
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Minidave, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. Minidave

    Minidave Lurker

    I own a forum called and was referred here by Nathan of Motoring Alliance, of which I'm also a member.

    I've been posting to forums since the mid 90's, starting with my membership to the Autoweek forum. When it was closed down several of us went off and started our own car board, and 8 or so years later I find myself the "owner", although truth be told, I consider it really to be owned by the members and active posters there.....I'm not at this time trying to make it a revenue source nor do I see it going that way in the future. I just want to learn how to make it work well and look great.

    I know how to post, but now find myself with increased duties and responsibilities and no tools or skill sets to attend to them, so I'll be looking to learn. Anyone and everyone feel free to visit/join and offer any suggestions/help you have, I'll be all ears (and all thumbs, but I'll be working on that). We'd also love to have any fresh voices that would like to join our community.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    Hey...I know you...

  3. Minidave

    Minidave Lurker

    Hi! Yep, that's me.....thanks!

    That's why I used the "MINIDave" username, so I'd be recognizeable. On Carnuts I go by my first internet name, Jagman
  4. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Hi and welcome.
  5. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Hi there, welcome to the community! :)

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