Vb owned license 3.8X able to download gold! $100 USD Hi, i'm selling my vbulletin owned license the one that is expiry date 9-10-2010. Asking Price $100 USD I have a verified paypal account and would prefer to use PayPal. if you interested pls pm me or reply here..You can pm me and ask for my msn if you want. Note: i am helping my friend "ahheng" to sell this license(this license belong to him). so you can pm he too, if you interested in buying. License transfer instruction Once i got your payment. pls pm me with the below detail, and after that i will email vbulletin and ask them transfer the license to you under your details you have given to me in the pm. It usually takes 24-48 hours to complete the transfer. - Full name - Full Address - Country - Telephone number - Billing address - Valid Email address . Do note: i have posted same topic on vbsetup too. so you can ask me here or at vbsetup.:doh:
Really no reason to bump a thread in 21 min. Please wait a few day before doing that again. And look a free bump here too..
I tend to agree with you considering ppl that have watched what has been going on. Even those that entered the fray within the last month. However, people now or just recently coming into this have no clue. I've run across other forums where ppl are picking it up just on name alone. Not knowing of the issues as some here would kindly comment about.
I just read one post on vBulletin were this person said he liked both IPB and vBulletin, but went with vBulletin because of it's reputation and amount of sites using it. Many people buy a vBulletin license (like he just did) based on past reputation (and not how things are now, and the changes that have happened). I also think people are losing sight somewhat, that the name vBulletin is just a "Brand Name" really. To all intense and purposes vBulletin 4 is NOT vBulletin anymore as such, it's a new "Internet Brands" forum software product that just takes the brand name "vBulletin" to help sell it. The same way "Jelsoft" used the brand name "vBulletin" also to sell it. Both companies are different and use (used) different staff who have (had) different ideas on the whole development of it. If Internet Brands had NOT bought out vBulletin/Jelsoft, would we be seeing the same product today, ask yourself that question? Or would we be seeing two very different products? I think people should try and keep that in mind, instead of falling for the "Brand Name".
Hi guys, Sorry to info you all that, this license is not eligible for transfer. i just sumit a support ticket to double confirm. very sorry about that.
Just a quick update. i'm going to sell this license $100 USD to a DP member named "money84" but..he is on vacation. so if anyone is really keen do pm me.
But you said it's not eligible for transfer. Anyway before I buy I need to have the real name of the seller (as registered with Vbulletin, and the VB individual Licence number. That can be supplied by PM. Then I can ask Vbulletin to validate it. How many months are left on it?