To all vB to IPB switchers ... core features to you miss from vbulletin?

Discussion in 'IP.Board Discussions' started by Adam Green, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Adam Green

    Adam Green Addict

    First lets get straight to the point: There are some core features of IPS - most noticable IP.Content - that are highly useful for me and are more than a substitute for missing features that vbulletin has.

    Having said that ... What core features do you miss on IPB that were in stock on vbulletin? Currently I am looking forward to move to IPB but these things are important for me:
    • profile category privacy. Therefore before the transition I would need to put every profile field to "only viewable by user" for privacy reasons
    • auto-subscribe topics after you reply to a thread (admincp option)
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I don't miss any "core" features really
    but I would like to see some vb mods ported to ipb
    here is a short list

    GAZ by thevbgeek
    a better "Thanks mod"
    a "GARS" style mod, that can change the layout of the post view
    ad_locations.. I really like the new ad_locations in the vb 3.7 series & would love for them to be on ipb
    better side column mods, you currently have one spot..t he forum index page, they can be added to the thread and post view, but no easy documentation
    the new post link needs work
    2 people like this.
  3. The Geek

    The Geek Novice

    Off the top of my head:

    rep comments
    soft deletion
    watched content is buried
    I still prefer vB's getnew or getdaily pages though I do like IPBs way of easily allowing you to see whats 'new' in other areas.
    I prefer vB3x template system

    I like IP.Content and think it has HUGE potential however I think that they should really be including many different databases, pages, etc... with the system and/or enable easy import/export of these things.
  4. tech

    tech Regular Member

    I'm also looking to purchase IPB probably in March/February but for Design247.
  5. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    I haven't switched, but a major drawback for me was the lack of Profile Customizations.

    That is simply not a feature I can take away from my members... they love it.

    That and vB3's Template System.
  6. 2dub

    2dub Regular Member

    I was actually gung ho about switching to IPB, but it is missing some things my forum has become known for:

    A quality review system - I currently use GARS
    Post of the Month mod
    better new posts

    So I'm sticking to vb for the time being but keeping my eyes open to other options.
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  7. Adam Green

    Adam Green Addict

    Truth is that there are lots of things not available in IPB that I am used to in vbulletin for years. If you first test out IPB you find lots of things you missed that much in your vbulletin and think "wow, lets get this IPB!". But then you notice that there are lots of things that are important for your forum and these things are simply not available in IPB.
  8. SimpleMan

    SimpleMan Adept

    The only thing I've really missed so far is the reputation comments. I'm like Ryan in that I feel that vB's profile customization setup was better, but other than that I'm not really missing anything.
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  9. Mike

    Mike Adept

    Day One after converting to IPB, I was missing the ability to know my way around the Admin CP. By Day Two, I wasn't missing much of anything. IPB, straight out of the tin, provides my communities what we need. The entire package is better for me. I can communicate with the people at IPS and they are happy to provide answers. One of the best parts of converting was just getting away from all the drama dripping from vB Solutions these days. ;)
    3 people like this.
  10. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    It's better because it actually exists. ;)
  11. Adam Green

    Adam Green Addict

    1. you can take a look into IP.Content for "quality review". There's no quanitative review system ("my review about ...") do-able with IP.Content without modifications.
    2. at least the "new posts in subscribed topics" are displayed on forum home, that's not in vbulletin.

    Overall, I am tending a lot to IPS. It seems their system is generally better build - they seem to have the better core engine and the user experience is due to its AJAX elements more modern. Of course there are lots of things in which vbulletin shines ... But then there are so much things in IPS I searched for in the vbulletin software for years.
  12. The Geek

    The Geek Novice

    There is no doubt whatsoever that IP is built much better. I suspect most of the next year of refactoring vB will be time spent trying to get the code base to where IPS's already is. In that year IPS will be bringing home the bacon.

    PS - Feel kind of chuffed that some of the stuff I wrote so long ago seems to still fill a niche for some :) FWIW, I think most GARS functionality can be achieved via customising IP.Content though GAZ functionality I'm sorry to say I have seen hide nor hair of. Again, I think IP.Content would take off like a rocket if there was the ability to brainlessly 'share out' configurations of Databases and pages.
    2 people like this.
  13. Adam Green

    Adam Green Addict

    IP.Content is the main reason for me considering IPS!
  14. MattMecham

    MattMecham Novice

    3 people like this.
  15. The Geek

    The Geek Novice

    Crikey Matt, very impressive.
  16. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    3 people like this.
  17. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Excellent news. Although I am not (currently) an Invision user I'm keeping a close eye on things as, although vB 3.8 is fine for the time being, it won't be indefinitely.

    The contrast in the approach now between Invision and vBulletin couldn't be more stark. It's great to see the demand for features being met in such a professional way, and to see Matt posting on third party sites to draw attention to it.

    Currently vBulletin senior people won't even post on their own site, let alone third party ones.
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  18. Adam Green

    Adam Green Addict

    And that is why I wonder about vbulletins future and how convinced management is about their work. They do release 4.0.2 soon, but even in that release there are that much bugs included, that I can not go life with it.

    If IPB had no IP.Content, I'd not so much consider switching. But with IP.Content there is so much potential to let my users build valuable structured information about my forums subject.
  19. Mike

    Mike Adept

    I still remember the old days of GAS for 3.0. It seemed like hundreds of file edits at the time. ;) I used GAS and then GARS until converting to IPB. And I am secretly hoping you will develop something similar, based on IP.Content. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone.) GARS and AME were must-haves.

    In the last week alone, Matt's introduced Twitter integration, Ad Code integration and Soft Delete. Just in one week, mind. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm starting to feel a bit spoiled. And I'm really liking it, too!
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  20. The Geek

    The Geek Novice

    Hehe. IIRC, GAS had the unique patented "Choose your own adventure Installation" that did most of the file edits for you (if you chmodded first!)

    I was really looking forward to getting stuck into IPS to see what I could make it do, but sadly I think much of those days are behind me as I simply don't have the time to tinker and learn IPS :( (at least for now!)

    Back on topic - I know what you mean about the avalanche of features coming through. I am feeling like kid in a candy store :)

    I did find 1 more feature to add to the list:

    * Inline thread title editing

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