Receiving unwanted email thread notices

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by jrs1939, May 22, 2010.

  1. jrs1939

    jrs1939 Newcomer

    Sep 13, 2009
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    First Name:
    J R
    I had one moderator receiving emails about threads being posted in several sections. I had only set him up to receive emails about the threads in his section. I finally demoted him back to a Registered User and he is still getting them. I have checked everything I can think of. No joy.

    I have other moderators who only receive notices about threads just like I set them up.

    I have even considered deleting him and setting him up again, but I would like to know how to fix this in the system.

    Does anyone have a clue about what I can do to get this under control?
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Could he have possibly subscribed to the forum itself, just as one subscribes to threads? That would be my first guess.
  3. jrs1939

    jrs1939 Newcomer

    Sep 13, 2009
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    First Name:
    J R
    I have checked his profile in Admin and on every forum, including each section. He is not listed on any of them

    Where else would I look to see if he is registered to receive thread email notices.
  4. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    It wouldn't be listed in his profile or in the AdminCP. He has to check himself. Just like thread subscriptions, but for forums.
  5. jrs1939

    jrs1939 Newcomer

    Sep 13, 2009
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    First Name:
    J R
    I have continued researching this problem. The person receiving the unwanted emails was a moderator of one small section for a long time. He recently notified me that he had gotten a new email address some time ago and forgot to mention it. When I replaced his old email address in the new thread notification space is when the problem began. I think the emails were already going to the old address, but not being received because the old email address was not working. Because of this problem, he has been demoted to a regular user but his email address remained the same. The problem persists.

    This person is receiving email notices about new threads from all over the board. His email address is not included in any of the forums or sections as a place to send email notices.

    He has checked all Forums and Sections through his sign on. All show that he can subscribe, so he appears to be in the clear on his end.

    I have checked every Forum and Section in Admin. None are set to send him an email notification.

    I think the problem lies somewhere in the system, and I suspect that one of our earlier administrators (who did not work out) did something I cannot find. However, I am still looking and I will eventually solve this problem.

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