own server. At this stage and with the amount of members so far I would suggest staying at Shared Hosting and most plans would offer more then enough room to grow.

    If you are looking for a new host I would recommend: http://provisionhost.com
  5. An4y

    An4y Newcomer

    Visit Provisionhost.com Im Sure we can sort your a custom deal if you need
  6. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    I share a server with 4,000 plus other sites which causes my small site to bog down which happens a lot. Which has my members asking why. Now that my site is starting to see a major boost in viewers, I'm starting to get some kind of over capacity message. I don't think my current set up could handle a 1/4 of the viewers currently viewing the site. So I think I need to make a move to a new set up. I'm just looking for something that can handle my current load ten times over.
  7. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot


    I have several hosting accounts, and the one we have at godaddy has 5000+ sites on it. You could move to hostgator, and they would probably be marginally better for 5-10 / month. I would not get their vps simply because their customer support is one big circus act.

    I am delighted at servint.net, stellar tech support, and they just created a special program. Check this out, regardless with whoever you go with. A vps is not a walk in the park, but it is worth it to me.
    Explaining ServInt?s New KickStart Team : The ServInt Source – A blog by and about ServInt
  8. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    Now is ServInt offering Managed VPS? I'm an idiot when it comes to the technical side of this stuff. I mean I higher people to help but I still would want it to be a managed server.
  9. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Yes, absolutely they are managed. But even with managed there is much more to know than with shared.

    In addition to being managed, they have that kick-start team to help people.

    I don't make decisions about where to host lightly, and I am super careful. I do like servint, but they are still $49/m which I am sure is much more than you are paying now.

    It seems you have many guests compared to the number of members online, have you thought about reducing features available to guests? Then maybe some guests will join? I have not spent much time on your forum so maybe you already do that.
  10. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    I've been very happy with URLJet since I switched to them. I have to admit I also do support for them and run the URLJet forum too.

    While not the least expensive they don't oversell the servers and support is very good. They will also move the site for you.

    If interested let me know.
  11. CFCParadox

    CFCParadox Guest

    4,000 websites on a server? Wow that is a lot and pretty prone to server attacks and would definitely impact the performance of your websites.
  12. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    Ya, the server got a nasty virus a couple of months back which sucked.
  13. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Urljet looks like a nice solution to me. : )

    $25/m should do it, and run much more stable. No additional headaches associated with vps.

    You could go to someplace like hostgator, but it would not be a huge improvement, or it maybe - it is a crap shoot, depending on what server you get and who else is on it.

    One question though, does it bother you that the mysql min search term is set to 4 characters? Getting a vps would allow you to search for 3 letter items. Or you may be using the vb internal search?
  14. CFCParadox

    CFCParadox Guest

    Yeah thanks for the support An4y!

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