I was over at forum matrix today playing around. So I decided to compare smf, php and vbulletin. When the results came up, I was kinda shocked at how many standard forum features SMF requires a plugin for or does not even offer. SMF version # 1.1.10 WYSIWYG Editor - No Redirect Forums - Plugin Warnings - Plugin <-- I guess for warning members of certain behavior Anti-Spam and Security - Other - An Akismet mod is available Bookmarks - Plugin Custom profile fields - Plugin Important Threads - Plugin Custom BBCodes - Plugin Export private messages - Plugin Archiving - Plugin Custom profile fields - phpbb, vbulletin, mybb and IPB all have them, but for some reason, smf does not? It seems that as time goes on, the SMF project falls further and further behind.
I don't know about SMF, but checking on that system, they don't even have IPB3x on there but have vb4?!? Seems odd to me.
So use SMF 2, yes it's a release candidate but it will be more stable than VB4 is going to be for some years...
WYSIWYG editor, custom profile fields, user warnings and redirection forums are all built-in features of SMF 2.0. SMF 2.0 also has improved anti-spam features such as the ability to require users to answer any number of questions in addition to (or instead of) the captcha. I'm not honestly sure what they mean by "important threads" though. You will still need a mod to get the other features/functionality.
Does SMF require you to have their logo at the top of the forum page? > @oldiesmann) I noticed your forum has that...???
No. Just replace it. Option to that is even in the Admin section. SMF 2.0 FTW. I have used it on 2 forums with great success. A third is in the making!
As Mordy said, no, it's not required. I just left it there because I can't think of anything better to put in that space at the moment
Half of the features in the first post, isn't important to me. So I don't see how SMF has fallen behind. There are probably quite a few features in SMF 2 that isn't in the other forum scripts mentioned. The changes between SMF 1 and SMF are at least 2 pages long, and we are talking about major changes. Unfortunately, the SMF team is moving slowly ahead. When SMF comes out, the others will be far ahead again. Thing is, however, SMF is a great piece of software.
Now I have become more familiar with the way some of the forum software are set up.I think your criticism of SMF is unfair. The myBB team made it clear that WYSIWYG Editor,will be a plug in.They do not want to puff up their software core with "add on's".That can be filled with a plug in. Not only that,SMF long before they finally began to release 2.0 candidates,to the public.Stated that many of the features you complain about being missing or requiring many plug ins.Were going to be made standard in the 2.0 version series. I knew this LAST summer! Here is the LINK attesting to what I am claiming.Click on the is in the SMF column.I am aware that the link of software features are out of date. I am happy with myBB despite not having some features you think should be included by default.Plug ins are easy to install and takes only a few minutes. If it means that much to you.Why not download the fully modded phpbb3 forum software? They you have everything and nothing left to complain about.
A little unfair as in how? That SMF is years behind the times? Where is the built in blog Where are the built in picture galleries Where is the article system Where is the social networking Where is the SMS messaging Where is reply by smart phone Where is the mobile image uploading from smart phones,,,,,,,,,. If I wanted to get notifications on my smart phone to subscribed threads, does SMF offer that feature? Welcome to the 21st century. Any forum software that wants to stay in the game, I suggest they step out of the 20th century and get with the program.
I'm sorry, half of what you just asked for is not available in any forum package. And smf is tapatalk compatible, which has most of what you want... *Via my HTC EvO 4G*
Where's the 'show new replies to your posts'- feature is a cost expensive software like VB? I could probably find a dousin other missing features in any other forum software, that SMF 2 has.
My experience with SMF and vBulletin: I strongly have reason to believe that any forum software can be tweaked up to the fullest. It's all a matter of time and how much work you dedicate. As a side note, if you run a smaller forum, and want to have an easy life with admin maintenance or just managing the administrator aspect of things, SMF is the way to go! And did I mention it was free? Of course you can always pay the $200 and go with vB.
SMF actually has very strong permission options. It's not only ment to be used with small forums, but can replace any professional forum software. Finally one that knows what i'm talking about! I had a hard time explaining it here: http://www.adminaddict.net/forum/su...your-minor-suggestions-4492/index2/#post54940
SMF is a project that lost alot of its core developer base in 2010. :/ They are going to fall behind. That said, they have not really fallen behind as long as you use the v2 RC. Its better than any free forum software.
It looks like they are finally going to release 2.0 today or tomorrow, along with a genuine open source license. Here's hoping it's the end of their winter.