What is the urgency to change away from vb3.8?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Abomination, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Curious. Several have been changing over to other solutions.

    Why change now, and not stick with vb3.x for several more months?

    I can understand using other software for new forums, but for an existing forum, what advantage is there to changing now?

    Is IPB accommodating requests for changes now but not later?
  2. crash1987

    crash1987 Regular Member

    Oct 22, 2009
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    I think its kind of a trend right now, "Hey so and so changed I think I will too" type thing. People look up to others and they follow what they do sometimes.

    My reasons for changing were I had leased licenses and I wasn't going to buy a Vb4 license just to keep running 3.8 and I have no plans on using vB4 so it was better for me to move to a different forum software.
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    For some people, they realize that Invision Power has much more to offer than Internet Brands, so they are making the investment -- that is, the conversion -- in order to secure their forums' futures.

    Others, like myself, however, don't have a need to constantly provide the latest-and-greatest of forum solutions for our communities. I have no problem sticking with 3.8 for a while to come, perhaps even indefinitely. There are plenty of huge and popular forums that are still on 3.6 or older, and run fine.

    I don't see the need, in my individual situation, to switch to something else at this time. But I also don't see the need or even the basis, if I wanted to, to switch to vB 4. That idea is simply shot.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I think your right Nick, your forum works well using vBulletin 3.8 (which is a good version). Plus, if your running a dedicated hosting solution you have full control over the MySQL and PHP version it uses - so have no worry about that breaking your board in the future, seeing as you choose what versions are installed and used. Meaning YOU CAN use vBulletin 3.8 indefinably without any fuss or worry!

    I keep reading that a lot of people are upgrading because they feel sooner or later their board will break. I don't understand that mentality if they are using a dedicated hosting solution that they have full control over.

    IPB right now from what I'm seeing, are trying to go for the vBulletin juggler to make them bleed their customers away to them, looking at all the new (much wanted) features their adding in the new IPB3 version coming soon.

    The big question is though? Do you really need all that to have a successful forum? And will it even help get members?
  5. The Geek

    The Geek Novice

    Dec 31, 2009
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    Mr. Geek
    "Those who fail to plan plan to fail" - The Sphinx

    For me, converting to IPS is about planning for the future. IMO IB do not have what it takes to maintain vB's position as the market leader.

    IPS have shown to have clear vision and capability. In a matter of a very short period of time, they have radically closed the feature gap that used to exist between vB and IPS products. There are still some feature gaps, however the feature gap is becoming inverted to where IMO IPS are about to take the lead (while vB gets to spend however long it takes to refactor their code).

    I'm changing team now to the one has the momentum, wherewithal and most importantly: the drive to do it as best as they can.

    When the market leader doesn't have any of the above attributes, IPS cannot fail to overtake as long as they do.

    Anyhoo - I also heard grass is greener on the other side :D

    PS - I think saying that IPS is going for the jugular isn't exactly true. I don't see anywhere where they are specifically trying to unseat vB other than listening to customers, communicating to customers and innovating some great features. To say that they are doing that just to get vB business undermines all the work that got the team and their products to where they are now.
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Well it just seems to me you get a lot of customers asking for certain thing on vBulletin like the Facebook Login, better Twitter Integration, better SEO. And the next minute IPS have added it to IPB3 strangely. Oh, and lets not forget the much wanted CMS, with IPB now selling their own new CMS based software product called: IPB Content. ;)

    Make of that as you will, I call it going for the juggler vain.

    Seems pretty obvious to me IPS are keeping a close eye on vB Customers main demands on vBulletin. Then going away taking that with them as a way to hit back at vBulletin hard.

    Don't kid yourself, IPS know exactly what their doing!!!
  7. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Just to set the record straight. First off Facebook login was added as a feature in IPB 3 when it was beta. They also added Windows Live and openid at the same time. Then they created Convege. Does vbulletin even have a single signon in their roadmap? Their users wanted it they got it. SEO was core feature of IPB 3 and wasn't just added to grad vbulletin users. It is being built upon as it should to make it a better resource. IPB doesn't just implement a feature and let it be. They improve it after they get feedback.

    IP.Content was released way before vbulletin announced there would be a CMS in v4. It is not new. It's a stable product and is an actual CMS. vbulletins is really just an article manager.

