Still can get website moved ~ Maybe tackle this at a different angle...

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by 93Corvette, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. 93Corvette

    93Corvette Novice

    Apr 7, 2010
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    For a couple weeks I've been trying to move my website. However, I'm not getting anywhere. So, maybe if I attack this from a different angle I might show some progress.

    I am using MySqlDumper to make backup of my Sql database, but now that isn't working. For some reason it is now timing out


    The reason I am using MySqlDumper is I have one file that is huge, it's called: attachment


    If this file wasn't so big, I could probably just use phpmyadmin to make my backup. So, how do I make this file smaller? Is there a way to archive the data off so I can, or my member can see this data if they need to look at the information later?

    Hopefully if I can get this smaller, then I won't have to use MySqlDumper, and hopefully be back a path to getting the website moved...

    Any thoughts are appreciated...
  2. Trip

    Trip Novice

    Jan 4, 2010
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    I wonder if moving your attachments to the file system would help. I'm not sure if it moves it from the database or simply copies it. Worth a try checking it out, if that is the only table hanging you up.
    I moved my site a month or two ago, and when you don't have shell access, it can be a pain.
  3. 93Corvette

    93Corvette Novice

    Apr 7, 2010
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    I'm not sure what you mean by "moving your attachments to the file system would help".

    The "you don't have shell access, it can be a pain". I don't have ssh access. Site Ground charges $24 per year for that access, and I truly don't mind paying it if I actual require it to move the stuff. I hate finding out later when someone says, just use xxxx and it will work better than ssh. If everbody says I need ssh, then I'd do it in a heartbeat....
  4. maleficarum

    maleficarum Newcomer

    Sep 17, 2009
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    If you're moving to a new host ask them to migrate your site over, it's the easiest way I have found and my VBulletin forum was about 2.5 gig big! Moving the avatars, attachments and sig pics to the file system is good for the database: Admin CP - Left index look for avatars and expand. Click on 'User Picture Storage Type' Ensure the directories are present and chmod to 777 Check the 'Move Items from Database into File System' circle. Press go.
  5. 93Corvette

    93Corvette Novice

    Apr 7, 2010
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    I was able to move my website.... Being so new, I didn't realize what to do.... This is what I did (for the new guys)

    1. If you have a huge database then you will need MySqlDumper. To prevent it from timing out, Go to "Configuation", General, Speed Control. Change the value from 100/50000 and set it to 50/1000

    2. Then, I thought by making a new 3.8.5 from scratch would cure some problems I was having. It didn't, the problem is actually in the code for cyb chatbox. It has been noted by many members (I counted over 20 in the 3.7.x forum alone).

    3. When copying the database over to the new host, I assumed the database made was just data, it isn't. It will actually convert your website back down to 3.7.x. So, I did the upgrade of vbulletin (it's shows how to do it in the Read Me file of the vbulletin download program). And I did the upgrade.

    4. After I did my upgrade, no members could log into the Usercp section without getting a fatal error.
    Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_pt_usercp.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/usercp.php(949) : eval()'d code on line 1

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/navydep/public_html/forums/includes/functions_pt_usercp.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php52/pear') in /home/navydep/public_html/forums/usercp.php(949) : eval()'d code on line 1

    To find the problem, I disabled my mods one by one by going to "Plugins and Programs", "Manage Products". When I got to "Vbulletin Project Tools 2.0.0" and disabled it, then my Usercp started working.

    What happened is I bought another vbulletin license. When I moved my forum board to the new one, it moved the Project Tools too. Since the new board doesn't have a license for that, then I think it caused it to error. So I remove the Project Tools and everything started working. Removing it cured my problem. However, I don't see how by looking at the error message I could tell that.

    I hope this info helps another new vbulletin admin....

  6. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Thanks for following up and sharing your experiences.

    I'm not sure how I missed this thread. I will echo what others have said, when we moved the new host migrated us over, emails included. In addition shell access, even Jailed Shell access makes life much simpler.

    It is good to know shell access is not necessary, but I find ssh much simpler and have yet to get a corrupted database backup via ssh.
  7. Rocket 442

    Rocket 442 Ambitious, but Rubbish

    May 31, 2009
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    you should've tried moving your attachments storage to the file system. You can always move them back into the db after the move.

    vB has that in its options, you can take all the attachments, move them out of the database, then change that setting back after you move it successfully.

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