Transfer confirmation

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Juster, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. Juster

    Juster Regular Member

    Recently I had a transfer to my account. Now I did this a few times and it was always going well.
    We all know the people of vBulletin are doing their best to prefend fraude, but now I found something which is not all that good. Maybe it is just me, please tell me so, ok?

    When you want to transfer a license to your account, vBulletin is actively seeking contact with the new owner and ask for a confirmation. So far so good. But the message they send is a standard message. Not a bad thing, but they never have changed it since 4.0 came live.
    In that message they now leave out the expiredate, because the new licenses doe not expire til 5.0
    But what the message does not say is what kind of license is being transfered.
    I find that a bit strange and a security issue. If somebody wants to scam you, this is the way to do it: Say you have a Publishing Suite and sell it for a price fitting to that license. Than you start the transfer, but you just send a normal board-license. vBulletin does not know what the deal is about and just asks the confirmation of the buyer. Since in that message you do not see what license is being transfered, you confirm and end up with a wrong license, vBulletin does nothing because you confirmed it.

    From my point of view that confirmationmessage must state what license is being transfered, or am I wrong?

    I did not confirm my last transfer till vBulletin told me what license it was. Took some time, but I got what I want.
    I always seek the best in people, but this is internet and you do not know who is on the other side.
  2. JackPH

    JackPH Addict

    vBulletin Support do give information of the license including License Type (Owned Publishing Suite, Owned Forum Classic, etc ..) and either Expiration Date for 3.x license or Start date for 4.x license. But sometimes they just forget to give out the information as they assume the new party know what they will get.
  3. JackPH

    JackPH Addict

  4. Juster

    Juster Regular Member

    Thanks for the link, Jack. It seems that the issue about responding is more common than I thought. Strange that they do not receive the replies, what's the use if it does not work.

    And strange that someone is saying: They think you know what you are transfering.
    Hope that is not the case. But still, vB has some issues to solve here. And to mention the licensetype standard and make sure they receive the replies.

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