    The features that IPB are adding are what their users want. They not only listen they implement them quickly and have done that since the beginning. Could you imagine where vbulletin would be today if they did the same thing?

    IPB actually listens to the customers. It just so happens that many of the more vocal vbulletin owners have switched camps and are asking for things they had longed for when running vbulletin. We are now getting them. That's the way it should work. You listen to customers and in the end the customer gets a great product.
  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    You don't think IPB users have been asking Invision Power for the same things?

    It isn't necessarily them "going for the jugular." Business is business; you supersede your competitors by staying ahead of the game and providing customers something that nobody/nothing else does. Invision Power is doing just that.
  9. Gordie

    Gordie Adept

    Oct 26, 2009
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    I think the "urgency" is largely tied to the status of your license status.

    Sure, it's true there is no real urgency to move to vB4, or migrate to other software right away, but once your vB member area access expires, so does your access to updates as well. And that is the point where you somewhat have your hand forced and have to make a decision on what you plan to do long term. That is unless you want to pay almost full price for vB4 just to use vB3.8 until it hits EOL.

    And I think that dilemma, is what is fueling some of these migrations away from vB. I know in the case of one of my sites that's why I moved.

    And it's really not too hard to understand if you think about it. Given the choice of paying almost full price for a vB4 license just to get access to vb3 updates, versus instead, paying a discounted price for a IPS Suite package, converting and then paying a small fee for renewals, just like it used to work with vBulletin - the decision for me was easy, I decided to go with IPB.
  10. Mike

    Mike Adept

    May 23, 2009
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    Sam, you always seem to come up with a very direct and very simple answer. And you've not failed me this time, either.

    Well said, sir, very well said. My sentiments, exactly.

    (Is a juggler vain because he is so good at what he does, or is a juggler vain because he is a failure at what he does? Sorry, but I just had to ask. :rofl: )
  11. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Jun 1, 2009
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    I appreciate everyones input. This is a good thread.

    I've had some goals for a long time now for improving our forums. vb4 could have been the solution.

    I joined IPB and MyBB forums yesterday. So far it appears that IPB is a far more professional solution, as expected. And it appears that IPB is better equipped to reach our goals.
  12. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    I think it comes down to just a few factors:

    1 - people that can not think for themselves. "Hey, something new is out, lets get it installed before its been properly tested." The management of internet brands said we should update, so lets all do as we are told.

    2 - people that like to show off. "Look at me, my forum is running the newest forum software."

    3 - marketing, internet brands suckered a lot of people into buying early to get some kind of discount - which was really just a way to boost their 4th quarter sales.

    I personally see no reason to install beta software on my production sites. Its probably going to be another 3 - 4 months before vb 4 meets my own personal standards and I even consider using it.

    As it stands right now, vb 3.X does what I need it to.
  13. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Jun 1, 2009
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    1 - I am guilty of installing 1 beta version (pre-"gold") on a test forum, that was enough.

    2 - of course, but the end effect to the member base is really what counts (to me).

    3 - I upgraded "1" vb license to vb4 to have time to evaluate the options, and if we stick with vb then that will have been a good decision for the ticket support. They seemed to have abandoned the support forums, at least at this time.
    Does vb3.8.4 really do all you need? Really think about that. It might be possible that some of the non-forum features found in vb4, or even IPB could help you organize your survivalist forum even better.

    At least that is what I am trying to do on my forum, organize things.
  14. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    I'm guilty of installing the latest and greatest script but quickly found out that 4.0 is full of bugs and some of the features I like in 3.8, don't work in 4.0.
    I'll be using 3.8 until 4.0 starts to impress me.
  15. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Hey what happened to your IPB venture?
  16. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    Jun 14, 2009
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    From what I read, Brandon saw the light and came back over to the correct side! :rofl:
  17. Mike

    Mike Adept

    May 23, 2009
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    Crawlability doesn't offer an SEO script for IPB. :D
  18. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I talked him out of it so I could have it.:)
  19. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    All good reasons!
  20. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Jan 30, 2008
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    I think they are watching what their customers are asking for as well as what IP is doing wrong. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that right now is the time to listen to the crowd.

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